Amish-made Bird Houses & Feeders – Indiana

Green Meadow Houses & Feeders of Shipshewana, IN

Made from recycled milk jugs

Green Meadow Houses and Feeders
Eco-Friendly Polywood
John & Annabelle Hochstetler
ph:(260) 768-7863
fax: (260) 768-7861
0725N 840W
Shipshewana, IN 46565

Green Meadow is a small Amish family-owned manufacturer of birdhouses, bird feeders, and related products, located in the large Amish settlement in northern Indiana.  Below, owner John Hochstetler shares the story of his business and their products. 

Greetings from above, the one who takes care of all our needs.  My name is John Hochstetler and married to Annabelle (Mast) on June 3, 1976.  I grew up in LaGrange County, Indiana.  We have 4 children, 3 boys and 1 daughter.  They are all married and we have 15 grandchildren.  I worked at a trailer factory from 1974-2008.  I also at one time raised ducks for 17 years for Maple Leaf Farms.

Green Meadow Bird Tools
Tools of the trade

 How did you get started in bird houses and feeders?

In 2008 the economy was slow and work slowed down, then I got laid off.  So one day I decided to go with my neighbor to a trade show.  We built tables with poly-wood tops (poly is made of recycled milk jugs) that didn’t sell too good.  In the year 2010 my boss at work asked me to build him a bird feeder out of poly wood.  So I did, and I took it to a flea market and I sold 8 that day.  So we went to more trade shows and picked up more dealers and business started growing.  Now we have dealers all over the U.S. and Canada.

Green Meadow Peanut Feeders
Peanut Feeders in the Green Meadow Workshop/Buggy Garage

What products do you build and what are typical prices?

We have around 40 different feeders and houses.  Poly material will not fade in the sun and we have all colors.  Prices range anywhere from $22-69.  Some of our bigger feeders are $160.  These hold around 12 pounds of seed.

Crafting Bird Feeder
John at work

One of our best sellers are Oriole feeders where we put jelly in cups for Orioles. Also Peanut Butter feeders are good and the birds attracted to those are titmice. Woodpeckers and nuthatches all love peanut butter too.  Bat houses are very good sellers also.  We have 20 colony and 40 colony sizes.

Bird Feeder Complete
The Single Oriole Feeder

We also do some custom work, but then we charge some extra because this takes more time.  We do our business on our 4-acre home we have.  We sell a lot in our home town of Shipshewana.  In summer we have a lot of tourists go through.

Green Meadow Imprint

How are home and family important to your business?

Our 2 oldest sons have helped us out a lot in the shop as part time workers and we put in many hours.  But now we have 2 other part time workers helping and things are going pretty good.  Our boys have helped out a lot and encouraged me to keep on building.

Green Meadow Building Front
Outside the workshop

I enjoy home business.  But it has its pros and cons too.  We have enjoyed meeting a lot of new people and visits and friends we’ve made.

– John Hochstetler

John’s business info.  Orders may be placed by phone and by fax.

John Annabelle Hochstetler Green Meadow Business Info

Green Meadow Houses and Feeders
Eco-Friendly Polywood
John & Annabelle Hochstetler
ph:(260) 768-7863
fax: (260) 768-7861
0725N 840W
Shipshewana, IN 46565

More Green Meadow photos:

Buggy Bird House Front View
Buggy house front


Buggy Bird House Rear View
Buggy house rear


Polywood Colors
Poly wood comes in many colors


Green Meadow Bird Feeders Houses
Finished products


Amish Bird Feeder Tools
On the workshop wall


Tools On Wall
Essential equipment


Green Meadow Workshop
Inside the shop


Operating Drill
Drill power


Amish Made Bird Products
Something for everyone


Amish Made Star Bird Houses
Star houses for wrens or chickadees


Butterfly Houses
Butterfly houses
Amish Made Butterfly House
Butterfly house close-up


Bat Houses
20- and 40-colony bat houses
Wren Church Houses
Wren church houses
Green Meadow Catalog
The Green Meadow catalog

amish cheese

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    1. Les Webster

      Request Catalog

      Dear Sir, I see by your photos that you have a catalog. Would you please mail me one. My address is: Les Webster, 6615 Oakview S.W., Warren, Oh. 44481. I would be most thankful.

      Sincerely, Les Webster

    2. Patti Gellner

      I also would love to have one of your catalogs. I have an
      Amish built (lighthouse) mail box, likewise an outdoor
      Lighthouse lite in yard. Would love to have a feeder
      from the Amish. Looking at the pictures here you have some
      really nice things. Thank you and God bless
      Patti Gellner
      216 Parker Lane
      Seaford, VA

      1. Patti and Les, I have passed your requests along to John & Annabelle.

        1. Patti Gellner

          Thank you Erik much appreciated




      17525 HARLAND AVE
      CLEVELAND, OH 44119

    4. Marsha Kellesvig

      BlueBird Houses


      My husband has been down to Shipshewanna many times with a 15 passenger van from Wisconsin. He has brought home some of your birdhouses, hummingbird feeders etc..

      As spring is quickly approaching (optimistically speaking of course!) I would like to get several Bluebird houses immediately and then hummingbird and oriole feeders in late April and butterfly houses in early May.

      I’m wondering if you have any kind of a “quantity discount”? Thanks for considering my request! Bob was down there last year late summer and brought me home a couple of your houses and feeders. I am so-o-o excited to offer your products to my friends up here in WI!

