Raber’s Bookstore
One of my favorite stops of this recent Holmes County trip was Raber’s Bookstore, located “2 miles south of Charm”, as it says on the business card. This photo is not of the store itself, but of an old schoolhouse nearby.
The bookstore has changed hands to the next generation and is run by a lively pair, we’ll call them “Atlee” and “Emma”. The store itself is housed in what looks to be an old milk house. It is quite cramped but cozy, with a low ceiling. They are constructing a new building for it next door, which will be sure to make browsing the shop a little easier.
When I dropped in, Emma was around, and we had a nice talk. She had heard about my book and seemed interested in it. I told her it was great to finally visit the store, which I’d pictured in my mind on numerous occasions when sending in orders by mail (among other publications, Raber’s sells the Almanac, or Calender).
Another customer dropped in, and later Atlee himself, who seemed equally warm and welcoming though he appeared to be busy with something, as he left shortly thereafter. I was signing the guest book as Atlee returned, asking Emma where his shotgun was. “I’m about to leave, there’s no need for that,” I interjected.
They seemed to get a kick out of that. And after a hearty laugh, I escaped unscathed.

This is so neat to hear about a Raber bookstore. I found out from my aunt in west virginia we are related to amish rabers. God Bless Joyce
Can you publish the exact address for Raber’s Bookstore. We would like to check it out on my next trip home to Berlin. Charm is, and always has been one of my favorite places on earth.
Anything with “bookstore” in the name gets my vote – I wish I could go there right now! Sounds adorable and I bet it’s so flattering when you walk into these places and they know of you and your book – that’s awesome! ☺
To G. Stutzman:
If you go south on CR 600 out of Charm, Raber’s bookstore is right before you come to TR 188, on the west side of the road. Don’t worry about not finding it; everybody in the southeast part of Holmes County probably knows where Raber’s Bookstore is. Just ask where “Bookstore Ben Raber” lives. (Yep more than one Ben Raber in Holmes County 🙂 ) Mike
I just learn in the news that the Amish farmers are growing cannabis “for medical use”. I pray to God that this information is not true. You are the last bastion of the Christian faith by your ways of life, praying that you correct this unholy practice before it corrupts your young.
the address is
2467 CR 600
Baltic, OH 43804
needless to say my mom had a fit when I told her “Rabers Bookstore” is on the world wide web! My Great grandpa started the shop, Then grandpa Ben and Emma kept it going until my parents Aden and Mary took it over a couple yrs ago.And yes they are seeing more out of towners and wondered why until mom stated asking where they found out about the bookstore! Need I say the web.90% of there business is mail orders but anyones welcome to stop in.I do love the pic that is posted, that is on my home place where I lived my first 22 yrs, it is the Chestnut Ridge School House where grandpa Ben went to school. The new Flat Ridge School is 1/2 north of there place now!
Did they ever mention a John Wesley Raber being a brother in west virginia? He was my grandpa
I have received a book from Raber’s and have no idea who ordered it or why I have it. The title is Das Neue Testament. Could you please let me know who ordered it and I will return the book to them or to you.
Thank you, Lynnette Taylor
Raber's Book Store Information
Hello, My husband and I was in the area on 3-13-12. We wanted to stop at Raber’s Bookstore but didn’t seem like it was open at 1:30 in the afternoon. There was no sign out front or anything indicating they were open.
I was wondering if they close for winter or have specific hours? If you have that information, I would greatly appreciate it. Out of respect, I didn’t go to the door, I would never intrude.
Thank you so much for all that you post.
There are no specific hrs as of yet we are working on setting hrs but if nobody is in the store check the houses there’s always someone around!
Sorry that you didnt get any service that day, but do not hesitate to knock on the door. On march 6 grandpa Ben Raber passed away and Mary Raber (mom) who is usually in the bookstore had a emer triple by-pass done the same afternoon, so she had been home only 4 days when you stopped in, but somebody is usually there to wait on customers. She is recovering greatly at this time!God is good!
Remember we do about 80% mail orders compared to our in store customers, so were usually packing books.
Looking for a book...
I’m looking for a book “German Made Easy” (definitions & english pronounciations) compiled by, Laura Auker. You have to book or any info on where I can get it, it would be appreciated.-Susan
http://www.abebooks.com has a used copy.
“German Made Easy” was listed in the 2009 catalog of Brookside Bookstore in Parkesburg, PA. Maybe someone else has an up-to-date catalog. Or maybe Raber’s will respond.
german made easy
We have the German Made Easy book at Rabers Bookstore. Send the order to 2467 CR 600, Baltic, oh 43804 and we will mail the book and an invoice.
