Do Amish Enjoy Music & Singing? (6 Examples)

Amish people enjoy music and/or singing in church, school, work, and at rest. Their experience of music and singing is (for the most part) different from the average American person. But music, and especially singing, are an important part of Amish life.

  1. Church song – Singing in church is an expression of praise to God
  2. Musical instruments – Musical instruments are generally not used by Amish (with exceptions)
  3. Singing at home – Amish sing after meals, while working, or in the evening
  4. Singing in school – Children sing a variety of songs in Amish schools
  5. Youth singing – The Amish youth singing is an important social gathering
  6. Pop and country music – Some Amish enjoy popular music, thought they generally do not own iPods, CD players, or radios

1. Amish church singing

Amish church songs are taken from the High German songbook known as the Ausbund. The Ausbund contains no musical notes, and tunes are shared from one generation to the next. Songs in the Ausbund recall the martyr history of Anabaptist forefathers. One example of a song regularly sung is Lebt Friedsam, known as the “parting” or “farewell hymn.”

As you can hear in the above video, singing in church is typically slow, with drawn-out notes. Singing may last half-an-hour or more to open the church service. Amish men will practice singing during the week prior to the service:

One evening I stopped by to visit an Amish family who weren’t expecting me. As I got out of my car, I could hear several Amish men in the house singing very slowly in German. I stayed out on the porch til the song was done, then the father of the household came out and explained this was the evening three of his fellow churchmen gathered at his house to practice singing hymns from the Ausbund (Amish hymnal) in preparing for the next Sunday’s service. I quietly left and they resumed their singing practice.

Read more about Amish church singing.

2. Do the Amish play musical instruments?

Amish church music is unaccompanied, and generally, the Amish do not play musical instruments. Stringed musical instruments such as guitars and banjos are seen as avenues for self-expression which call unnecessary attention to the individual.

In some communities, however, small harmonicas or mouthharps may be acceptable. Limited use of guitars may also be seen in more progressive communities (and played by younger Amish people, in particular).

On a related note, Amish do not dance to music or song. Some Amish people may write their own songs, though it is not common.

3. Singing around the house

Amish do enjoy song, and often sing informally. This may be anything from singing in the shower, the garden, or while working.  Song is seen as a joyful way to pass the time and make the work go quicker. Amish typically do this type of singing in English. As one observer notes:

One day I picked up a load of produce at an Amish farmer’s produce shed. He was not home, but two of his teenage daughters were picking produce in a large field a little ways from the shed and likely didn’t even know I was there. As they worked, they were singing beautiful songs in German. A very peaceful setting.

Church songs are generally not sung alone or informally. Amish will gather to practice these songs. Amish married men, for instance, may gather together to practice church singing on a weekday. Christian hymns may also be sung in English at breakfast or at the end of the day. Amish people may sing together as a family in the evening.

4. Singing in the Amish school

Amish children sing many songs at school, typically in English. Songs sung in Amish schools typically have an uplifting religious theme. A song is usually sung before beginning the day’s lessons. Children eagerly perform the songs they learn in school at home for their parents, or visitors to the school.

5. The Youth Singing

Amish youth also gather together to sing both church songs from the Ausbund and other books, as well as other hymns, both in German and in some cases English.

The Amish youth singing is typically held at the home of the family which held church that Sunday, and includes dinner and often games of volleyball.  It is an important event for youth to socialize and to meet potential marriage partners.  Singings are an important part of the Amish youth period Rumspringa.

Singing at special occasions

Additionally, Amish youth and families may sing at special occasions – for example, singing for older folks in the community at their homes – or even singing for non-Amish residents of a nursing home. Here is another example from an observer:

I attended a benefit dinner at a Beachy Amish/Amish Mennonite church fellowship hall. The person who invited me told me to come at 6 for the dinner and stay afterwards because an Amish family was going to sing for everyone after dinner. Almost everyone attending the dinner stayed and enjoyed the family’s acapella singing for about an hour. The whole family sang together — from young children to late teens, along with the parents.

6. Do Amish people listen to pop music?

It sometimes surprises people to learn that Amish enjoy forms of popular music. This doesn’t necessarily mean that Amish have stacks of compact discs and iPods stashed away (though some Amish youth might).

However, Amish don’t necessarily mind some forms of pop music. Country music in particular is popular among Amish, and Amish may be quite familiar with artists such as Johnny Cash or local favorites, such as country/gospel musician John Schmid, popular in his heavily Amish “hometown” of Holmes County, Ohio.

One observer relates his experience at such a concert:

One more experience that I will long remember was attending the 125th Anniversary celebration of The Budget newspaper in Sugarcreek, Ohio, during which John Schmid gave an evening concert, singing about half of his songs in English and half of his songs in Pa. Dutch. A large number of Amish were present and seemed to thoroughly enjoy his singing, as did I.

Where do the Amish hear popular music?

Where do Amish hear pop music? There are a number of venues. With the rise of Amish businesses, more and more Amish travel by car to work, such as construction workers. Often, a driver will play music and may fill requests for particular stations.

Amish may encounter music on the job site as well, as was heard in a produce co-op consisting mainly of Amish farmers but which employs both non-Amish and Amish at its electrically-equipped warehouse. A stereo system plays songs as young Amish move vegetable about the floor space.

Large yellow speaker box in back of a black Amish buggy at night
Some Amish youth install stereos in their carriages

Amish, of course, enter into public spaces such as banks and stores like Walmart, and will hear whatever music those venues pipe in for their patrons. Amish may even occasionally have a chance to hear live music during outdoor concerts that may take place during community auctions, or other events.

