My Amish Settlement List (72 Communities) UPDATED
A comment by Al in KY got me thinking about how many Amish settlements I’ve actually visited.
I had tallied this up before, but it was years ago. So I thought it a good idea to put together a fresh list.
I believe the very first settlement I went to was Lancaster County, but that would have been with my parents as a young child in the 1980s.
I found myself visiting a random Amish home in Michigan in 1998, really by accident.
But the first Amish settlement I properly visited was Arthur, Illinois in 2004, where I spent about three weeks.
By my count, as of 2020 I have visited 58 Amish communities in 15 states (I suspect I’ve left off 2 or 3 more, but let’s go with 58).
That’s only around 10% of all Amish settlements (currently totaling over 600), which underscores how dispersed the Amish are.
However these 58 communities include all 10 of the 10 largest, and I estimate represent over half of the total Amish population.
The list below contains all the communities I have visited at least once.
Those I’ve been to multiple times are marked with an asterisk (*).
Some of the places are quite obscure. I may have only been there for an hour or two.
Others I have returned to a half-dozen times or more, and sometimes spent weeks at a time.
How many of these – or others – have you visited?
UPDATE May 2022: I’ve added some more communities to the list below, in states including Colorado, Kentucky, and West Virginia. The total is now up to 70 communities in 17 states.
UPDATE January 2024: 72 communities.
Amish Communities I’ve Visited (Since 2004)
* indicates multiple visits
Pennsylvania (13)
*Lancaster County
York County (Glen Rock)
*Lebanon County
Dauphin County
*Big Valley (Mifflin County)
Sinking Valley (Blair County)
Juniata County
Somerset County
*New Wilmington
Enon Valley
Mercer County
Penns Valley
Nittany Valley
Ohio (13)
*Holmes County
*Geauga County
Hardin County (Kenton)
*Belle Center
Logan County (De Graff)
Andover (Ashtabula County)
Hicksville (Defiance County)
Ashland County (Ashland)
Gallipolis (Gallia County)
Beaver (Jackson County)
Oak Hill (Jackson County)
Indiana (11)
*Elkhart-LaGrange Counties
*Allen County
*Adams County
Whitley County (South Whitley)
Steuben County (Hamilton)
Parke County (Rockville)
Daviess County
Salem (Washington County)
Virginia (6)
*Halifax County
*Charlotte County
Pittsylvania County
*Burke’s Garden
Kentucky (8)
Sonora (Hardin County)
Hillsboro (Fleming County)
Flemingsburg (Fleming County)
Owingsville (Bath County)
Peasticks (Bath County)
Bethel (Bath County)
Colorado (4)
Monte Vista
La Jara
Michigan (3)
Centreville (St. Joseph County)
California Township (Branch County)
Illinois (2)
Macomb (McDonough County)
Iowa (2)
Bloomfield (Davis County)
Maryland (2)
Mechanicsville (St. Mary’s County)
North Carolina (2)
Delaware (1)
New York (1)
Tennessee (1)
Mississippi (1)
Florida (1)
West Virginia (1)
Summers County (added 2021)

Come visit Wisconsin! I’m in the southwest near the new (the last 20 years) Platteville settlement- I’ve met one of the bishops, I’d love to show you around! Lots of old order Amish up in Cashton, too. Wisconsin is arguably a legendary Amish state, having the WI vs Yoder Supreme Court case origins in New Glarus (which no longer has a settlement as I’m sure you know.)
Wisconsin is the state “most missing” on my list. Terry Berger has been encouraging me to go for years now. It will happen…good to know both of you are there, I may take you up on your offer, thanks!
I came across an interesting comment on why the New Glarus settlement disbanded. You would think it was due to the effects of the Wisconsin v. Yoder case. But according to one person in the know, it was more about internal conflict in the community – they “couldn’t get along” in the words of a son of early settlers there.
Yes, come to Wisconsin
I have to second Rose’s comment. We live by Hillpoint, Wisconsin in the SW near a couple of Amish settlements, which are further North and East. You should also visit Hillsboro the larger and older settlement to the West of us. Besides Wisconsin is beautiful!
I spent most of a summer in St. Croix and Polk Counties…I can second that it’s a beautiful state, at least the parts I saw. That was in 2003, a year before I first really met Amish people, so didn’t visit any communities in the state.
Hillpoint Country Store
Thank you for the information Kathy. I’ve been to Cedar Grove Cheese which is about 20 minutes southeast of there. When I go back I will head up to Hillpoint. I see there is Hillpoint Country Store in the area which is Amish owned – I’ll stop by there when I’m up there next time. Mishler’s in Dalton is 20 minutes closer to me, but I love to check out different locations.
