Amish Holidays: What They Observe
Amish observe a variety of religious holidays, and some public holidays as well
Amish appreciate time off just as any other Americans do, in order to rest, spend time with family and for religious observation. The Amish holiday schedule differs somewhat from that of the typical American, however.
Public holidays
Amish generally do not celebrate public holidays, though may be granted days off from work depending on their employer. Amish do recognize Thanksgiving as well as New Year’s Day. In some settlements Amish might take in fireworks on the Fourth of July, for example.
Amish do not observe Halloween, but may display decorative pumpkins (uncarved) and gourds during the autumn months. In some communities, for Valentine’s Day Amish children may exchange cards and candy, or adults may have a special dinner.
Amish religious holidays
Among religious holidays, like other Christians, Amish celebrate Christmas, Easter, and Good Friday. Additional religious days observed by the Amish include Easter Monday, second Christmas on December 26th, Pentecost, and Ascension Day. Pentecost, Easter Monday, and second Christmas may not be celebrated in all communities (Enterprise, Kraybill/Nolt).

Amish typically do not have special church services on Easter Sunday or Christmas, for example, but will cover the appropriate parts of Scripture during the Sunday service closest to those days. Amish undergo fasting the day before communion in spring and autumn. Good Friday and St. Michael’s Day are days of fasting as well.
Amish exchange gifts at Christmas, though they do not put up a Christmas tree or teach children about Santa Claus. Some Amish schools may put on an annual Christmas school program. At Easter, Amish children may color eggs.
Amish holiday work schedules
Amish appreciate working for Amish employers, who follow the same holiday schedule and may grant employees time off for weddings. In Amish Enterprise, Kraybill and Nolt describe the schedule of an Amish entrepreneur who employs both Amish and non-Amish workers.
Among other free days, non-Amish employees are given time off for Memorial Day, July Fourth, and Labor Day. In place of these holidays, Amish are exempt from working on Ascension Day, Pentecost Monday, and Fall Fast Day.
If you’re planning to visit an Amish community on a holiday, keep in mind that it may mean that Amish stores and shops will be closed. However, not all Amish observe the same holiday schedule. For example, Amish in the northern Indiana community (Elkhart-LaGrange County) observe Ascension Day, while Amish in another large community in the state (Adams County) do not.
For more, see:
- 5 Lesser-Known Amish Holidays
- The Amish & Christmas
- The Amish & Thanksgiving
- Amish & July 4th
- The Amish & Halloween
- The Amish & Ascension Day
- Amish Society, John A. Hostetler
- The Riddle of Amish Culture, Donald B. Kraybill
- Amish Enterprise: From Plows to Profits, Donald B. Kraybill and Steven M. Nolt
Common Questions about the Amish & Holidays

- Which holidays do Amish celebrate?
- Do Amish observe Christmas?
- Do Amish children go trick-or-treating?
- Do Amish people go on vacation?
1. Which holidays do Amish celebrate?
Amish observe numerous religious holidays that other Christian groups do, including Christmas and Easter. In some communities they also commemorate days such as Ascension Day, Easter Monday, Pentecost, and Second Christmas. Depending on the employer, Amish workers may receive time off for secular holidays including Labor Day and the Fourth of July. Read more.
2. Do Amish observe Christmas?
Amish do observe Christmas, though since they hold church services every two weeks, it’s unlikely church will be held on December 25th, but with the day being commemorated on the day of the closest Sunday service.
Amish people eat Christmas dinner, exchange simple gifts, and may observe the day by discussing the birth of Jesus with children. Amish schools often have a holiday program which is put on by the schoolchildren and attended by parents, and which can include poems, songs and plays. Some Amish also celebrate Old Christmas.
3. Do Amish children trick-or-treat on Halloween?
Amish do not celebrate Halloween. Though some have reported seeing Amish children trick-or-treat in one Ohio settlement, this is not a holiday Amish people observe. Some Amish may display decorative pumpkins and gourds though do not have a custom of carving jack-o-lanterns.
4. Do Amish people go on vacation?
Many Amish take trips, often to visit family in other communities. Amish men may go on hunting excursions in other areas of the country. Amish people living near the East Coast or large cities may visit the ocean, museums, and zoos.
Quite a few Amish visit the southern settlement of Pinecraft in Florida. Taking a trip can be expensive since it may involve hiring an “Amish taxi” for a large family to travel. Coach services catering to the Amish are a popular option for long-distance travel to select destinations.

What is Saint Michael’s Day and what significance does it have for the Amish?
I’d appreciate an answer from someone!
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St. MIchael’s Day (Michaelmas) is September 29th. As it is my name day, I know that, and in the ancient churches (Roman, Orthodox, Anglican), it is a special day marking a seasonal transition (kind of like “first day of autumn” for the church) as well as the feast day honoring the archangel. Why the Amish, a very protestant group, observes Michaelmas, I cannot tell you. It’s an interesting question, though.
The only holiday that I know of that the Unity ME Amish community celebrates besides their own birthdays is Thanksgiving. Not Christmas. I will ask Louella to make sure.
What holidays do Amish celebrate?
I live in Lancaster County, PA. As I was traveling to work this morning, there were MANY horse/buggies on the roadways very early. If I’m not mistaken, today is a religious holiday for the Amish but I cannot remember what it is … maybe All Souls Day. Does anyone know more about this? Thank you.
In November weddings happen usally Tuesday and sometimes Thursdays, they are all day events.
Amish holidays
The Amish holidays are the same ones still celebrated in Switzerland today, at least around Zurich where my daughter lives, though most of the activities have been secularized.
What holidays do Amish celebrate
I knew an Amish family that hid a Christmas tree in the closet from the Bishop and anyone not in the family. These people later jumped over.
I was wondering if Amish/Anabaptists observe lent and do any fasting. I’m surprised to find out that there’s only few days in a year. My denomination (orthodox) requires fasting every Wednesday and Friday,40 days before Easter, the summer lent, 40 days before Christmas, and various other individual lents. Most of the lent we can’t eat meat fish eggs dairy or oil, some days oil is ok (Sundays).
I was honestly surprised to learn that such a strict religious group, that I honestly admire for their strength and rules, actually is very forgiving when it comes to food. For us gluttony is a sin, thus the fasting is all year round and lasts several months.
Father’s Day
Does Amish religion celebrate Father’s Day?