      My store is named “Made In America Mall” — everything inside of it HAS TO BE MADE in America, by hand. We do have a FB page, but we have only been open for 7 months now but we are still growing!

      1. ShipshewanaIndiana

        I am visiting John today and will take your “post” to him and ask him to call you. Is your store in Oxford, Wisconsin?

    5. C Schneckenberger


      Would love a catalog.

      920 Lewis Road
      South Wales, NY 14139

    6. Christen Anderson

      Birdhoouse or Feeder?

      Our daughter purchased one of your houses for us for Christmas last year. It came with a recipe for bird treats. It has clear sides and a small (2 inch diameter) hole at either end. I was wanting to attract bluebirds. Is this structure a feeder or a house for nesting? I made the recipe and placed it inside the house, but I am wondering about the purpose now. I guess I am confused. Can you tell me what I have and what I should do? Thank you.

      1. Christen I passed your question along to John and will let you know what I hear back.

      2. Christen, John is asking if you could give him a call. He wanted to call you but doesn’t have your number. His # is (260) 768-7863.

    7. Lisa Johnson

      Catalog Request

      We ordered one of the feeders last fall and love it. I would like to get another but have misplaced my catalog. Can you please send another? Thank you!

      Lisa Johnson
      532 Green Valley Dr W
      Lombard, IL 60148

      1. Lisa I have forwarded this on to John at Green Meadow, I expect he’ll get one out to you. If for some reason you don’t get one in the near future, just give him a call at (260) 768-7863.

    8. Kim Pike

      Amish-made bird houses & feeders - Indiana


      I would also like to request a catalog for your bird feeders. Please send to

      4127 Tallman Creek Dr NW
      Grand Rapids, MI 49534

      Thank you!


    9. Cathy Buckingham


      Would you please send a catalog:
      Cathy Buckingham
      13 K Drive
      Pennsville, NJ 08070

    10. Bobbi Hofacker


      Could you please send me a catalog. Can’t wait to get a new suet feeder.

      Bobbi Hofacker
      2507 West Baseline Rd.
      Plainwell, MI 49080

      Thank you.

    11. Kathy Griffith

      We recently traveled to PA for a show and bought some of these feeders. We are getting requests for more. Do you know how I can get a wholesale catalog?


      1. Kathy I think John the owner would be able to help you, below is his contact info, including phone. You may have to leave a message and wait for a response, just mention you found this on the Amish America website and he should know what you’re talking about:

        Green Meadow Houses and Feeders
        Eco-Friendly Polywood
        John & Annabelle Hochstetler
        ph:(260) 768-7863
        fax: (260) 768-7861
        0725N 840W
        Shipshewana, IN 46565

    12. Steve in minn

      would u make a feeder from blue and white or cream materials ?

    13. Julie Voeks

      Bird house catalog

      Just bought one of your bird houses while on Mackinaw Island.
      Love it so much! Made well in so many great colors!
      Could I get a catalog please.
      Thank you very much

      Julie Voeks

    14. Russell P Mollan

      Could you please mail us a catalog?

      Please mail to:

      Russell Mollan
      4400 Clarke Drive
      East China MI 48054

    15. kathleen carr

      Catalog of bird Feeders

      Looking for gazebo style, poly bird feeder. Please send catalog to
      Kathleen Carr
      135 e. goodheart ave.
      Lake Mary, Fl 32746

    16. Wholesale

      We are looking to buy wholesale for our store

    17. Lee Davis

      Replacement bowls

      Sir, I need to get replacement bowls for my Baltimore Oriole feeder. 3″ across the holes.

    18. Linda Chaney

      Store location

      Can you visit a showroom to see the birdhouses in Shipshewanna ?

    19. Request for Catalog

      Hello, I would love to have a catalog. Thank you

      Ruth Martin
      619 Peach Tree Farms Lane
      Romney, West Virginia 26757

    20. Susan Herlan

      Catalog request

      Do you have a catalog you could send? I just love your little bird houses and especially interested your little buggy wren house..thankyou

      Susan Herlan
      3110 S. Ritter Drive
      Pleasant Lake, IN 46779

    21. Maggie Pruitt


      Could you please send me a catalog at your convenience? I would love to order a few birdhouses/birdfeeders.

      Thank you,

      Maggie Pruitt
      1170 Jani Court
      Troy, Ohio 45373

    22. Ruth

      I bought one of your feeders and just love it. I would like to purchase more, they hold up very well. Can I order a catalog?

      Thank You,

      Ruth Bruman
      1861 N. Fairview Rd.
      West Branch MI 48661

    23. Birds

      I like how you mentioned that you can feed birds with different foods. My cousin mentioned to me last night that my nephew loves birds and he wants to buy something that will allow them to feed the birds every morning. Thanks to this informative article, I’ll be sure to tell him that he can buy bird feeders at the home items and merchandise online shop.

    24. Like to consider carrying your products in our retail store. We are a family owned farm and garden center with a large wild bird seed collection.
      Looking for USA made products.

      Let us know if you do wholesale.
      beaver Valley Farm
      PO box 400
      Pelham,NH 03076

    25. Katie Huck


      I would like a catalog sent to me when possible please. Thank you!

    26. Rick Johnson

      Wonderful Product Craft

      If you sell directly please let me know.
      Please send a catalog file or mail to:
      Rick Johnson
      100 Presidential Dr
      Lafayette, LA 70503

      Thank you