The Amish in Virginia: 2024 Guide (16 Communities)

Over the past decade, the population of Amish in Virginia has grown rapidly. As of 2024, Amish live in 16 locations in Virginia, with a total population of over 2,200 Amish.

  1. Amish Communities in Virginia
  2. Visit Amish in Virginia
  3. Past VA Amish settlements
  4. Virginia Amish today

Amish Communities in Virginia

After relatively limited settlement in the 1990s and 2000s, Amish interest in Virginia has picked up in the past decade – with a dozen new communities added since 2013.

Amish from states like Delaware and Pennsylvania have moved in to create growing settlements, drawn by available affordable land. Let’s have a look at several of the more-established Amish settlements in VA.

Charlotte County

Virginia’s largest Amish community (approx. 515 people as of 2024) is found in Charlotte County. The community, home to roughly one-quarter of the state’s Amish population, is located outside the county seat of Charlotte Court House.

Gray Amish buggy on an asphalt road in spring
An Amish buggy travels down the road in the Charlotte County, VA community

The Charlotte County area saw its first Amish arrivals in 1997. This group originates from the St. Mary’s County, Maryland Amish settlement. That settlement in turn originated from the Lancaster County, PA community. Likewise, the Amish here drive the recognizable charcoal gray-topped buggies seen in the Lancaster County community.

Amish families in Charlotte County operate small businesses, including furniture makers, small stores and stands selling produce, baked goods, and other items, at least one sawmill, along with dairy farms and other animal-based businesses. Homes and farms are sparsely scattered about the hills and rolling terrain of Charlotte County.

Unless you are looking for them, it can be difficult to notice that there is an Amish settlement here, as many of the homes are tucked away down long lanes. One thing that is readily noticeable as you drive in the community are the shared phone “shanties” which Amish use for making calls.

Two views of a simply open-door plywood Amish telephone phone shanty
Telephone shanty in the Amish community in Charlotte County, Virginia

The Charlotte County Amish community is home to a sizeable auction building holding regular auction events. Attending an Amish auction is a great way to experience the community.

Auctions are both social and business events, so you’ll see a lot of Amish there visiting. You’ll also be able to buy some auction food like sandwiches and burgers. Check local sources online for the auction schedule (it’s called Southside Produce Auction).

Halifax County

The Amish in Halifax County are the state’s second-largest community at 435 people as of 2024. This group originates from a different community than the Charlotte County group. In 2005, families began moving here from the Amish settlement at Dover, Delaware and settled in the area of the small hamlet of Nathalie.

Similar to Lancaster County, the Dover settlement has experienced significant land pressures – due to the nearby city of Dover and its expanding population. The Delaware Amish settlement has lost significant numbers of Amish, with dozens of families leaving the community to settle in over a dozen other states. One of those destinations was the Halifax County community.

The Halifax County Amish were just a small group as of 2011. A handful of homes, perhaps no more than a dozen households comprise this community of one congregation. In the past decade-plus, the community has grown steadily.

Simple sign showing storage building and furniture businesses
Amish businesses in the Halifax County, VA community

Today there are a full four Amish congregations here. You’ll notice the characteristic Delaware-style buggies here – distinct from other Amish buggies with their rounded sides.

Judging by the look of the homes and land, the area has a more prosperous appearance than the one at Charlotte County, which are a plainer group. This likely reflects the fact that land prices in that area of Delaware have been quite high and those Amish who have sold and moved likely made out well.

Among the Halifax County Amish you’ll also find a number of businesses including food stores, entrepreneurs, a shed builder, furniture businesses, (read more about VA Amish furniture), quilts, and more.


Virginia’s third-largest Amish community (270 Amish) in the area of Farmville, has rapidly grown since its founding in 2016. This is another Lancaster County spin-off settlement. You’ll see the Lancaster-style Amish buggies here and typical Lancaster surnames like “Stoltzfus”, “Beiler”, and “Zook”.

There are a number of businesses in the community, which lies about an hour west of Richmond in central Virginia. They include the popular Amish-run Pineview Bulk Food and Deli, a sizeable Amish market with all manner of foods as well as a deli with custom-made sandwiches and a selection of outdoor furniture and other items.

A store entry with plants and outdoor furniture in front
The entrance to Pineview Bulk Food & Deli in the Farmville Amish settlement

Farmville has made the news for unfortunate reasons numerous times in recent years. Several serious buggy accidents have occurred here, including a crash in which left eight Amish children orphaned. Officials have in turn been trying to increase buggy safety on the roads, but seemingly without much effect.

Northern Neck (Richmond County)

The Northern Neck area saw the arrival of Amish in 2019. Today the community is the state’s largest at 235 Amish people. The area is unique in Virginia as it has not only Amish, but Old Order Mennonites living in the same area. Old Order Mennonites have numerous similarities to the Amish, including use of the horse-and-buggy, plain clothing, and restricted technology.

For that matter, Virginia is home to significant Mennonite communities, including Old Order Mennonites, Conservative Mennonites, as well as Beachy Amish.

