Look Inside a New York Amish Farmhouse (9 Photos)
Earlier this year we had a look inside an Ohio Amish home, photos of which had been posted to a realtor’s website. Though it’s not especially common, Amish homes are sometimes listed online, to reach potential buyers beyond the local Amish community.
You can currently view another Amish-owned home on the market in the Clymer, New York community.
According to the listing on Zillow, this is an eight-bedroom, three-bath home priced at $145,000 (cut by $5,000 two weeks ago), which has been listed on the site for 177 days.
It occurred to me that listing online might also be an option for those who are outside the church (shunning generally precludes church members from doing business with the excommunicated person), though I have no info on why this home is up for sale.
You can get a nice look at the exterior and interior of the home, with 17 photos available at Zillow. I’ve shared several of them below, including shots of the kitchen, bathroom, and living area. What do you notice about this traditional Amish farm home?

home for sale
1. Probably is perfectly safe, but that propane tank sitting in the living area kind of freaks me.
2. What is the tank-looking thing with the stovepipe? Floor under it is discolored so it must be some oily residue, dirt would have been cleaned up.
3. Wonder why no pictures of bedrooms.
No pix of bedrooms
I’m involved in real estate marketing. Bedrooms really don’t do much to excite buyers. Unless you have a fabulous master suite, or something really special, bedroom photos just don’t do much to add to the listing’s appeal.
Home for sale
That propane tank is the base of the lamp.
That’s correct, here’s another closer-up look at such a tank and lamp: https://amishamerica.com/amish-home-living-room/
No, the propane cylinder is not safe indoors. It is very common to use them like this. It is on wheels so it can be rolled to the room where light is needed. In the event of a leak, or heating the liquid propane until the relief valve relieves pressure, the propane vapor would be trapped indoors making an explosive atmosphere. It can’t burn inside the cylinder since there is no oxygen inside. Propane must be mixed with approx. 70 to 1 with air to burn correctly. Outside it readily mixes with too much air and is too lean to burn. Inside, this can fill a room or entire building with a ratio that can burn. That is why it is illegal to store or take any propane cylinder into a building.
As stated in other posts, that is a water heater. The single wall connector pipe is much too close to the combustible window frame. It must be a minimum 18 inches to a combustible. Double wall pipe can be reduced to 6 inches.
The cook stoves are thermostat controlled Ashland. The one in front of partition wall requires 30 inch clearance to rear wall and side to wood bin without shields. I doubt if floor protection requirements are met. Stoves specifications here;
What I noticed
There are no electrical outlets so must have been built by Amish for Amish. It looks as if there are two kitchens. Either that or it is one giant kitchen with mismatched cabinets. And the stove/barrel thing. Never saw anything like that in a house.
Amish real estate marketing
Hi! I hope folks find this comment helpful.
I’m self-employed in marketing and publishing, and work almost exclusively with Amish clients. One of my best clients (he’s also a friend) is an Amish realtor/auctioneer. In addition to print ads, we do have a website, and post on an auction website, too. Every listing and auction is most definitely posted online.
Well, first there is competition. “English” realtors and auctioneers all have websites, and when you are working with real estate clients, they want to know that you are reaching as many potential buyers as possible. The Amish in the Holmes County area accept that this includes online marketing. To be honest, in the last five years or so, they have begun to expect that to be part of the package. Also, keep in mind that a fair number of Amish do have access to the Internet, whether it’s at work, or by visiting the local library.
Over the last 10 years the Amish have very much come to accept that the Internet is not only here to stay, but also an integral part of any marketing effort. For example, I also have a client who is a cabinetmaker. Probably 95 percent of his clients are English. He knows that without his website, and others like Angie’s List and Houzz, his business simply would not exist. (That would mean that he and his three employees would have to find other jobs, and there would be no family business to pass on to his sons.)
Some church districts are more understanding of this than others. And certainly, things like websites, etc. are discussed at length, and watched closely. In general, the Amish do not look for “loopholes” to adopt the technology they need to stay competitive in business. They do their best to work with church leaders, and to follow the church’s guidelines.
P.S. Virtually all Amish homes feature two kitchens: One in the main level of the home, and one in the foundation level, referred to as the “summer kitchen.” It’s used in warmer months so that cooking/baking or canning activities don’t make the rest of the home too hot. Another feature we are seeing more and more is some type of solar energy setup. Whether for pumping water, or powering a few lights, the Amish have embraced solar technology — especially in new homes.
Thanks for your insights, Wordguy!
Coming from a Holmes County resident I’ll tell you this Wordguy has it down pat. You seem to have a good understanding of how we operate.
I started driving a few months ago, and just now read this post. Today I am making my first trip as an Amish van driver from Kentucky to Conewango, New York.
Erik, great article and photos. I love the wood floors. In opposition to the WordGuy’s comment, I love seeing every square inch of a for-sale home: closets, shelves, toilets, utility areas, etc. Thanks for the post.
I’d want to see bedroom pictures, especially for window placement/number windows, that kind of thing.
look inside.....
Would definitely want to see placement of windows in bedrooms, especially if this was built in an area with no building codes regarding the size of windows (for egress in case of fire). Do all the bedrooms even have windows?
Every Amish bedroom I have seen or been in has had windows. Especially important when you rely more on natural light.
Most bedrooms have at least 2, if not 3 windows, especially in newer homes. In our new home we planned a future guest bedroom for the basement and according to new safety requirements it is probably 3 by 5 with a deep window well wit footholds to work as a ladder in case of fire. of course, older homes would be different.
Glad you liked it Carolyn, these posts always seem to get a good response. I shared most of the interesting shots, I don’t believe there were any bedroom shots for this one. There is at least one in the Ohio post I linked in the first paragraph.
Anyone got a spare Green Card?
I converted the price to GBP, and it came out at £94,444.09. That is unbelievably cheap by UK standards. My house in Burnley, which is a 3 bed, 1 bath stone built terraced house with a 20ft concrete yard, and definitely no farmland, cost me £32,000 3 years ago, and Burnley is one of the ten cheapest areas to buy in England – my aunt’s house in London (brick built terraced house, 3 beds, 1 bath, sep cloakroom and 70ft garden) is now worth about £400,000. If I were 20 years younger, I’d definitely be looking at converting my nursing registration to the US equivalent!
The last picture looks to me like their wash room/ laundry. The barrel stove is a homemade stove that heats their hot water. The firebox in the center of the stove is surrounded with water. (We used to have one like that)Their wash rooms are usually connected with their houses as one can see on this picture with the window behind the stove.
Yes, I’d definitely want to see pix of bedrooms, as well. Bed sizes certainly vary, and I’d like to be able to fit them in without being crammed. Egress (and light from windows, and airflow) are certainly high points for me!
The last (laundry?) room confuses me, as the window by the big heater/boiler thing seems to be another INSIDE window (curtains on the opposite side). I’d like to know what that is, back there. Curious!
Alice Mary
The laundry room is likely the equivalent of a lean-to serving as the utility/entryway/mudroom/laundry.
Amish Home
Hi Eric,
I cant believe an 8 bedroom home would be only $145,000.
That is incredible.
Here in Australia you would pay $500,000 for a 4 bedroom home that isn’t half as big. WOW!!!!!
Julie Australia
Amish Home
I have a friend of mine who is Amish. If she saw that kitchen, she would have a fit with all the items on the kitchen counter. She and I saw another house like that once, but she didn’t say anything while inside of it, but when she was in the car, she said she wanted to help the lady by cleaning her kitchen for her, but was to polite to ask. I wonder what she thinks when she sees my kitchen.