Where do the Amish live?
You’ll find Amish communities in over 30 states
From a population of 5,000 at the beginning of the 20th century, the Amish have grown to over 400,000 strong in North America. Amish have long been associated with Pennsylvania. But they are in fact present today in 32 states, three Canadian provinces, and even one South American country.
The states with the largest Amish populations are Pennsylvania and Ohio. The largest individual communities are found at Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and Holmes County, Ohio. Indiana has the third-highest Amish population. Together these three states are home to roughly two-thirds of all Amish.

These three states are also home to significant populations of Old Order or “Team” Mennonites, who share some similarities with Amish, including plain dress and use of the horse-and-buggy.
Amish settlements across North America
Amish people can today be found in every major region of America (though no Amish live in Alaska or Hawaii). Here’s a brief look at Amish populations around the country, by region.
Amish on the East Coast
Besides the Amish heartland of Pennsylvania, you can find Amish in other East Coast states, including Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. Of course, these states would also be grouped among Amish in the South (see below).
Amish in the Midwest
Amish are typically associated with the Midwest, though have significant populations outside of the region. Besides Ohio and Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, and Wisconsin are a few of the states with large Amish populations in the Midwest. Nearly every state in the Midwest region has at least one Amish community.

Amish in the South
Amish are also found in areas outside the corn belt. Amish communities are found in the South, including in Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, Mississippi, Texas, and Kentucky. The largest southern community is found an hour’s drive south of Nashville, at Ethridge in Tennessee. Florida is home to a unique Amish settlement at Pinecraft, a popular vacation and retirement community in Sarasota, Florida.
Amish in the West
Amish are also found in the West, with a number of settlements in Montana and Colorado. Small communities have also arisen in Wyoming, Idaho, and New Mexico in recent years. No Amish currently live in California, Oregon or Washington, however.
Amish in the North
Amish have migrated into northern states such as New York and Maine in recent years. Immigrants to New York have added to the long-established Amish presence in that state, and have contributed to make it the state with the fastest-growing Amish population. The Maine Amish communities at one time were the only Amish found in New England; some years ago a small community was founded in Vermont, joined by a second in 2024.
Amish Communities outside the US
A small percentage of the overall Amish population lies outside America’s borders, most notably in Canada. There is also a small community in South America (Bolivia).
Amish in Canada
Amish are found in Ontario, long the only Canadian province which Old Order Amish called home. Significant settlements are found at Kitchener and Aylmer. Ontario is also home to a sizable Team Mennonite population. Recently, new settlements have arisen in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. A Manitoba settlement ceased to exist in 2024 when Amish exited the province. Canada also has large numbers of Hutterites, a related group, primarily located in the western provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan.

Amish in South America
In 2015, new Amish settlements were established in Bolivia and Argentina, after Old Colony Mennonite communities in these countries reached out to Amish in North America about affiliation. Later, the Argentina community disbanded, leaving only the Bolivia group. Read more here.
A Long History of Amish Migration
Amish have had a long history of migration, and with a growing population (Amish families typically have six to seven children) that trend will likely continue. Not all Amish settlements survive, however.
Historically, Amish communities have been found in the unlikely locations of California, Mexico, and even New Orleans. One group even founded a short-lived community in the Central American nation of Honduras.
Besides the Bolivia settlement, no Old Order Amish presently live outside of North America, though Beachy Amish communities exist in Europe, Latin America, and Africa.
For more, see:
- Amish Community Guide (32 States)
- The 10 Largest Amish Communities
- The Top 15 States By Amish Population
- How fast are the Amish growing?
- Do Amish live in Australia?
- Amish Country: Where To Go (25-Community Guide)

Find Amish
Wanting to visit an Amish area.
I am trying to find out if there’s Amish in Romney,WV or near
and how many family’s and if not whats the closest town and state from Romney where there at.
Can you help me find out I would appreciate it.
Thanks so much,
my ancestry is amish
Hello! I cannot answer your primary question as to if there are any known Amish communities in WV. However, I can personally tell you that my father’s blood relation is from/presently in Holmes county Ohio. I had no idea that we were even related to the Amish until 1996 when the truth came out regarding my father’s biological father. Our name is Hostetler “(Hoshstetler)” a very well known Amish family in Ohio. I have only visited my real ancestors a few times in the past years. I find the family to be carry on in old amish traditions to this day. They do not have electric and no one has a drivers license & can learn very fascinating facts of life that does not require technical devices to be satisfied and happy in modern times. If you are planning on visiting the state of Ohio, I encourage you to travel around Holmes county along with their stores and restaurants. My great Uncle is very well known for his Amish furniture as well. I hope you received an answer to your question and had hopes you would find my answer to be useful regarding any other communities to date. Thanks!! 🙂
Find Amish
Are Amish allowed to move to any state?
