Degraff, Ohio Amish settlement
Meet you in the middle?
There is a small Amish settlement near Degraff, Ohio, which I passed through while leaving Logan County this morning. At one stop a dozen eggs were had for just $1.50 (follow the “Produce” arrow to get there).
They’re not very good eating raw though, so may need another snack to get me home. Read more on the Amish in Ohio.

If there where a second person traveling with you they ought to have taken a picture of you standing in between the produce and the furniture sign with a perplexed look on your face. That would have been hilarious and given some perspective on the size of the signs.
Is Degraff a one stop light/sign settlement? A blink and you miss it kind of place?
Enjoy your trip, and we are all enjoying these posts!
Nice idea there Shom. Or I could do it myself if I had longer arms.
Yes, this is not a place you’d really find unless you were looking for it or happened to notice one of the few business signs off the highway driving by.
That is an area we haven’t visited. Is it an isolated area, more than 1 district, been there a long time?
It’s quite off the beaten path Marvin. A pretty traditional community and not really a place that attracts visitors though there are a handful of businesses. I believe it’s just the one district.
SHOM HAS a good idea.
I am still surprised by the lack of snow.
Any paczki in sight, it being Fat Tuesday and all?
Alice Mary
Paczki with raspberry filling
I saw them last week Alice Mary at my local Kroger. The same one that featured in the recent Amish pie/is Amish food really that good post. I’ve been told by my mother, who has tested them and would know, that they aren’t really the “real thing”. I may need to verify that on my own though 🙂
Speaking of your pie post.
We have a local grocery chain, as in primarily located in Texas … but with a few stripped down stores in neighboring states, called H.E.B. that has taken up the gauntlet and is taking Kroger on in a head to head fight here. For about 5 or 6 years they have been expanding and upgrading their stores; including bakeries, deli’s, upscale fish and meat markets, etc. They are also making a push for “locally produced” items in their produce aisles, but since they consider anything produced in Texas to be “local” that can be about an 800 or 900 mile stretch.
The other day I was in their store in a neighboring town, and which is almost finished with a massive expansion and upgrade. I saw some fresh baked items on racks near the registers attractively packaged for quick sale. The first item that I picked up was banana nut bread and it was labeled “Made from scratch, right here in our store”. I thought about your “baked in store” Krogers pie and wondered how far they are taking this. I was in a hurry so I didn’t investigate. Since wheat products do an unpleasant thing (like greatly expand it) to my waistline, I also didn’t buy the banana nut bread. I’ll just have to take their word for it that it truly was “Delicious, with a homemade taste”. Makes me wonder about their pies though!
The only real pzakci to be found in michigan are baked from scratch in Hamtramck. The are twice the size of a kroger pzakci, twice the filling, twice the taste…………..and probably 10 times the fat and sugar, but once a year….fat tuesday rules…..and i have to have just one.
Erik, you are the master of captions on this post today. By the way, I “third” SHOM’s suggestion; Alice Mary “second-ed” it already. 🙂
I have done business with this community. They are somewhat elusive in the beginning but will warm up to you once they get to know and trust you. They seem honest enough and you get what you pay for.
Why are there so many Amish property’s for sale in DeGraff?
Amish in degraff
I have an Amish friend who lives there he is selling his farm and moving. There was an accident last fall and his daughter was killed there have been several bad ones in that area and some were fatalities. Very sad they have been good friends to my family we hate to see them leave. Not real sure of the entirety of it all but that is a factor. Not all the church community is leaving but it is a good portion.
Why are all the Degraff Ohio amish now up here in NW Williams County Ohio? We were told they were run out of Degraff whats the story?