Thank you for responding. Can you tell me the cost? I’m enquiring for a friend (who doesn’t have computer or internet) .. I’ll get the info to her & then let her take it from there. She’s very interested in obtaining a copy. -Susan
German Made Easy
I’m not 100% sure, i dont have the price list with me right now but i believe it is a little under $10.00 and shipping would be $4.00 for regular mail or $6.00 for priority. The store phone # is 330-893-1313, it is only for voicemail but if you leave a message somebody will call you back with a price or leave your # and i will give you a call when i am there tomorrow.
german made easy
Sorry I had a different book in mind. These are $3.95 plus $4 postage
Thank you Rachelle, you’ve been vry helpful I will give all this info to my friend when i see her and let her take it from here.-Susan
German New Testament
Hi; I am looking for a German New Testament, it is Leather Bound, with “Neue Testament” in gold script across the top front of the cover. It is embossed with spiral rings. The size of it is 6 and 3/8 inches tall and 4 inches wide. Inside the front cover it has the following. “Das Neue Testament nach der deutschen uebersetzung Martin Luthers- Neu durchgesehen nach dem vom Deutschen Evangelischen Kirchenauschusz genehmigten Text-London Britishe und Auslaendische Bibelgesellschaft-1957. All Print is in Black, I would like to know if you carry them for sale. you can get in touch with me at 432-209-1211 or my email-liwiebe@yahoo.com
A response would be greatly appreciated. Lisa Wiebe with Old Colony Mennonite Church, Seminole, TX
Hello My name is Lisa Wiebe. I am with the Old Colony Mennonite Church in Seminole, Texas. I need to order some Bibles again.
We have ordered from you before, I think the last time we ordered Bibles was in 2011.
The SKU for the Bibles on my receipt is BGERL, it’s a Ger/Eng Red Letter 6 X 8 3/4. I believe they come in 10 to a box, I would like to order at least 40 Bibles.
You can get in touch with me at 432-209-1211
Thank You and Have a wonderful Day
Lisa Wiebe
Will try to help
Hi Lisa,
Unless someone has a better idea, I can go to Rabers Bookstore soon, and give them your request. I can then call you with a total, not sure if they require payment upfront or not.
I don’t believe the Rabers would see this website to know about your request, they do not use internet from my understanding so I will call you when I get the information, within the next week I hope to go there.
God Bless,
i just got her comment, i work at Rabers bookstore and i will take care of it, thank you! 🙂
Hello Lisa, I will be working tomorrow afternoon and i will give you a call then and we can go from there! Thank you! 🙂
Bookstore Orders.
Hey everyone, if you have questions about books, prices, ect. please feel free to write to the bookstore. Rabers Bookstore, 2467 CR 600, Baltic, OH 43804. or you can email me RachelleKaye@live.com i only work there a few days a week now but i will do my best to get back in touch with you and answer any questions that way!
above is the FB link i made for the bookstore.
Thank you Rachelle
That is great information you provided and thank you for taking care of this, maybe I’ll meet you soon myself.
I’ve only been there once but I think it was Mrs. Raber who was working. She was sooo sweet. Did Mr. Raber pass away?
That is a great bookstore, glad to know people have easier access to it then just driving there! 🙂
No problem! The bookstore is run by my grandma (Mary Raber) right now, her husband, my grandpa is still alive but doesn’t work in the store, before that it was run by my great-grandpa and he passes away about a year and a half ago.
Raber Family History
I’m working on my husband’s genealogy line. His great-great grandfather was William Raber born in 1840 in Pennsylvania. My father-in-law just told me tonight that Williams’s father’s name was Benjamin Raber. When I googled Benjamin Raber, I stumbled upon this website for your bookstore. I can’t help but wonder if there might be a connection to your family. Do you happen to have any info on a Benjamin Raber from the early 1800’s that had a son named William in Pennsylvania? I would greatly appreciate any info you might have.
Thank You!
To get in touch with Raber's
Lindsey I’d suggest writing directly to Raber’s bookstore if you want to get in touch with them. They know we’ve posted about them here, but since they are Amish I’m not sure how often they are aware of updates/comments. There are also a number of genealogy books among Amish which might shed some light.
Raber’s Bookstore
2467 CR 600
Baltic, OH 43804
I am interested in learning p.a.dutch language. Do you sell a. Book that could help with this?
Do you have a website?Catalogue?
I just learn in the news that the Amish farmers are growing cannabis “for medical use”. I pray to God that this information is not true. You are the last bastion of the Christian faith by your ways of life, praying that you correct this unholy practice before it corrupts your young.