You’ve really been around, Erik. I’ve visited 16 of the communities in 7 of the states mentioned.
If you ever visit in Cashton, Wisc. area again, I would encourage you to drive on over to Minn. to the St. Charles/Utica (OOA) and Fillmore County (Swartzentruber) settlements. It would be a 1 1/2 to 2 hour drive west from Cashton. They are in a beautiful part of Minn. known as “Bluff Country”.
Also, if you ever visit in Daviess Co. Indiana again, I would encourage you to visit the settlements in the areas of Paoli (OOA), Orleans/Mitchell (Swartzentruber) and Rosebud/Salem (New Order Amish). Three unique settlements, each different in their own way from Daviess County settlement,
the closest about 40 minutes east of Daviess County.
Two good suggestions Al. I lived in Decorah, Iowa for a summer, which is about 30 minutes SE of Harmony in Fillmore County. That area of IA is definitely full of bluffs, so I am guessing this might be the same region geologically. I wasn’t aware of the Bluff Country segment of MN and good to know about the two settlements there.
In the past I have posted photos by Cindy Seigle taken in the Orange County area, which I believe is the Paoli settlement. That’s a good recommendation to visit those three in turn. I was trying to recall which Salem community I visited (and if it was even Salem to begin with – this was 2004 – but I narrowed it down to conclude that it was) – as apparently there are two communities in the Salem area. It may have been the New Order community but can’t say for certain.
Platteville Amish
Thanks for the info Rose. I know there is an Amish community in Cashton, but did not know about the Platteville Amish. Next time I go to Monroe, Wi. to get discounted cheese at Emi Roth I’ll drive over there and check it out.
Schwartzentruber Community in Tennessee
There’s a growing Schwartzentruber Amish community close by to me in Morrison tennessee. I would have never known they were there. Except we kept seeing a black buggy regularly parked outside of Lowe’s in Mcminnville Tn. I asked one of the employees if they worked here. She said no. They just come in here regularly to buy materials. I thought maybe they were horse and buggy mennonites since there’s a large community of them in Spencer tn. I finally talked to someone at the fellowship mennonite church in Smithville tn. And he told me that theyre Schwartzentruber Amish, and he knows several of them. And there were probably 40 or 50 families there and growing. I went down there and bought produce from one of them. But I didn’t ask to confirm how many families were there. Theyre fairly hidden away back in there.
Thanks for the note Stephen. I had heard about the McMinnville, there is also a community at Summertown which I think are Swartzentruber unless I’m mixing things up. Sounds like a growing community there. I’ll make a mental note for next time I am in the area.
Maine Amish
We have three settlements in the great state of Maine. Do you anticipate visiting in 2020?
I don’t have it in the plans for this year Terry. I would like to do that trip combined with a visit to the Vermont community and Heuvelton, NY. Did you know Maine is actually up to 6 settlements? My state guide pages will be updated soon with that new info.
Amish communities you haven't visited
You really do need to visit the Jamesport, Missouri community. You will find them very hospitable. I do have two nephews and there families that live there. As you know I grew up Amish and left at the age of 18 and am 80yoa at this time. We plan to be in Jamesport the first weekend of June at my nephew Ivan Ray Miller residence. That Sat. he has open house as he shows and talks about the purple martins that he has a very large colony of them. Last year he had 147 pair and I believe if I am correct he had right at 250 people come for his open house the last two years. He has had many people from out of state that have come for his open house. Erik I would really enjoy to talk to personally some time. You can call me sometime on my cell: 501-416-2164.
Great recommendation Andy. Don Burke who shares posts and photos with us here has frequently covered the Jamesport community and I believe he likes the area a lot. That open house for your relative sounds like a great event. Thanks for the cell contact, I’ll try to give you a ring, would be interesting to hear more about your story.
New York State
Seneca and Wayne County New York would welcome you! Yates County is a great county of Amish Communities. I’m surprised there isn’t more in NY . Hope you visit more than just Heuvelton.
I think spending a week in New York and visiting 5-10 communities would really appeal to me. It is certainly doable with the number of Amish settlements in the state. Thanks for this suggestion, Laura.
Cashton Wi.Amish
My wife Patsy and I are tour guides for the Cashton Wi. Amish Settlement. We do both motor coach and car tours. I am a retired teacher/historian,and my wife is an artist. We have many Amish friends, in fact they built our log home.
I live in bath county Kentucky, we have three settlements in our county, peasticks (German) Amish, Preston (swiss) Amish and Sharpsburg (Lancaster) Amish from Pennsylvania. I have driven for all but my favorite for spending time with is peasticks. The best neighbors in the world.
