Name that Amish community (quiz #3)
Al in KY recently reminded me of the photo quiz posts we did last year (wait, I guess I mean 2011, not quite last year anymore). He is right, it’s a nice time to do another.
Below you’ll find three photos from three different Amish communities. Your clues:
1) Each is from a different geographical region of America
2) None is from the three largest Amish-population states
If you have a little Sherlock Holmes about you, I think it is possible to at least guess the state correctly, if not the precise community. And if you missed the first two quizzes, you’ll find those here and here.
Photo 1:
Photo 2:
Photo 3:

Good morning and a Happy New Year,
Number 3 is simple for me. It was taken on Pope Rd in the Town of Randolph Cattaraugus NY. One the many beautiful back roads of New York State.
Glad I made my guesses to myself before I read the first comment. Photo #3 I definitely guessed as New York
Photo #2 — no idea
Photo #1 — for some reason I’m saying Kentucky. No reason, just a hunch.
Name that state
Illinois, then Kentucky, then NY
#1 The cedar tree and the Swartzentruberish buildings say Etheridge, TN.
#2. Wisconsin?? Fir tree ….
#3. Maple syrup, gravel road, and more Swartzentruberish buildings say upstate NY.
Yeah, check out that new word … Swartzentruberish. 🙂
My guesses:
1) Ethridge, Tn.
2) Kalona, Iowa
3) Heuvelton, New York
Photo 2
Just guessing- Pinecraft Florida? because Florida has more lightning strikes than any other state.
The first picture looks so much like my Virginia, but it could also be TN (my other “home state”), or Kentucky.
In Photo #2, behind the trees, I see the letters RTHUR, so I’m guessing Arthur, Illinois.
Photo 1 – Tennessee or Missouri?
Thanks for the maple syrup buckets photo in #3. I like that picture.
Name that Amish community
Photo #1
This photo has a familiar feel to me as if i had seen it before, Southern ohio (barnesville) or lancaster (ohio) amish, however on closer examination i think the deja-vu is mistaken. No self respecting swartzentruber will have a paved driveway or concrete slab by the house or fuel tank on stilts. The cedar tree, fir tree, the sign saying “Home Grown Sweet Potatoes” and the sparse growth hardwoods all scream southern states – such as lower KY or Tenn. Im going to go with a few other peoples guess and say –
Etheridge, Tn.
Photo #2
The building in the background has the word arthur on it. Im going to guess –
Arthur, Il.
Photo #3
First poster seems to know what he is talking about, ill go with his guess –
Randolph, Ny.
I’m not traveled enough to pretend to know but for reasons others mentioned I would guess 2 is my home state of Illinois. Since I’m reading this on my new Xmas gift Kindle and things are tiny, I don’t know about the rest…curious, though.
Alice Mary
Because I want to play too…. I will guess that Photo 1 was from Scottsville, Ky.
2 of 3 Quiz answers
Number 2 is Arthur, Illinois. Linda noticed the letters R-T-H-U-R, which I completely missed the first time I viewed this photo, and thus made me think it might be a good candidate for this quiz.
Number 3 as Tom says is in upstate NY. Tom is the photo author which I was planning to mention 🙂 The sap buckets were the clue (and also if you had read the blog over the past year, you would have seen a similar photo on an Amish Maple Syrup post featuring Tom’s photos:
No one has gotten Number 1 yet. As Primitive Christianity supposes it is a “Swartzentruberish” Amish community :), (in fact not just Swartzentruberish but a full Swartzentruber community) and the “Sweet Potatoes” sign hints that it is in the South as Lewis Miller and certainly others picked up on…but the settlement hasn’t been mentioned yet.
Erik, the first picture is, I think, from the Marion/Matoon area of Kentucky. One of the houses looks like a house that I stopped at to buy some mums during a vacation many years ago. At least the style of the homes are similar.
One of your other articles says that Swartzentrubers are in 13 states. Are they in West Virginia? Is Photo 1 in Mississippi? I thought Mississippi was flat, but it’s a southern state, and Randolph is in the northern part of the state where it might be more rolling.
#1 is Mississippi
Congrats Linda, you got it 🙂 There is just the one settlement there in the north. Thanks to our anonymous photographers who contributed the first two and to Tom for #3.
I enjoyed this quiz as usual, and learned something new — that
there are Swartzentruber Amish in Miss. I looked up the community
in my 2013 Raber’s Almanac and see they have a full ministry —
a bishop, two ministers and a deacon.
Heuvelton Amish
Does anyone know the address I can write to to contact the Heuvelton Amish in Upstate New York ? please email me at
Name That Amish Community (Quiz 3)
#1 Indiana
#2 Kentucky
#3 New York