Name that Amish community (#2)
How about another edition of “Name that Amish community“.
Can you tell where these 3 photos were taken? (UPDATE note: each is from a different settlement)
Photo 1:
Photo 2:
Photo 3:

How about another edition of “Name that Amish community“.
Can you tell where these 3 photos were taken? (UPDATE note: each is from a different settlement)
Photo 1:
Photo 2:
Photo 3:
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I’d guess Dover Delaware 😀
Somewhere beautiful that I would like to live.
Name the Amish community #2
YES, agree, a beautiful place to live!!!
So, on naming the community—from the limited visits I’ve made to Amish country — I’m going to GUESS maybe, Paradise, PA, or Bird-in-Hand, PA???? And of course, the phone number on the last one didn’t help — no area code. Plus the 1st photo, the sign was not totally visiable, either (ha)….The 2nd photo, of corn field, reminded me of the corn maze, we saw in Paradise, PA. and the early morning fog, also, reminded me of Smoketown, PA, where we stayed.
I give up, where are these photos taken?? Sharon R
I’d say DITTO to Carolyn’s comment. 🙂
Is is Illinois?
Isn’t is wonderful how neat and clean the Amish keep their properties? I love traveling around the US by car and the Amish communities always impress me. The are always so well kept.
I have no idea where that is but it is beautiful. But seeing I am from New York, I will say that the picture is from my home state. Maybe upstate or over on the east lower east side of New York STate.
3 different communities
Just to clarify–each photo is from a different community.
And I’ve made sure there is a little clue in each shot 🙂
Photo #1 – Big Valley, Belleville, PA
Photo #2 – Ohio
Photo #3 – New York
Photo 1 I don’t know ? Ohio
Photo 2 Indiana somewhere ,only state that requires plates on buggies
Photo 3 British Columbia from the phone number
Amish communities
#1 has got to be Lancaster Cty. I have been past the sign on my back road rides besides the house and surroundings are just Lancaster.
#2 I am also guessing Indiana somewhere.
#3 I have no idea.
Just my guesses, I really have no clue, LOL.
My guesses:
1: Arthur, IL
2: Adams or Allen Counties, IN
3. Dover, DE
I’ll take a stab at it…
1) No clue, but the picture is beautiful!
2) Allen County Indiana (definitely Swiss Amish)
3) Dover, DE
upon further research photo 3 could be either Dover DE or British Columbia .
No idea where these are but want to buy that farm!!
1. Lagrange County, Ind.
2. Allen County, Ind.
3. Dover, Delaware
I’d guess…
1. Ohio, possibly Wayne County
2. Indiana, Berne area or Allen County
3. unsure – could be Delaware or New York, but my first thought was Michigan
what's this Amish Community #2
This 3rd picture with the sale sign looks like in Mio, Michigan, but no it’s not Lol (^_^)
Sharyn Ecker; British Columbia has an Amish population, I did not know this. You learn something every day, eh. Thanks for that!
Here’s my guess, but I am building on what others have said.
#1 Definitely has that polished Lancaster look.
#2 Indiana
#3 Mississippi
SHOM , I dont know if they do I did a search on the Realtor and the phone number prefix and it came up British Columbia .
My guesses...
1. Nappannee, IN
2. Berne, IN
3. Almyer, Ontario, BC
Amish Community
Okay Eric, fess it!?! lol Where are they?
Uh, open buggies with triangles (second photo)—my guess is Indiana.
Others also seem to be in “flatlands”…firscould be Illinois (Arthur),and since I didn’t do a phone number search, I’d go with those who did and guess British columbia.
Correct Answers
All the right responses were mentioned but no one got all three in the same reply though some were pretty close (;
1Nappanee IN-the clue here was the sign, with a B and the very beginning of a u–for Burkholder a characteristic Nappanee Amish name. Also appearance of the farmhouses
2 Adams Co (Berne) IN-the open top buggies and the license plates were giveaways that this was probably one of the Indiana Swiss Amish settlements
3 Dover DE-main clue here was the for sale sign. Many Amish moving away from Dover past few years which we’ve discussed on some Dover Amish posts this year
In Canada Old Order Amish are only found in Ontario. There was an attempt to settle BC but didn’t work out.