Amish Youth Sing “I’m On The Winning Side” (Video)
Here’s a nice recording by P. Thomas of a group of Amish youth singing the hymn “I Am On The Winning Side” somewhere in Ohio (I assume Holmes County). It’s been quite a while since I’ve shared an Amish singing video. This is a nice one for a return to the topic.
This is a New Order group, who tend to be more open to filming. We saw another New Order Amish youth group singing four hymns in another video, also from P. Thomas. This hymn, which dates to 1921, is beautifully sung. You’ll find the lyrics below.
One interesting question is where this group is located, as far as the building. You’ll notice the flourescent lights. This might raise an eyebrow for some viewing this. I also notice the apple insignia on the wall (which seems familiar to me though I can’t place it). This along with the windows suggests they are in some sort of business building.
Nowadays, a business building in some churches may be equipped with public electricity, especially if it is leased from a non-Amish person. Some New Order groups are also more permissive when it comes to the public grid than your average Old Order group.
Here are the lyrics for this hymn by Charles Wesley Naylor.
“I Am On The Winning Side”
Once I drifted out in sin, had no hope nor joy within,
And my soul was burdened down with pride;
Then my Savior came along and he showed me I was wrong and
Now I know I’m on the winning side
From the straight and narrow way I was drifting every day,
Out upon the waters deep and wide;
But it all is over now, glory light is on my brow,
And my soul is on the winning side
I will never have a fear, for my Lord is ever near,
And in him so often I confide;
He’s the keeper of my soul since I gave him full control,
And he placed me on the winning side
I’m on the winning side, yes I’m on the winning side,
Out in sin no more will I abide,
I’ve enlisted in the fight or the cause of truth and right
Praise the Lord- I’m on the winning side

I’m on the winning side
I believe this at Hillcrest Orchard in Walnut Creek Ohio.
Very nice. Beautiful.
William Johnson
Fancy Gap VA.
The harmonizing of the male/female voices is wonderful…a capella singing certainly emphasizes the beauty of the human voice as a God-given instrument.
I agree! The struggles are many these days and the waves are high, but we win in the end when we are on the side of Jesus! I can totally relate to those lyrics for sure. Thank you for sharing, that is very encouraging.
There is a Mennonite owned retail store which I visit about twice a month. Whispering Pines in Synder County employs a large number of Old Order Mennonites to work there. Almost every trip I can hear the women in the kitchen break out in song. They are not bashful. Weaver’s Bakery does this as well.
Amish Youth Sing
Very nice a Capella singing. Sunday evening singing for the youth of a church group, maybe? This must be a progressive New Order group. The young men do not have the traditional haircut and unless it is a trick of the lighting in the room, the young man in a green shirt at the back of the second row appears to have already grown a beard. One of the young men toward the back of the first row also appears to be growing a beard. I can’t see his shirt to identify him any better. It appears there are more girls than boys. That does not bode well for pairing up for buggy rides after the singing. I used to live near the Amish market in Mullica Hill NJ. Some of the stall holders were traditional Old Order, but a few were definitely New Order. Not so many differences in the way the women dressed, but the New Order men wore shorter hair and had neatly trimmed beards. Nice to hear the young people singing. Thanks to the person who made the video.
it sounds very much like shape-note singing. beautiful.
Your videos of New Order youth singings has invoked in me a feeling of nostalgia and (to my surprise) a feeling of homesickness. I spent many weekends in Holmes County, and Sunday evenings were spent just like this, singing together. In our youth group, we gathered around a table to sing. But the same beautiful harmony, and many hours spent singing together. I miss it. lol I have lots of good memories of being a New Order youth.
Didn’t mean to make you homesick but I hope it brought back some happy memories!
Amish acapella music
There is no end to my pleasure when listening to our “Amish granddaughters” sing to us when drive ing them somewhere, visiting for a wonderful Amish dinner, at our house doing chores for us, just sitting around visiting, at their parent’s home. One day I hope to capture some of their singing on tape so I can hear the wonderful sounds any time. Amish youth, if they were allowed could make a very good living with their songs if ever allowed by their Bishops.
On the Winning Side
The song being sung is not by Charles Naylor. It’s a different song than what I grew up singing.
The harmony in the video is amazing. Keep singing!!!!
Thanks. I just noticed that the lyrics in the hymnal image I posted don’t actually match the lyrics on page, or what they are singing (so I removed that hymnal image).
Any idea the story here? Is this a different take on the song or a completely different one?
I find it odd that there are two songs with that particular specific chorus/title. There are multiple other recordings of the version this group is singing online, also attributed to Naylor, so looks like it’s a common misattribution (assuming this isn’t, say, just an alternate version).
Amish Youth Singing
not sure about the confusion over the title, words, or music, but as a writer I know that book titles can’t be copyrighted, so I presume that’s true for song titles, as well. There are certain book titles no self-respecting author would ever use again (Pride and Prejudice, Gone With the Wind, etc.) I know the hymnal used in our church has several songs with the same title written by different people, usually with a different tune. Still, the singing was excellent.
Brilliant video and song
As a young girl I was fostered by an Old Order Amish family for several years. Sunday evening singings were a regular occurrence with the youth. One person would start a hymn and the rest of us would kick in usually sung in four part harmony. Best years of my life were spent in that home, oh the tales I could tell.
I'm On the Winning Side
Moving video. Beautiful words/singing. thank you.