Introducing the Amish Business Directory
We’ve gradually been building this out over the past couple of years, and though it is not yet complete, I think it’s complete enough to launch. Look up and you’ll see the “Amish Business Directory” link which is now a part of the top menu.
In it you’ll find listings of both Amish-owned businesses and companies selling Amish products, including:
…and more.
Businesses are organized by category and state. You’ll find hundreds of companies from across North America.
I’m excited about this because business requests are some of the most common inquiries we get. So I hope this will be useful.
*One favor*: If you know of a business we missed, please help us out by adding it in the comments on the appropriate page.
By no means do we have everyone listed here. But we’ve done our best to get this off to a good start, using sources including online listings and Amish publications.
In the coming weeks and months we’ll be adding more categories, including harness shops, fabrics sellers, Amish grocery stores, and more.
Amish eggs sign: Ardyiii/flickr; Amish labor: The Stakhanovite Twins/flickr

Amish Business Directory
At first glance, OUTSTANDING! I look forward to going through it in greater detail.
Thanks, Erik, for your hard work!
Wow! Thanks! This is a fabulous resource.
Amish Business Directory
This is great!
Wow, this is ambitious! I like the idea, I hope it goes well, it should provide a lot of information to people visiting or even living in Amish country wanting to stop in and get something or use a particular service. Ambitious!
I haven’t looked closely, but is the content USA oriented, or are there, or will there be, Canadian businesses listed?
Thank you
Thanks for all the positive comments here. If there are any requests or ideas too, those are welcome.
Shom you are right, I am aware of that, for some reason we neglected Canadian locations for a number of the categories (not very nice, I know… 🙂 ).
However you’ll see Canada listings for some sections, for restaurants and furniture for instance. For the other categories, I’ve asked my help to focus on getting those together, and as soon as I get them will add them in.
Amish work Crews
This sounds like a great idea.
Do you have anywhere someone can post to hire Amish workers.
I am looking to hire 1-2 work crews for barn deconstruction.
Mostly in Michigan, but Ohio and some Indiana.
Please contact Jim
Sure thing Jim, these pages may also be a good place to post:
Hay balers:
Hello. I live on the border of Minnesota and Wisconsin. Just outside of River Falls Wisconsin. Downing, wi and Prairie Farm, wi have Amish folks living around there. I just need a way to locate one or two of them who may be willing to bale a little hay for us. Can you make a connection for us?
A keeper!
Thanks, Erik! Just in time for Christmas…and beyond! I’m sure to use it often!
Alice Mary
Introducting the Amish Business Directory
Oh, Erik, this is fantastic. It gives me places I can go visit when the snow melts away here in New York State. Thank you so much.
Introducing the Amish Business Directory
Hello Erik
I was so excited to see this directory! There is one correction for Tennessee Quilts – PLAIN AND SIMPLE QUILTS is now located at 4111 Highway 43N, Ethridge, TN 38456. Their phone number and web address are the same as you have published. Their shop is awesome. Thanks again.
Thank you Maggie. I just updated it.
Thanks, Erik. I appreciate your posting this. It’s awesome.
Glad if it helps Vanetta!
Thank you
Thank you Erik,
I like your posts and info!!
Are you including the addresses of the Amish publishing companies so we may find where to order “The Budget” (for example)?
I hadn’t thought about that Carol, may be a good idea. You should already be able to find Budget and other addresses here though:
Some addresses in the post, others are in the comments.
just advertisers? or any
Do you just list advertisers with your blog or do you add any and all amish business? I have many for our Southern Indiana I could add.
These are any and all Amish businesses, so like I wrote above feel free to add any that aren’t here. Thanks in advance for sharing Samantha.
