Where can I find an Amish auction?
Auctions are popular among the Amish. They are a way to do business, socialize – and often to support a worthy cause. The Amish hold auctions throughout the year, with more occurring in the warmer months.
Mud Sales
Mud sales are popular auctions organized by Amish in Lancaster County and its environs. Mud sales are typically held in late winter and early spring, though may run into the summer. Mud sales are named after the condition of the fields on which they are held (with dirt turning to mud during the spring thaw). Check out a listing of this year’s Amish Mud Sales.
Amish school auctions
School auctions are put on by Amish frequently in order to raise money for the operation of their private schools. Amish school auctions are typically advertised locally. To find an Amish school auction, check local shops and restaurants for flyers. Auctions are typically held on school grounds or nearby.

Haiti auctions
Amish and Mennonites have been putting on auctions in support of mission work in Haiti for many years. Haiti auctions occur in a number of settlements across the country, including at Mount Hope in Holmes County, Ohio; Arthur, Illinois; Lancaster County; Shipshewana, Indiana; and Pinecraft in Florida. Haiti auctions also take place in Kentucky and New York. Haiti auctions typically occur in the summertime, though the Shipshewana auction occurs in late May or early June, and the Florida Haiti auction usually takes place in January.
Other Amish auctions
Amish put on benefit auctions for a variety of causes. One popular venue is the Clinic for Special Children benefit auction, in support of a Strasburg, Pennsylvania clinic which helps Amish and Mennonite youth afflicted with genetic diseases. This Amish and Mennonite-run auction occurs each summer at Leola auction house in Lancaster County, among other venues in Pennsylvania and Ohio. You can find the clinic auction schedule here. Other auctions may be held to help out with medical bills or to raise money after natural disasters.

Livestock and horse auctions are popular venues to purchase farm animals. Other auctions may specialize in farm equipment. Buggy sales are popular as well. A large one is held each year at Gordonville in Lancaster County. Estate auctions are another regular occurrence among the Amish. And Amish people exiting farming, or moving to a distant community, will hold farm sales to sell livestock and equipment which can’t be easily transported long distances.
Auctions occur frequently in other communities as well, including New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, and Dover, Delaware. A number of communities have regular auctions held in dedicated auction buildings, such as the Mt. Hope Auction (Holmes County, Ohio), Dinky’s Auction Center (Daviess County, Indiana Community), and the Plowboy Produce Auction (Ethridge, Tennessee).
Information on Amish auctions may be available online in some cases, or auctions may be advertised in local newspapers and in shops and restaurants within a community.
For more, see:
- The Amish & Money
- Are the Amish rich?
- Amish Jobs: Six Ways The Amish Make Money
- Do Amish pay taxes?
- The Amish Barn-raising
- Corner Ball – Traditional Game Of The Amish & Old Order Mennonites

