Hello from Lancaster County (3 New Things I Noticed – Video)
I just returned from a week in the Lancaster County Amish community. While there I attended the 2022 Amish conference at Elizabethtown College, and spent a lot of time with Amish friends. I’ll have a post sharing some favorite images from the trip coming soon.
I also recorded a short video from inside the buggy of a teenage son of one of my friends. It made a handy studio, though I dealt with a bit of noise from the passing cars.
When you haven’t been to a place in a couple of years, you tend to notice changes when you return. I talk about some of those in the video (as well as a few things that weren’t in fact new, but that I happened to notice for the first time, specifically regarding church service, which I attended Sunday morning). I hope you enjoy. Runtime: 5:10.

Hey Erik! Nice to see another video; haven’t seen a post in a while. Looks like a beautiful place. My husband was listening and asked what I was watching. He said the married men grow beards because they don’t have time to shave anymore! Lol
Ha that’s a funny explanation, I might need to run that by some married Amish guys I know – or maybe better, ask their wives 😀 I did have a post slow down during the week in PA but getting back on schedule now
Hello from Lancaster County
Your latest video was much appreciated; having been in California for 30+ years formerly from Pennsylvania and now retired here, your video brought back some of the fonder memories of life back there.
Thank you David happy to share these wonderful views I enjoyed this past week. The weather was overall great and it smelled like honeysuckle in many places I went. Not a bad time to be there.
Beautiful Country
I’m not a world traveler like you are Erik, but we have been in every state in the continental USA and gazed in awe at some of the beauty of the other states. That being said, and I may be a bit partial, but I think Eastern Lancaster County, PA is the most beautiful place on earth. Especially in the Conestoga Valley between Churchtown and Morgantown.
Hi I am from South Africa and I long to visit the US again. I have been twice but I was only 9 years old and 16 years old respectively. I am now 44 and have not been again. It would be nice as a foreigner to visit the Amish. They are quite a fascinating people and yes I understand that they are “just people”. Aren’t we all lol! God Bless.
I hope you get a chance to do that Lara, and I wonder what differences you’d notice since your last visit. You are right we are all just people 🙂
That’s one of my favorite parts of the community too Lydia. I happened to buy 15 dozen eggs from an Amish farm in that area a few days ago (not for me but for Amish friends) 🙂
Lancaster Transplants from out of state
Great topic would be out of state ‘transplants” ….who located to live among the Amish from out of the area. Many people on various sites wish they could live among the Amish.
We live among the Amish in Ronks, Lancaster PA and have much interaction in our area.