other construction in Southern Indiana
Dutchland Homes and Remodeling, Delbert Miller, 1099 Seals Road Loogootee,IN 47553 (812) 254-5400
Garrell W. Graber Construction, Inc.,Garrell W. Graber 8514 E. 1200 N. Odon,IN 47562 (812) 636-4577
Graber Bros. Construction,Alva Graber, 9464 E. 200 N.,Loogootee IN,47553 (812) 254-8011
Graber Construction & Crane Service,Tony Graber,151 N. 350 E. Washington,IN,47501 (812) 254-6202
Graber Crews LLC,Laverne Stoll,7716 N. 900 E.,Montgomery,IN 47558 (812) 636-7355
Graber Post Buildings,Glen Graber,7716 N. 900 E.,Montgomery,IN 47558 (812) 636-7355
Henry Yoder Construction LLC,Henry Yoder,102 S 2nd Street Cannelburg,IN 47519 (812) 486-9589
J & L Home Center,John Knepp,4608 E US Hwy 50,Washington,IN 47501 (812) 486-3380
K & K Industries,Jerry Stoll,8518 E 550 N,Montgomery,IN 47558 (812) 486-3281
Knepp & Sons Construction LLC,Marvin Knepp,4784 E. 200 S. Washington,IN 47501 (812) 486-5593
L & W Construction Randy Lengacher,10565 E. 875 N Odon,IN 47562 (812)486 9752
Lengacher Masonry, Inc. Terry Lengacher 5756 E. Old US Hwy 50,Montgomery,IN,47558 (812) 486-3792
M N & W Construction LLC ,Mahlon Wagler, JR,8320 E. 800 N. Montgomery,IN 47558 (812) 687-7644
Phillip Stoll and Son’s Construction,Phil Stoll,8365 E. 800 N. Montgomery IN 47558 (812) 486-9830
Tri – State Builders, LLC,Larry Wagler 10710 E. 325 N. Loogootee In 47553 (812) 486-8972
VK Construction, LLC,Vernon Knepp,4747 E. 100 N.,Washington,IN 47501 (812) 486-6448
W & G Construction,Owen Wagler,8811 N. 1025 E., Odon IN 47562 (812)787-0078
Wittmer Crane, Inc.,Leon Wittmer,19410 N. 1300 E.,Loogootee,IN 47553 (812) 486-5507
Darrell Stoll Construction,Darrell Stoll,7473 N. 700 E. Odon IN 47562 (812)486-9236
M and M Graber Construction LLC Mervin Graber,11653 E. 1050 N. Odon,IN 47562 (812) 787-0943
MD Construction Services, LLC,David Graber,11423 E. 1200 N. Odon,IN 47562 (812) 709-1358
Thanks Samantha, very helpful.
Additional listing
Whispering Pines Country Store
8153 E Skeels Rd
Fremont Michigan 49412
231 924 0991
Amish owned bulk food store, fresh produce, large on site bakery & take out deli. Lots of Amish made products.
Great Deb, this will go in our upcoming grocery/food store category.
Thanks for doing this major task, Erik. It is a great public service. I remember a year or so ago you had a posting on Amish
salvage/bent & dent stores and several of us commented about how helpful it would be to have a directory of those. I’ll be on the lookout from now on to let you know of any additions I know of in any of the categories. I have one for the furniture store category: Miller’s Furniture and Greenhouse
2375 Macon-Kessinger Road
Munfordville, Ky. 42765
Phone: 270-524-7684
On their business card it says: A complete line of Amish crafted heirloom home and office furnishings.
I have shopped there and think it’s a good store.
Also, I was wondering, are you going to include Old Order Mennonite
stores? I have shopped at several OOM hardware,bulk food, garden supply and variety stores in the Elma, Iowa and Wakarusa/Yellow Creek,Ind., settlements. I have found them to be good stores with good quality and very reasonable prices. They are very similar to Amish stores.
Thank you Al. While it’s primarily Amish businesses I am open to adding Old Order Mennonite businesses as well and I believe there are a few already included. So if you like feel free to send any of those along.
My story
This has nothing to do with Amish Business Directory, but it is such a beautiful story, I wanted to share. I am English and live in a remote part of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. About a year and a half ago, I was reading through the Budget. I subscribed because I have such a great interest in the Amish beliefs. In that edition of the Budget, a woman by the name of Elsie (I am keeping their last name a secret for their privacy)had a little article that asked if anyone else suffered from atrial fibrilation. Well, I saw that she was looking for information from someone else who had it, and I do have atrialfibrilation. I wrote to Elsie who lives in the country not too far from Millersburg. Much to my amazement she wrote back to me. We have been pen pals ever since. In her last letter, she said she and Roy had a shanty with a phone in it which was shared by several other families. She gave me the extension, so I could leave a message. I called, left my phone number. You cannot believe how I felt when I saw her area code come up on my Caller ID. I answered “hello” and she said this is Elsie your penpal. We talked about an hour. I’m 65 and she is close to my age. Her husband is the same age as mine is. I finally got up the nerve to ask her something I have been wondering for some time. I said “Hubby and I have to travel to Erie, PA for my husband’s Family Reunion. How would you and Roy feel if we got a motel and came to visit you for a day or two?” She said that would be “wonderful”. Then she said “I’ll cook you a good Amish supper”. And, Roy would be so happy to talk to your husband about tractors (we have 5 antique ones). We talked some more and finally we were ready to say our goodbys. Elsie wanted me to call again so we could talk. I feel that the good Lord wanted her to talk to me on the phone. I also feel he has his hands on our visiting in August. On our way home, we will stay two days in a motel and visit with she and Roy and their children as much as we can. This is a Blessing from God.
