Amish community at Sinking Valley in Pennslvania
A few shots from the Amish community at Sinking Valley near Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.
Sinking Valley was founded by Renno Amish from nearby Big Valley. The settlement is comprised of around 30 families, forming a single church district.

What lovely views. How are the Autumn colours over there, Erik?
Some beautiful pictures my friend!
Thanks to both of you! Helen I’m actually back in Poland right now–there was just a tinge of them in Lancaster before I left. In Poland we are in the throes of the Polish golden autumn as they call it here.
Glad to hear that you’re back on this side of the pond. However, I’ve enjoyed your reports from Amish country.
If our “English” friends in Indiana can’t make it to the UK next year we’re planning on visiting them. I also write to an Amish lady in S.E Indiana; I suspect that they may be Swartzentruber as their house was very plain and the furnishings were very basic. Also the dialect that they spoke sounded very like Swiss/Swabisch German.
They made me very welcome none the less and it would be lovely to see them again.
In the meantime, if the credit crunch doesn’t completely pulverise us, we’d like to take a long weekend/mini break in Poland sometime in the coming months. we’ve heard that Krakow is very nice. Wondered how close you are to Krakow?
Best places to see awesome views in PA
I live in Tyrone, Pebbsylvania. We do have beautiful landscapes to see. If ever you come back to the state’s two awesome places to visit are the Johnstown Incline Plane (about 1 hour from Sinking Valley) and the Kinzua State Bridge which is breathtaking! Depending on the summer weather fall leaves hit late September. The last week of September and first week or two of October. Welcome!
rent a acre land for aggriculter near altoona pa sinkin vally
Please call me 8145370234 . Interested in renting a acre for growing season . thank you respectfull
Helen Krakow is where I live and I recommend it. If you need any more advice let me know. I just spent the weekend in Torun, which I also highly recommend visiting.
Original Settlers
Where can I find the names of the 10 families that started this community?
Ronald, I live in the borough of Tyrone, located outside Sinking Valley. They are both wonderful, tight knit communities. It is fascinating to pull up to the bank and find a horse and buggy there as well. I travel to Sinking Valley at least once a week. It is less than a five min. drive. Over the twenety some years I’ve been purchasing produce and eggs, I can share the families I’ve come to know. The Sinking Valley church is about to divide into two congregations due to its growth. The families are having difficulty meeting because it is now well over 200 members !
The families I know of include~
Renno from New York
Wengerd from Big Valley
Peachey from Big Valley
Swarey (Jacob and Israel and families from Big Valley)
Yoder from Big Valley and Lancaster
(The family names I mentioned usually consist of parents, ten or more children, the spouses of their married children, their grand children, and sometimes, the grandparents , parents of the original settlers.)
As the “English” farmers retire and sell, the Amish are buying up their farms. Personally, I am thrilled with each new family that moves in. Sorry I could not be of more help! ~ Ruth
Many Amish friends
I can not believe some one listed the Amish full names. My husband and I have well over 50 Amish friends. We treasure our Amish friendship`s. The Amish are a lot like people were, when I grew up. None of us were rich,in that way, we were all equal. We didn`t dress fancy, there was no money. Our meals were home made. Our mothers baked bread. On Sundays our mothers washed our little faces, and we all went to church together. We English can learn so much from the Amish. Knowing them is such a blessing.
Looking for builder in Altoona PA
I am searching for an amish builder that can help us with a problem we are having on a house we own in Altoona PA. We purchased Hardie Board Cement Siding 4′ x 8″ sheets and my current contractor does not have the manpower to get the siding on the second story of our home… HELP! We feel that since you all can raise a barn in a day, it would be nothing for you all to get this siding up on the second story of our home. If you can refer me to a builder that works in the Altoona, PA area, please have them call us. Our phone number is Ben and Rosemary Wheeler, 814 207-9028. Thanking you for your help… Ben and Rosemary Wheeler