Amish Food


Notes from the Amish breakfast table

MY TWO unofficial breakfast jobs at Abe and Sarah’s farmhouse are: 1) hand-grinding the coffee–Abe is a big drinker of the stuff, as am I, and 2) sneaking in to Abe’s dad’s milkhouse to scoop up a pitcherful of ice-cold organic raw milk.  Okay, maybe not sneaking in, as Abe’s pop fully condones the practice.  But that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun with it. …

Getting my kicks in Lancaster County, PA

Well, despite the inclement weather, I managed to get up to Lancaster County and to my friends ‘Daniel’ and ‘Mary’, where I’ll be staying the next few days.  The last hour-and-a-half or so, from the PA line onward, was pretty hairy, as snow and ice accumulation made driving tricky.  I pulled in late Tuesday night to Daniel’s, happy and relieved to see the kitchen gas-lamp…

John Hostetler on Amish food

From Amish Society, Fourth Edition: ‘…there are many myths about Amish foods.  There is the legend of “seven sweets and seven sours” on Amish tables.  The only place I have ever eaten seven sweets and sours is in a tourist hotel.  The tourist industry has done well in capitalizing on myths, judging by the number of restaurants that cater to “Amish” foods.  Advertised items such…

Surviving, with help

I just sat down this evening with a beaming blacksmith, a new father of his first little boy after many girls. I’m doing interviews for a research project/book on Amish businesses.  ‘Eli’, my seventh stop of the day, graciously shared his wisdom with me. After our short talk I flipped off the voice recorder and we continued chatting over a 9pm black coffee (I’ve noticed…

Amish Homemade Ketchup & Salsa

Amish, at least the ones I run into, always seem to like sharing. Besides the stick-to-your-ribs meals and cool drinks of water, I always seem to be getting takeaways from Amish friends–homemade wine, books,gourds, inspirational CDs for the car. Yesterday’s haul comes in the middle of canning season, following a bumper crop of tomatoes–a jar each of homemade ketchup and salsa. ‘Ervin’, my friend and…

A special Sunday

I was invited by one of my customers to attend Amish church tomorrow.  We’re going to meet at the farm and buggy over to the neighbor’s where it’s being held this week. Church is consistently held at 8, standard time, which these days means 9 am.  I’m looking forward to the fellowship and food. I asked what to wear–‘Amos’ suggested regular Sunday attire.  ‘Unless you…

Family Time

If you knock on a random door in any of a number of Amish communities across the country, there’s a decent chance the home might contain a set of books called the Family Bible Library. Originally published in 1971, it is a perennial hit among the Amish, who appreciate the vivid illustrations, easy-to-understand text, and solid scriptural reference.  For that matter many Amish have Bible…

New Order supper and a different sort of haystack

I had a chance to catch up with a couple more friends the Thursday before last–‘Martin’, a minister of the New Order Amish persuasion, his wife, ‘Annie’, and their neat kids. My timing was perfect–suppertime!  A grinning Martin plunked me down in front of a ‘haystack’–a potato-lettuce-chili-cheese- crumbled nachos concoction Annie had just prepared.  Yum.  (Yeah, I definitely had seconds). As we dug into our…

“The guy with the beard”

Day Two in Holmes County was a great one.  I had a chance to catch up with a lot of Amish friends and acquaintances. I sat for an hour and a half having a nice chat with one friend, ‘Johnnie’, who just had his fifth child (all girls!).  He gave me a bottle of homemade blackberry wine to take away.  He, like many Amish, appreciates…