Meeting The Amish Of Pinecraft (Video – Parts 1 & 2)
Since yesterday, several people have reached out to let me know about this new video (including one Amish friend). This is by YouTube filmmaker Peter Santenello (new to me), who makes videos about different cultures in the US and around the world.
In this two-part series, Peter walks around Pinecraft speaking with Amish people, as someone knowing relatively little about the Amish. He is given a warm greeting by the people he meets and ends up learning more about Amish life and beliefs. It leaves you with a smile on your face.
The video is a great ground-level look at the unique Florida settlement. Peter meets his first interviewees outside Yoder’s at the so-called “Wisdom Bench” (I’m pretty sure that’s a tongue-in-cheek name 🙂 ) where he speaks with John Raber and two other Amishmen who give him some initial firsthand insights into the community.
Later he has a long chat with an Amishman named Junior Fisher and several others outside a home on one of the Pinecraft residential streets. I can’t help but smile watching this video and enjoying the warm welcome and good humor Peter experiences as a complete outsider approaching the community with curiosity and respect.
As far as the camera, Peter is concerned about not stepping on anyone’s toes. But the people he speaks with are fine with it – even more than just “fine” in some cases, with one joking and laughing about being on TV several times. “Are you putting me on TV?” Junior asks him at first. “Turn it on so we’ll be on!” the Amishman says with a laugh. Not everyone is the same around cameras, but generally there is a higher comfort level with technology in this community.
I hope you enjoy this part 1 of Peter’s visit to Pinecraft. If you have never been to this one-of-a-kind place, this is about as good of a feel for the atmosphere as you will get from a video:
Meeting The Amish Of Pinecraft (Video – Part 2)
This is part 2 of Peter Santenello’s visit to the Amish of Pinecraft. It continues with the same uplifting feel as Peter walks around the community, meets lots of friendly Pinecrafters, and continues learning about this new-to-him people.
In this part he catches a Bocce ball game, sits down with a family with Amish roots to learn about the different Amish groups, meets more Amish from Ohio and PA, eats chicken and lemon meringue at Yoder’s, and attends a yodeling event which draws a huge crowd.
Peter comes to know that Pinecraft is not your typical Amish community, though the warm welcome he gets from Amish people is certainly not unusual in other places. Another nice video.

Pinecraft Video
Thanks for sharing the Pinecraft video. It was great! Would love to visit there sometime. Folks seemed real friendly and it looks like a very nice area. Looking forward to Part 2 video.
Absolutely. I’ll do a post on Part 2 next week, but if you’d like to see it before then, it’s already out. I haven’t viewed this one yet:
I spent a month in Sarasota and was in Pinecraft the same week as Peter Santenello. We always enjoy having breakfast at both Der Dutchman and Yoder’s restaurants. In fact, I rode the “Amish bus”, Elite Coach, back to PA at the end of my trip. I was the only English person on the bus except for the drivers. Talk about a fascinating experience!
Amish in Florida
That video was very well done. Thanks for sharing it.
Pinecraft Video
REALLY enjoyed this! I’ve read Amish fiction for years and am planning a trip to Pinecraft. This video was eye-opening in some ways. Thanks for sharing!
Pinecraft viedo
Enjoyed viedo so much. Looks like a pleasant friendly place to live. Question: if they are not farmers what income do they have? I heard they don’t collect social security.
he has part 2 out also now on his yutube channel