A Visit to Enos Gingerich’s Furniture Shop
I recently put out a video from my visit to Enos Gingerich’s outdoor furniture shop in the Swartzentruber Amish settlement at Ellenboro, NC. You might recall Enos from the video on my visit to his wife’s soap and lotion shop, previous posts on his community, or the video on southern accents among the Amish. In this video (below) I finally show you around his furniture shop.

This visit was a lot of fun and I think that comes through in the video. Enos shows us some of the things he makes, including Adirondack chairs and one or two surprising products (bed swing!?). Enos has a great sense of humor and we spend some time discussing things besides his furniture as well. The business is not just Enos, but “Enos and sons”, and like many if not the vast majority of Amish business owners, the children are involved.

I’m going to have a follow-up video to this as well, where Enos shows you how he powers his shop tools and makes his furniture. This is a conservative community, but even the plainest Amish use various pieces of technology in order to make a living.

In any case, I hope you enjoy this extended visit to Enos’ patio furniture shop (note: that’s not Enos in the cover photo). Runtime: 11:53.
And check out Part 2 of the visit, with a look at Enos’ tools and how he makes his furniture, here.

The video of the Furniture Shop is amazing..Loved the stained finish product of the furniture in the album..His prices were unbelievable..I am glad I don’t live to close, I would get the wants..Nice job.
“Get the wants”, never heard it put that way but nice way to describe it!:)
Love it
Very nicely built. Love the style. Interesting to view part 2 showing the tools they use. You don’t find quality chairs like those being hand made in stores out west or at the most part don’t know where to look.
Enjoyed the video thank you. And I loved his accent.
Glad you liked it Diane! Looking forward to sharing that next part.
Plans ,measured drawings??
Hi ,,Love the video on the amish workshop. Can you tell me does Amos have a measured set of plans that he can send me via email or snail mail? I am a beginner woodworker and would love to be able to make that arbor seat or the Adirondack chair. I would go down there but he is a little bit to far as I am located in the Northeast corner of NY. Thank you.
Best way to find out is just to send him a letter and see what happens (this group doesn’t have regular phone access outside of emergencies so it’s generally letter-writing, or in-person visits, and I’m not in his area now).
In the next video you will see show some of the patterns he uses for the individual pieces, which might be what you’re thinking about here. Hope the woodworking goes well, would be neat if you could get a little inspiration from Enos here.
Wow! That glider looks comfy!
Erik, thanks for the video.
That glider looks comfy.
I’m going to repeat what we hear all the time. The Amish may not have a formal education beyond the 8th grade, but they’re doing fine. If I built a glider, it wouldn’t glide.
First rate work
That was a wonderful introduction to Enos and his work. Wow are his prices low! Max respect to him.
Enos Gingerich furniture.
What a wonderful video. Thanks for bringing it to us, Erik.
His prices seem more than reasonable. I love the cup holders
as you just don’t see it much anywhere else. And the swiveling
tables are very unique! Just love it. Wish I lived close as I’d be
happy to put in a nice, big order. Can’t hardly wait to see part 2.
Would you consider making a visit to Mr. Miller’s leather shop
next time you’re in that part of NC? We have riding enthusiasts
in my family who live much closer than I do. Thanks!
Kelly D.
Glad you liked it Kelly, and the leather shop visit might be a great idea for next time. Haven’t filmed at one of those yet. Hope you have a chance to catch part 2, just posted it yesterday.
Question not on topic
My internet connection is not wonderful. Lost the article I was reading…
1. Is Joseph Stoll, who translated ‘ Rules of a Godly life’ into English related to the Stolls of Unity in Maine
Enjoy your posts Eric. Am from New Zealand. Would be nice to have Amish out here.
Joseph Stoll
Yes, Joseph Stoll is related to the Stolls in Unity, Maine. I can’t remember the exact relation but I think Joseph would be their uncle, or fathers cousin. Something like that.