Amish often have preferences for certain types of popular music, such as country, bluegrass, gospel, or even rock.  Amish youth are understandably more likely to have experience with popular music. A teenager is likely to be acquainted with a wide range of music and may have an iPod or access to music on a cellphone.

Some Amish teens install stereos and speakers in their buggies. Amish parents take different views of these practices and, like any parents, don’t necessarily condone their children’s behavior. Others see less of a danger in youthful indulgence in pop music.

The Amish experience with song & music

The Amish experience with music varies, ranging from the solemn traditional High German hymns sung in church, to more popular hymns sung while working and relaxing, and even pop music heard in a variety of venues.

Amish enjoy music as any others do, and enjoy both listening to and creating song. Music is a means of expression acceptable in Amish society, though it is more often performed in group contexts rather than in solo situations.

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    1. Keith B. Johnston

      Do Amish enjoy music and singing?

      Recently small booklets have been printed with the tunes for the Ausbund hymns, so they can be studied now by songleaders. The best book on the Ausbund is a well written one by an Amish man Ben Blank, The Amazing Story of the Ausbund. There is also an English translation of the most commonly used hymns called Songs of the Ausbund (although many hymnals used outside of Sunday morning worship by the Amish and Plain Mennonites contain some Ausbund hymns translated). Both of these can be found in most Amish stores or ordered from Pathways.

    2. Thanks Keith, I appreciate you sharing good info here and on other posts. I’ve at least once used the translated hymnals, and I’ve often seen Ben Blank’s books in Amish homes. Interesting to hear about the booklets.

    3. kate


      I am doing a project for school and this article has been very helpful thanks.

    4. Pam M.

      Amish dances in the late 40's?

      My uncle tells me that he and my dad went to Amish dances in Pennsylvania when they were in their late teens/early twenties. Can anyone shed any light on this topic? Thanks

    5. PRINZ

      Recherche CD des chants Amish

      Je recherche un CD des principaux chants des Amish aux Etats Unis.
      Quelqu’un peut-il me conseiller ?

    6. Slightly-handled-Order-man

      I am unaware that there are any CDs of Amish church music, for one thing, producing a recording of songs sung from Amish church services for the sake of profit may (most likely) be regarded as sacrilegious to the Amish community, generally.

      However, various youtube videos exist of Amish and Mennonites singing spirituals and hymns from various sources. One of the nicest in my opinion, although, given the circumstance of where the video was made, of a “choir” of Amish girls singing at an Amish funeral.

      But, although other people maybe be aware of CDs of Amish music, I am not, and if they are available, I am sure a lot of people would want to know how to get them too.

      1. Shom a belated thanks for the French language help 🙂 I am assuming French is more commonly taught in Canada. I guess I could have used Google Translate but you did a nice job here.

      2. I own a CD of songs by some Amish young ladies in Holmes County. They were all (3 or 4) unbaptized at the time and sang at benefits and such in their area. I believe proceeds from the sale of the CDs went to help someone in need.

        When we visited later with one of the girls, she had moved on from singing as much because she had been baptized.

    7. John Nozum

      Thanks for the article on Amish music!

      I had questions about Amish and music for around 15 years! I really enjoyed your article on Amish music!

      May God’s peace be with ya–in the name of JESUS!

      From John Nozum

    8. Rev. J. Alexander

      The Ausbund

      I am a minister in the Christian Church(Disciples of Christ) who just recently moved to Wooster, Ohio. I am a musician and collect hymnals. Any idea if it would be possible to get a copy of the Ausbund?

      1. Carol


        In the 2016 Pathway Publishers the Ausbund is listed @ $6.50.

      2. Mark -- Holmes Co.

        If you’re in Wooster, you are not far from The Amish & Mennonite Heritage Center. (Address: 5798 County Road 77, Millersburg, OH, 44654; phone: 330-893-3192). Though the address is Millersburg, they are just outside of Berlin, maybe a 40 min. drive from Wooster. They sell Ausbunds both the original (like we use in church) and the newer translated ones that have the German with the English translation underneath.) I’m not sure of the price of either one, but you could easily find out. They also have a display of copies of the Ausbund from the original printing in 1564 all the way up to today, though one of the books is a copy and a few editions are missing and have been marked with a wooden-block the size of the missing book. The display gives a lot of information. They have books related to the Ausbund also, maybe a half dozen titles. There is a CD that has some selected singing from the Ausbund also. I hope this helps.

    9. Indra

      I heard that the amish think that music is a sin, why listen to them on music then?

      1. Mark -- Holmes Co.

        Indra, don’t believe everything you hear. In the village of Berlin there is the”music on the square” event Friday evenings through the warm weather with various singers or bands playing. You’ll see a lot of Amish folks there enjoying the singing.

        This evening the Heritage Center has their annual banquet and there will be a few hundred Amish & Mennonite people there to enjoy the meal, the speaker, AND the singer. This year the singer will be John Schmid, a local non-Amish man who is a very popular singer in this area, with both Amish & non-Amish.

    10. Liz Bourgeois


      Apologies are in order from me. I was probably one of those that said the Amish don’t play instruments that you shared in the video a while back. That is a clear case of “don’t believe everything you hear or read about a group of people.” This is such a great article and I enjoyed it very much, thanks for always educating us on all things Amish!