How many family’s do they need to have for there community?
Is there Amish in WV and what town?
What town and state is good to visit Amish?
Where can Amish move?
Hi Marilyn, Amish are allowed to move anywhere–what is important is if the choice makes economic sense–will they be able to make a living–and can they attract other Amish to join them, as forming a community is essential. A congregation can be made up of just a few families, but Amish do like to keep the group growing, as their children will eventually grow up and want to get married.
There are Amish in West Virginia–check out this new state guide entry: https://amishamerica.com/west-virginia-amish/
If you are in WVA, I would recommend Holmes Co, Ohio, one of the largest settlements. Much to do and see.
I live in the New Orleans area. I’m trying to find the closest Amish community near me to shop from.
Closest Amish to New Orleans
David, unfortunately you’re pretty distant from most Amish. There are some smaller communities in Mississippi and Oklahoma but probably the best bet if you’re willing to drive about 7-8 hrs is Ethridge, Tennessee.
They are among the most plain Amish but it’s a decent-sized settlement of several hundred homes and they have many small businesses selling things to the public. Search Ethridge on this site and you’ll find a ton of posts on the community.
Find Amish
Hi Erik,
Thanks for answering my question.
I just wish there were Amish in Romney,WV its a nice small town and has farmland and I think the Amish would like.
They do have Mennonites there and Miller’s Market just like the Amish store in Pa. I like there stores and there very nice people.
I do go to Lancaster,Pa each summer for week, I like it there so many things to do that’s why we go back each year.
I’ll think about going to Holmes Co, Ohio sometime.
Missing British Child-Madeleine McCann
Please be aware of the very young, very innocent and extremely vulnerable MISSING – BRITISH – CHILD; who’s name is Madeleine McCann, now eight years old. Madeleine disappeared from Praia da Luz, on Thursday evening, May 3rd 2007, in Portugal. Please think about keeping a lookout for Madeleine, as nobody, as far as I am aware knows where young Madeleine might be in our world. With everyones help we can bring young Madeleine back to her loving family in the United Kingdom, thankyou. For more information please visit w dot findmadeleine dot com GOD PROTECT YOU MADELEINE.
http://ceop.police.uk/madeleine/madeleine.asp http://www.findmadeleine.com/campaigns/video_appeal_may2011.html
mande por email mais sobre os amish
Nossa gostei muito do seu blog, gosto muito do jeito dos amish pena que moro no Brasil gostaria de conhecer de perto os amish leio tudo sobre eles eu acho que a sociedade atual precisa aprender com eles.
Message wasn’t in English
Eric: anyway, you could asked otters to write in English?
Therefore: the message was in German, vs; Espanol.
Joining an Amish Community
I am a single mother with a 10 year old child. I was hoping to get some information as to how I would join an amish community. Do I need money to join? Where would I live? Will I even be accepted if I am a single parent (divorced)? What are the steps I need to take to join?
Veronica Lee
Para Waldirene Ribeiro de Souza
Ola Waldirene. Veja meu youtube. Eu tb gosto muito dos amish(love them), gosto demais do estilo de vida simples e modesto deles, eles valorizam a familia e os valores morais. Uma pena que nao existe isso no Brasil, nem em Portugal. Mas deveria haver!
I have a good working knowledge about English joining to be Amish
It is my understanding you want to join the “Amish”?
I have to tell you this first; it’s not an easy process,
And you will need some basic knowledge about
“German” language. The language is not easy to learn,
However it can be learned. It is said that some of Amish
Communities have younger generations that don’t require
The German language, please don’t fall for this misconception.
It is wise to become familiar with the German dialects
as well. Then you will need to be familiar to the “Ordung” this
is an Amish must, you must cut lots of modern things out
of you life and, you will be required to attend weekly church services.
You will be required to worship and usually after you are
Thoroughly tested for usually a 2 year period! The best way to join
the Amish: you must go to an elder of the church, they will place you
In a Amish family community; you will required to do
Chores- cooking, family planning get togethers, living under strict
Amish Ordung, no radios, tv’s, computers and women mostly
Wear blue dresses with a hair bonnet. Your children will
Also have to be involved the same standards. The word of the wise
Also; the Amish are very weary and uneasy to accept English,
The good news though; once accepted, I’ve been told by other
Amish- the English whom pass everything usually are well respected by
other Amish families and are very dependable!
There are so many details about the Amish and the Ordung,
Educate yourself about it. I know the German language very well
Myself, I wish you best of luck! Voe vovone sie? Where do you live?