My story
If there are any comments on My story, I would love to see them. Here is my story again.
This has nothing to do with Amish Business Directory, but it is such a beautiful story, I wanted to share. I am English and live in a remote part of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. About a year and a half ago, I was reading through the Budget. I subscribed because I have such a great interest in the Amish beliefs. In that edition of the Budget, a woman by the name of Elsie (I am keeping their last name a secret for their privacy)had a little article that asked if anyone else suffered from atrial fibrilation. Well, I saw that she was looking for information from someone else who had it, and I do have atrialfibrilation. I wrote to Elsie who lives in the country not too far from Millersburg. Much to my amazement she wrote back to me. We have been pen pals ever since. In her last letter, she said she and Roy had a shanty with a phone in it which was shared by several other families. She gave me the extension, so I could leave a message. I called, left my phone number. You cannot believe how I felt when I saw her area code come up on my Caller ID. I answered “hello” and she said this is Elsie your penpal. We talked about an hour. I’m 65 and she is close to my age. Her husband is the same age as mine is. I finally got up the nerve to ask her something I have been wondering for some time. I said “Hubby and I have to travel to Erie, PA for my husband’s Family Reunion. How would you and Roy feel if we got a motel and came to visit you for a day or two?” She said that would be “wonderful”. Then she said “I’ll cook you a good Amish supper”. And, Roy would be so happy to talk to your husband about tractors (we have 5 antique ones). We talked some more and finally we were ready to say our goodbys. Elsie wanted me to call again so we could talk. I feel that the good Lord wanted her to talk to me on the phone. I also feel he has his hands on our visiting in August. On our way home, we will stay two days in a motel and visit with she and Roy and their children as much as we can. This is a Blessing from God.
Great story!
I am happy for you and your pen pal. I once had an Amish harness maker in PA that I corresponded with for a number of years, but he wasn’t a “pen pal” … we just happened to share some common interests. Still it was interesting to get bits and pieces of news from him & I wish we had continued our written communication.
So I say GOOD FOR YOU & GOOD FOR ELSIE; may your friendship blossom and grow, lasting for years to come.
That’s truly a nice story, Jean! I’ve had a pen pal for over 47 years, and though neither of us is Amish, she does live very near Amish settlements in Ohio & often vacations there (she sends me photos).
I’ve always considered her friendship a similar blessing, as a lot has happened in those 47 years (we were in grade school when we “met”), and we’ve always been there for one another. We’re like sisters!
I’d like to hear about your future visit, if you’d like to share. I hope your friendship continues to grow!
Alice Mary
Unity, Maine Cabinet Maker
Please add Nelson Stoll’s Last Stop Wood Shop to your list of Amish businesses. Mr. Stoll makes custom cabinets, vanities and furniture on Thorndike Rd., Unity, Maine. His phone is 207 948 1444. Thanks for the directory it is very interesting.
Thanks Carolyn! Just added in to Maine Furniture, and Cabinets main page.
Amish Business Directory
We live in Manchester PA and visit the Amish Country quite often and we have never seen the Amish Business Directory so we would like to know where we can get one, could you Please advise us where to get it.
Thank You
Where to find business directory
Ivan if you mean the Lancaster County Business Directory, you can pick up a hard copy for free in many local businesses including Amish ones. Many of the businesses are Amish.
The one referenced on this page is the only directory we have created and is only available here online (top menu link).
Were interested in being listed under your site. Please advise. Thank you!
Just send your business information (name, address, contact, 1-2 line description) to me at , and also which page you should be listed under (product category & state- eg, Amish Quilts – New York).
Wanted used iron wood burning kitchen stove with reservoir on side.
We are from Humboldt,Iowa. We are in need of a good used kitchen wood burning cook stove with a reservoir on the side. I would prefer the color to be white, tan or the old green. I had one in Manning Iowa several years ago, for cooking and heating the house when we needed it in the winter. It was such a comfort during winter storms!
Please contact at 515-205-5009
Lloyd Intermill
2446 Pine Ave.
Humboldt, Iowa 50548
I need a roof replaced. 11,500 flat rubber now. Clarion County