Watch An Amish Barn Go Up – In 200 Seconds (Video)
I love this time-lapse video. It’s the best I’ve ever seen of its kind. Here you can observe 10 hours of barn-raising condensed down to about 200 seconds. This took place in LaRue, Ohio, which is the Kenton Amish community.
The photographer’s wife gives the back story:
My husband, Scott Miller, shot this video with a Canon 60d Camera using a Pixel TW-282/E3 Wireless remote timer set at 20 second intervals. He shot 1600 pictures from 7:00am until 5:00pm and compressed the 10 hours into 3 minutes and 30 seconds. He even took the day off work to help.
Not a bad little barn-raisin’ tune to go with the footage. Hat-tip to Fran for the link.

That is the coolest video I have seen in a very long time!
Really interesting
Thank you for sharing this interesting video. It is really nifty how they worked in a row to fasten the roof panels quickly.
And to think that they managed to do all of this in one day, without any “help” from OSHA or the local buiding inspectors … those Amish probably brought the project in early and under budget to boot!
Many hands DO make light work!
The manufacturing plant in which I work cannot work this efficiently! The video was very well done. Thank you for sharing!
That was fun to watch!
Enjoyed warching this video. The Amish people are such hard workers and so good at helping each other out. Thanks for sharing.
Great video — thanks for sharing it with us, Erik.
Amish Barn go up in 200 seconds
Wow, we just built a family room, am thinkin we got the wrong carpenter crew, will have to ask my relatives in Kenton if they helped, nice video… and a nice barn, I got a kick out of how it looked like they were getting that metal on in seconds… ha
Thanks for sharing with us, Erik and want to say I am sorry for your loss and happy for your Dads gain.
What a hoot! I also enjoyed the clouds going by, and loved the guys lining up to climb down the ladder. It makes me want to do a remodel!
BIG barn, too!
Thank you!
Alice Mary
Wow, what a treat! Thanks!
Very cool! I’d love to sit & watch a barn-raising.. Thats true teamwork!
I loved watching that video, that’s something I don’t see in my neck of the woods, it will though, when I move to Middlebury Indiana in 2 weeks though.
Simply Amazing Barn Raising!!
Many hands make light work, how true watching this video. We could learn a thing or two from this marvelous team work and shared effort. Thanks for sharing!!
Wow! That is absolutely amazing!
definitely won’t see any of them sitting around smoking ,
Team work-
What America used to do.
Very cool!
This video is so cool! My DH, (also Erik), can hardly believe it! We can’t believe how many people there are working on it, and the size of the barn…big!! Thanks for sharing!
defigning a comunity
This is what America was designed to be. the spoiles of your labor went directly into the comunity. when one man prospered all did. This was a lesson I learned from my parents. We were a poor community. our home had no centeral heat , hot water tank, Telephone. TV. or carpets. a 900 sq foot bungalow with two bedrooms and an attic my Da finished into two more bedrooms. We never knew who would be sitting at our table for a dinner. so many were out of work and my Da was one of the few who had a job. He was a ditch digger for Wayne county. because we had no air conditioning we would spend out time outside sitting on our porch. everyone would walk by and talk and usualy drop off some cloths to be altered or was used untill it went to make quilts or patches for repairing other clothes. we had no “designer clothing” yet my sister was voted best dressed girl in high school despite never having a new dress. we all pulled together back then. My parents bought a car in 1949. a ford. it was the first year we went up to the cousins farm in Canada. we spent all summer helping them with all the harvesting and milking the cows. at weeks end we went into town to enjoy the “ARBOR” and the dance hall when we were older. They were also as poor as we but we didnt know it. I learned to use corn cobs as toilet paper using a sheet from sears catalog for the final swipe. the food we ate was alwas picked from the garden that day, avoiding the old grey goose who garded her domain with deadly accricy of that hard beak driven with amazing speed. when we needed to go over in colder weather for a wedding usualy all the kids slept in one bed. (yes both boys and girls) we moved quickly as we awoke to get down where the wood stove gave off welcome heat and finished dressing to get out and tend the cows for milking. Life was hard but we did our chores and made repaires so we could have time to go shopping in town for the items they couldnt grow or make. It is amazing isnt it how people now pay to exersize for what we did for free when young. Family was everything back then. Today people grow didtant from everyone. I blame several things one is TV. the other is air conditioning. we stay inside where air is stale. sealed up tight where mold grows causing the many lung problems. where we used to know everyone for a mile around we are lucky to know who our neighbrs are today. Our values of what is important has shifted to who you are is determined by the designer clothes you have and how white your teeth are. People take no pride in themselves in having skills to produce things that others acn purchace or trade for things that will last a century or more. today we make things that are flimisy and cheeply made. designed and built to break with normal use so you must buy another. We take little pride in ourselves or accomplishments. the guage we used to find that partner that you intended to be together the rest of your lives. I myself am still with the same woman after fifty three years and having three grand kids and three great grandkids. I enjoyed watching the video that showed me that familys and community are important. Life isnt about what you have and throw away.It is a shame how people have forgotten how to enjoy life and having the pride that comes from building a lifetime with your own efforts. Thank you for the videos that have reminded me of just how rich I realy am.————- I, Grampa