Sie der Bonhoff ist en Bundersrepublik Ef Duseucthland,
Nicht mere icht zweispatt!
Good luck!
Blue dress?
Not all Amish women wear blue dresses. Like many customs, it depends on the local community.
1 serious answer for Veronica
Veronica, I read your inquiry regarding the abilities to join an Amish community.. First and foremost, you DO NOT need money to join the Amish. I was STUNNED to even see your question on that topic! YOU DO NOT PAY to get in the community, at least not in a monetary fashion of the sense!! YOU PAY by giving yourself to their customs and their beliefs. The reason I even say the word “pay” is because you will not be able to bring your “way of life” to their home. The other person was right in the fact that you cannot have access to modern technology and must grow accustom to their traditions. The other person was also very right that they are very sensitive to allow anyone but their own to just “jump” into their lives and their homes. You must give yourself completely to their way of living and once you are there do not turn back/go back to your old way unless you plan or intend on just leaving once you do. Once you leave after committing to their customs, you will be known as “shunned”(excused) as well as a “pardoned”(let go). Not saying or implying this fact but it is indeed a fact of their traditions. My ancestry is Amish which originate in Germany and are now located within entire Holmes county Ohio. I wish you the best on your endeavor. The easiest way to learn about their customs/beliefs & easiest access to the community is to attend 1 of their church services (arrive in plain dress/dark color/NO makeup/NO jewelry/flat shoes/NOTHING FLASHY!! and inquire with an elderly woman of the church, she will take you under her “wing” and show you the way. That is the 1 & and only true way to learn,grow & be accepted;just a word of advice!! Good luck and God bless!! If your 10yr old is a son, he will be welcomed with open arms and have a male willing to adopt him (along with many ‘brothers’) and become a lifelong mentor,building will become his best suited quality. If your 10yr old is a daughter, she will also be blessed to have many ‘sisters’ among her.Like I said, wishes for the best and blessed lifelong journey!!
I’ve seen a lot of different Amish come and shop in Wa;mart in Berlin, Vermont.. My question is where do they live in Vermont?
I am doing a personal project on the Amish and would like to know if there were any communities in California I could contact. I am in Europe but flying to LA in the new year and wanted to take that opportunity to finalise my project then…
Thank you for any advice given.
Need to get me and my 9 yr old living a better life
Hi my name is Tammy and I have a 9 yr old daughter that I want to show her
that there is more to life than watching tv, and boys out there she is my life and I know if I don’t do something now I will lose her to a life style and to boys so if there is a amish community out there please help me we live in Florida. I have a Med. Degree and I know how to cook, clean, sew and I will work hard for myself and her and the community too. I also know about gardening I was born in the Carolina’s we grew up doing this type of things.
Sincerely yours
Any suggestions on non tourist Amish towns in Pennsylvania? We are going on a road trip in December. Starting out in Pittsburgh heading to Lancaster.
Looking for an Amish worship center
I left my home in St. Louis to be rented. I have been trying to live a clean basic life, but find it difficult in the midst of a materialistic world. I would like to learn what the Amish believe and possibly join. I can and am willing to work hard. I am older, 48, and female. Would they even want me? I am currently in Punta Gorda, Fl. It is not my home and need to leave. I also do not wish to stay in Fl. I have an elderly beagle. He has been hit by a car and is recovering from a pelvic triple fracture. I only have an old car and will drive it anywhere. I cannot fit into the worldliness, never could. Suggestions? I do not speak German. I try not speaking at all.
How to get an accurate censu
I am doing a project for my doctoral degree and I need to find the specific census of Amish living in Venango County PA. Does anyone have any idea how to find this information? I have looked at the census for that county but it does not include that information.
Venango County, PA Amish population
Staci I don’t think you’ll find precise census information on that, but one way to get a figure is to find the number of Amish church districts in that county and estimate. I have a resource showing that info, it looks like there is just one settlement in Venango County, with 3 churches.
Typical church sizes can vary by settlement but you could go with a figure of around 150 people per church district to get a ballpark number of around 450 Amish in that county. Though it can vary, Amish churches typically divide into 2 when they approach and exceed 40 families. If all 3 of these churches happen to be on the verge of dividing, then the actual figure is likely to be higher than 450, and if they happen to have a low average number of families, then it might be on the lower end. But not knowing anything else about this community, 150 is not a bad number to use (to give other examples, the Young Center at Elizabethtown College uses 130 for churches in Holmes County, Ohio, and 170 for Lancaster County PA churches, which tend to be larger). https://groups.etown.edu/amishstudies/statistics/twelve-largest-settlements-2018/