Amish settlements
There are 2 Amish settlements in Montana. Rexford and St. Ignatious.
We have been there for there auctions for the school. They are pretty friendly. I love going there and feeling of their calmness. I have learned many things as I study the Amish , but one thing I love is that they truly live by the mantra that God is in control. I have learned to live like that also. Let God do His thing. He is in control. Just live the best you can with what you have been given.
Plains, MT
There’s a new settlement in Plains, MT — about 15 families so far. A little less conservative than Rexford. Great neighbors.
9 settlements now in Montana
Glad to hear that Jules. I see that that’s Montana’s youngest community. Sounds like your estimates match spot on with the population count via the Young Center:
Montana is now up to nine settlements.
Settlements in South
I hoped to take a visit to Lancaster PA this summer. I am now considering a visit to a community in NC. I am just interested in shopping and seeing the environment. Is this something I can do in NC?
Lancaster is on my bucket list.
Visiting NC Amish
Hi Cindy, in NC it’s a much much smaller Amish population than in Lancaster County, but there are 2 small settlements in central/west NC. I might recommend Union Grove as there are a couple of Amish businesses there, one a good-sized and popular general store with food, deli and other things, as well as a creamery with ice cream and other dairy.
This post is from my last visit there, in December:
The other Amish settlement in NC near Ellenboro are some of the most conservative Amish but they also have some businesses there – some homemade soap, furniture, etc. People I met were quite friendly.
But going to Lancaster County will be a completely different experience since it’s the biggest Amish community with 40,000+ Amish and many many businesses, shops, restaurants, etc. Still, if you’re in the mood for a road trip, there are worse things to do with a Saturday than driving to visit the Amish in NC.
Erik different communities visited
As I said earlier I believe that Jamesport,MO. would be a great visit for you. I just now got this email and am so glad to get your posts again. It has been almost a year since I had gotten any. I don’t know what happened. Had you discontinued posting? or do I need to pay or what? Please let me know because I really do want to be on your mailing list. let me know if I need to do something different. Thanks.
Hey Andy, wow, sorry to hear the posts stopped coming. And glad you’re getting them again. No, these are totally free, you only need to subscribe with your email address. I’ve been posting a lot, 5-8 times/week:) Maybe there was a deliverability issue – is it possible they were landing in spam?
I would love to visit Jamesport and also some other MO communities like Seymour.
If you notice you’re still not getting emails let me know, and glad to hear from you again.
Hi Erik: I live close to the Old Order settlements at Seymour, Mo. They are nice people we have the A highway settlement and the C highway settlement. The ones I know are mostly A highway.
New Amish Settlement in Virginia
There is a fairly new Amish settlement in Meadows of Dan,Virginia. They began in fall /winter of 2021. We have gotten to know all the families in their Amish community and they are wonderful neighbors.
Meadows of Dan, VA
Hi Bruce, I am planning to visit there as soon as tomorrow. Would you happen to know which roads or locations the Amish are located there? I am not finding any info in my regular sources. Thanks!
Any Amish builders in NE Wisconsin? Near Door County?
I grew up with the Amish in Jay County Indiana. Visit friends who now live Adams County Indiana and Harned KY. And just recently drove up to Union Grove NC.
You Haven't Been to One in OH
I don’t know how big it is, but there’s an Amish presence either in or near Englewood, OH. My father used to take me to their shop to buy meat. They also sold baked goods. I remember seeing gooseberry pie, gooseberries something I had never heard of before seeing the pies there.
Eric, there are a number of different settlements in nys. Oneida county, Herkimer county, Fulton county just to name a few…
Yes there are nearly 60 Amish communities in NY. Full list here:
I’ve only had a chance to visit the one listed above, in Otsego County. I hope to visit Conewango Valley in particular sometime.
You left out the Amish community in Beeville, Texas. They have an auction house, a great store, and do a lot of horseshoeing in the area,. It’s worth a visit and an honorable mention!
I “left it out” because I’ve never been there! These are only places I’ve personally visited 🙂
Amish community list
I can think of about 6 Amish communities off the top of my head in Illinois. I drive for 1 of them. There are several more.
If you get a chance, check out the Ava/Campbell group. A very thriving community. Different. They have horse & buggy transportation, but really rely on their tractors for transportation and they are all hardwired to the grid.
Yes there are about 20 Amish settlements in Illinois. Here’s a post we featured on Ava some years back. I understand that’s a New Order community.
Maybe one day I’ll have a chance to check it out!