Are they just run by the Amish or who?
Can anyone go to the Amish auctions at any time or are they just for the Amish?
How many times a year do the Amish have them and what all do they sell?
Do you know where I can find a Amish Auction in Oklahoma, I have heard there is one the first weekend of the month, I thought is was in Chouteau, Oklahoma. Thanks for any help.
Lesa Miller
Two or more
If you find two Amishmen your going to find a Auctioneer standing between them. The Amish love a good Auction. So if your close to a Amish Community stop at a Amish business and ask. Buy at least something they have for sale in the store you stop at or ask if you can buy a dozen eggs if it’s a shop that does not have something you can use. The folks in the store or shop will gladly tell you about up coming Auctions.
Amish Auctions in Oklahoma
Lesa, I realize you asked your question in 2011, but in case you haven’t gotten a response, on the 2nd Sat. of September every year, there is a big Amish auction in Clarita, OK. It’s located at 37129 OK-31, Coalgate, OK about 2 miles north of Clarita off State Highway 31. Most of the booths will open around 7:00-8:00 a.m. Auctions begin at 8:00 a.m. It happens rain or shine. Check here for more: https://www.claritaoklahoma.com/auction.html. I live near Chouteau, but don’t know of any auctions there.
Amish Auction
Are there any Amsih auctions held in South East Mi? It seem to me there is one up in Clare, but that is too far to drive with a poorly running vehicle. I know there is an Amish settlement in Brown City MI. are there ever any auctions in that area?
Thank You Theresa
Look online at bonduelamishauction.com
Response to Nelson & others referring to look on line
People, please don’t direct a person to look on line. It’s very difficult to find the WI one’s on line. If you know where to look on line…perhaps you could help us all out and look it up for us and then post it for everyone.
Am sorry, I said wrong,,,it is. Google. Amish Quilt Auction Brodhead Wisconsin. and also,,, Amish Quilt Auction Bonduel Wisconsin
Does anybody know when shipshawana spring auction is
Locating Amish Auctions
Here are a few suggestions for locating Amish auctions in Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin. Check out the auction listings of the state auctioneer associations, check out the websites of the following auctioneers: LeonardAuctions.com, Jeff Sweeney, Randy Stockwell, Northern Investment Corporation,Ron Mader. Check out the State tourism listings. The Clearview School Sale near Albany/Brodhead WI is always the last Saturday in July.
St. Charles, MN has a sale on Saturday April 28 and May 26. The Central WI Draft Horse Sale has added an Amish quilt and furniture auction to their spring and fall sale events. Hope this brief information is helpfull to all trying to locate auctions in Amish communities in the States mentioned.
I heard there was a school auction June 9th in or near Holmes County. Do you have any information?
Thanks in advance.
Since this is in Ohio, I do not have any direct information but I would suggest you contact one of the following who may have some information about it: Lehman’s Hardware either in Kidron or Mt. Hope Ohio, Kidron Auction, Mt. Hope Livestock Auction, Auctioneer Steve Andrews, In the Ohio Tour guide the following number and website are given for Holmes County: ph:877-643-8824 or http://www.visitamishcountry.com Another possible source of information would be the office of the Budget Newspaper in SugarCreek, Ohio.
I apologize for not having numbers for the possible sources listed but I am sure if you google them or call for information you can get the information. I hope this is helpfull.
WI Amish Auctions
not sure if these are still accurate contacts, as I haven’t been to the auctions in two years since my WI-based mother died:
Bonduel is typically on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend and Labor Day weekend and is a nice auction.
Clearview School – end of July – 608-862-1340 – north of Brodhead, WI
early May & late Aug – Medford, WI 715-785-7553 auctioneer Randy Meyer
Readstown – end of May John Borntreger, 10430 US Hwy 14, Viola, WI 54554
Wautoma, WI – July 4 weekend – auctioneer Randy Stockwell 715-654-5162, John Brubaker 715-229-2851, Philip Wolf – 608-847-4038
Amherst used to be the largest auction, but the last couple of times my mother went out there, she complained that it wasn’t good anymore.
Amherst Auctions
We went to Amherst in May. They had over 300 quilts and wall hangings. Great deals on many. Someone bought an all hickory bedroom set for $1700. Seems to be a buyers market.
Next on in Amherst is August 25th. Portage County Fairgrounds, Amherst, WI
The Amherst Auction is one of the few auctions that charges a buyer’s fee of ten percent. They may also be required to charge sales tax since this is an off site location. The Amherst auctions are conducted by Mader and Mader Auction Service. This Saturday July 7 is the Wautoma Area Amish Auction in WI For further information visit the website of R.J. Stockwell Auctions. I am not sure how the interest in quilts will be at this one this year since the predicted temperature for Saturday is in the upper nineties maybe even 100. So do take precautions if you plan on attending.
Amherst Auction
Yes Richard, Amherst charges a 10% buyers fee and sales tax as it is at the fairgrounds. I bought a beautiful country bride quilt for $175 and actually paid $202.00. I kept in mind the 10% and didn’t bid up to the $200 I wanted to pay for it. I think a lot of people are thinking about their final bid and bidding 10% less. Perhaps the person who bought the bedroom set didn’t want to pay more than $2000. I like how fast they sell. They seem to sell a lot of stuff in one day.
Wautoma is a good auction to go to also. They have it once a year and sell a lot of furniture, albeit, always a hot day. Bring water or plan on buying a lot of water.
Arthur is home to the largest Amish Community in Illinois. Many of the Amish attend and/or contribute items to the auction. The event begins on Friday around 4:00 PM and on Saturday the event opens with breakfast at 6:00 AM. The sale has been held for over fifty years. I knew one of the founders of the sale and his daughter remains a very good friend.
Let me add to the above listing: I live in North Alabama and can’t get to NY or Wis, but maybe could get to some of the other auctions if I knew ahead of time when they would be even though I would have to carefully watch my budget.
I am trying to find out any info about the Amish quilt auction held in Hershey Pa I attened thjs auction years ago and would like to return
1890's Hay Tedder Horse drawn
I would like to sell this item and was wondering if there would be any interest as it is in excellent condition and appears to work well. It is made by Thomas Taylor in Springfield OH. I can send pictures. It is currently located in NH. Feel free to contact me at 603-661-0746 or email timhannan@comcast.net
Amish auction in Ulysses/Genesee PA area
I live in northern PA and discovered an Amish auction in August 2013. I wish to know when the next auction in the Ulysses PA area is going to be held.
Ulysses Auction
I live in the middle of that Amish community. (I’m English) The Auction is an annual auction to benefit their schools and is normally the 3rd Saturday in August. Although there is no press out yet about it, it will happen. My Amish Gf’s are making quilts for it. It will be the same place it was last year.
amish auctions
The second Saturday in September there is an Amish Auction in Clarita,or Coalgate ,Oklahoma…
And every July there is a large Amish Auction in Charm , Ohio to benefit 5 different Amish schools….
Washington County Indiana Amish Auctions & Sales
Please let me know when the Amish auctions will be occuring in Washington County Indiana this year. With gratitude.
There is an Amish Auction here in Nebraska too. Can’t remember when or where it is. Would any one have any info on it?
Amish auctions near Madison IN
I’m looking for Amish auctions near madison IN.
I know of two places not too far from Madison where Amish auctions are held.
1) Switzerland County Produce Auction at 244 Poplar Ridge Road, Canaan, Indiana. Phone: 812-667-0050 (You likely will need to leave a message and they will call you back.) They have regular produce auctions as many as three days per week during produce season – from about late April to mid October. They also have at least two consignment auctions on Saturdays — one is usually in the spring and one in the fall. I think the produce auctions are Mon, Wed, and Fri, in the summer starting at 10 a.m., but you will need to call to verify the time. If there are other Amish auctions in their community, hopefully they can tell you about those.
2) Amish School at 9958 Barker Road, Vevay, Indiana. I don’t have a phone number, but they have consignment auctions, in the spring and maybe in the fall also.
At both of these locations, I also think there may be occasional Amish benefit auctions to help pay medical bills of persons in the Amish community.
WA state auctions
Are there any Amish auctions in Washington state?
Missouri auctions
Hello, Do you know of any Amish auctions in Missouri? I went to one years ago but I can’t remember where it was and haven’t been able to find any information on others.
Thanks, Karen.