Horse Bolts With Amish Baby In Buggy; Found 2 Hours Later
A potentially grim story with a happy ending in a Wisconsin Amish community. From WKOW:
GRANT COUNTY (WKOW) — An Amish baby who was missing for two hours in Grant County Friday was found safe thanks to the help of a Good Samaritan.
The Grant County Sheriff’s Office was first notified about the missing baby in Hickory Grove Township around 10:30 a.m.
Sheriff Nate Dreckman said the baby was in a horse and buggy which the mother had tied to a pole at a residence. He said the horse loosened itself from the pole and then “took off” with the child still inside the buggy.
Various crews from area police, fire, and EMS departments took part in searching for the baby. But the one who eventually found the child was a volunteer described only as a “Good Samaritan”:
Dreckman reported a Good Samaritan heard about the missing Amish baby and assisted in the search. The person found the baby still in the buggy just after 12 p.m.
EMS evaluated the baby, who was still safely wrapped in its blanket, and found the child was in good condition.
The baby’s mother must have breathed a huge sigh of relief. Those must have been two long hours.
Horses bolt sometimes and runaway Amish buggies are a thing to be aware of. This particular story recalls a similar happening from 2020 when a buggy bolted with a small child inside.
The horse was described as running at a “full gallop” with the buggy itself almost tipping over. However a Pennsylvania state trooper was able to stop the horse and rescue the little girl (image below).

Thank god
The good lord was at work.
Good Samaritan Rescue
…….SO……what is the rest of the story? Where found?
Horse went home, and the rescue was inside horse barn?
The rescuer found the Buggy tipped over in a nearby ditch, with the horse still attached and waiting patiently.
Very incomplete story, very frustrating!!!
Only opened a “can of worms” and then left a bunch of questions!
Other 5 children, ~ First child ~ baby boy only 2 mo. old??
a fluke thing for this old gelding to get loose?
I also wish more details had been provided. I’ve checked and haven’t found any further updates on this story.
Thanks Erik… Wish there was more info. Glad the story ended well, just woud have been so much better, if it explained more! Must have just been a fluke thing, as you can see horses and buggies tied in many places, and who knows if others haven’t done this many times…Run into a friend’s for just a second? Doubt if it is the first time, & probably won’t be the last time….after all people leave their kids in cars too!
Rejoice ~?
Of course, I assume that everyone was happy that the story ended well, and so am I.
No, I am not writing a book, never have & never will.
This story just left so many unanswered questions, and as the old saying goes, “Inquiring minds want to know”!
I did not mean to offend YOU or anyone else!
Things happen, Most all of us have made plenty of mistakes, I know I have, but “hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20.” and sometimes it does take an incident like this, for many to learn a lesson.
Good Samaritan
Do you know in which settlement these people live in? The child looks Swartzentruber Amish. When tragedy hits a lot can go through the mind in seconds; I can’t imagine two hours!
So this image would be from the second story I referenced about the police officer stopping the runaway buggy. I noted this in the text above the photo but I probably should have labeled it in the caption as well. Sorry for any confusion. There were no images that I have seen of the community in this most recent story.
Grant County has around 5 different settlements but looking at the map and the reference to this being Hickory Grove Township this appears to be either the Boscobel/Blue River community or the Fennimore community. The Fennimore community is Lancaster County-origin and The Boscobel group originally came from communities in NE Iowa.
TWO hours?
Wow, it took them TWO hours to find the horse and buggy? Must have been torture for that mother. But I am still wondering why it took that long. After all is it really that difficult to find an errant horse attached to a buggy?
Thankful that all turned out well.
I wondered the same, especially with so many out looking. Perhaps it ended up parking itself somewhere off the main road, like down an unoccupied lane.
Don’t EVER LEAVE A CHILD UNATTENDED! Hope a LESSON was learned. Since Amish don’t use car seats in buggies.
Don’t EVER LEAVE A CHILD UNATTENDED! Hope a LESSON was learned. Since Amish don’t use car seats in buggies.Some training should be done here too.
Don’t EVER LEAVE A CHILD UNATTENDED! Hope a LESSON was learned. Since Amish don’t use car seats in buggies.Some training should be done here too.