Search Results for: inside an amish home

Inside An Amish Home With 100-Tree Peach Orchard (20 Photos)

Inside An Amish Home With 100-Tree Peach Orchard (20 Photos)

This Michigan home for sale comes with a 100-tree peach orchard – and possibly even an Amish school building? More on that in a minute. The community is Pittsford, which is in Hillsdale County, home to four Amish settlements. It appears to be the community at Osseo going by the latest Amish community listings. Hillsdale…

Inside an Amish Home With Some Surprising Touches (26 Photos)

Inside an Amish Home With Some Surprising Touches (26 Photos)

This is a very neat and cozy Amish home in the Carrollton, Ohio settlement (Carroll County), with a number of fancier touches. It also contains several things that stand out as rather atypical for Amish homes, which you’ll see below. With the snow visible here we can assume the photos are quite recent – and…

Look Inside An Amish Home (With Floor Plan) – 30 Photos

Look Inside An Amish Home (With Floor Plan) – 30 Photos

Next Friday, March 19th, will be a big day for the Alvin and Wilma Borntrager family of Vestaburg, Michigan. That’s when their 80-acre farm – house, equipment, 105 cows – goes up for auction. Jim Halverson alerted me to this sale listing, which opens with a simple description: “Haveing [sic] decided to move Alvin and…

Inside An Amish Home With A Picture-Perfect Interior (21 Photos)

Inside An Amish Home With A Picture-Perfect Interior (21 Photos)

From the outside, this Pennsylvania Amish home is neat and tidy but not particularly remarkable: But inside, the photos are some of the nicest I’ve seen of an Amish home interior: I think that’s in part due to the quality of the photography, but the home is very neat with a lot of nice woodwork…

Inside an Amish Home: Musical Clock

Inside an Amish Home: Musical Clock

What do you find on the walls of Amish homes?  As we discussed in a previous post on Amish wall decor, these items tend toward the practical–things like decorative calendars or zip code charts. Even the ostensibly “non-practical” pieces are practical in their own, higher-purpose way–a framed inspirational saying or Biblical verse, for example, daily…