Pearisburg (Giles County)

The oldest Amish community in Virginia is found in Giles County near the town of Pearisburg (founded in 1993). Giles County is a mountainous county lying in the Appalachian range of southwest Virginia.

The Amish community is found in a long and beautiful valley (Walker Valley). Amish here live in the hills and if you don’t have an address you may be hard-pressed to find them (though you might notice a yellow buggy warning sign of two).

One Amish place that is easy to find here is the Amish-owned Walker Valley Market. This large store has a wide selection of foods, furniture, and a deli with made-to-order sandwiches. You can consider it the main destination in this community.

Sandwich order form with checkboxes
Ordering a custom sandwich in the Walker Valley Market deli

Interestingly, a large prison lies at the end of the valley. On a recent visit, the store had recently had a prison employee appreciation day. Today this settlement consists of two church districts with an approximate Amish population of 165.

Burke’s Garden (Tazewell County)

Of all the Amish settlements listed here, this is the most unique and arguably most beautiful of them all. The Burke’s Garden Amish community lies in a large isolated valley, with only one paved road granting access to the community. Seemingly fully enclosed, the community has the nickname “God’s Thumbprint”. It resembles a collapsed volcano from above.

Wide open green valley seen from above
Aerial view of the Burke’s Garden community. Photo by zeesstoff/flickr

A small Amish settlement is found here, of around 100 people. There are two food/general stores – Mattie’s Place, and the Burke’s Garden General Store. Both are Amish-owned and worth visiting. Bicycle rental is also available at Mattie’s Place – riding through the valley is a popular activity among visitors.

Other Amish settlements in Virginia

Besides the Amish settlements listed above, the state has a number of small and new communities. In just the past year, Virginia has added four Amish settlements. Other Virginia Amish communities can be found at:

  • Rose Hill/Jonesville in Lee County (founded 2020; 125 Amish)
  • Gladys in Campbell County (2020; 95 Amish)
  • Chatham in Pittsylvania County (2013; 75 Amish)
  • Monterey in Highland County (2019; 65 Amish)
  • New Castle in Craig County (2024; 35 Amish)
  • Chase City in Mecklenburg County (2024; 20 Amish)
  • Meadows of Dan in Carroll/Patrick County (2021; 20 Amish)
  • Gretna in Pittsylvania County (2019; 20 Amish)
  • Java in Pittsylvania County (2024; 15 Amish)
  • Rural Retreat in Wythe County (2023; 15 Amish)

As of 2008, a fourth Virginia Amish settlement was found in Lee County, near the towns of Rose Hill and Jonesville. It appears this community later went extinct, though a second community was started in the same general area in 2020.

Check full list of Amish settlements in Virginia and the US linked in the resource section at the end of this post.

Yellow Amish buggy sign over county line sign
Amish ahead. Buggy signs are an increasingly common sight in Virginia

Visit the Amish in Virginia

If you’re thinking about a trip to an Amish community in Virginia, there are a lot of options. But it’s important to know what to expect. While the state’s population has been growing steadily, these still aren’t huge communities.

So unlike large Amish settlements, you’re not going to find a well-developed tourist industry in any of them. Most if not all of the VA Amish communities can be considered “off-the-beaten-path.”

Still, many of them have shops and other Amish businesses that can make for an interesting trip. In the following communities, you’ll find multiple Amish businesses and stores, and I can recommend these for at least a day trip:

  • Charlotte County
  • Farmville
  • Halifax County
  • Northern Neck

Other Amish settlements are smaller, and have more limited Amish store options, but benefit from attractive scenery. Two standouts in this category are found in western Virginia – the Pearisburg and Burke’s Garden communities.

Jar of Old Fashioned Apple Butter with Bible reference to the book of John
Locally-made apple butter from the Walker Valley Market (Pearisburg, VA). It’s always fun to see what products Amish stores have for sale

Each of these has at least one notable food/general store where you can buy both take-home items as well as get a sandwich or other food made in-store. So if you make the trip and get there during business hours, you at least won’t leave on an empty stomach!

One final point – in many Amish communities in Virginia, you may have to make some effort to find the Amish. Unlike larger settlements like Lancaster County or Holmes County, Ohio, Amish homes and farms in Virginia communities can be scattered about a sizeable area – with many non-Amish homes in between. With that in mind, check out out Visit Amish Country guide for tips on locating Amish stores in small communities.

Historical Amish settlements in Virginia

A handful of Amish settlements existed in VA beginning in the late 1800s up to the mid-20th century.

The settlement at Midland in Fauquier County, founded 1892, lay in close proximity to Washington DC, about 50 miles away. Thanks to a railway line that ran through the settlement, the Amish here were able to market their dairy and produce in Washington.

Historian David Luthy reports they also took “excursions”, paying an 80-cent round-trip fare to travel into the city to view the historical sites.

This settlement grew fairly quickly, with at least 27 different households here over it’s near-decade in existence, but went extinct quickly as well, for unexplained reasons. By 1901, the last Amish had left (The Amish in America: Settlements that Failed 1840-1960, David Luthy pp. 471-475).

A “coastal” Amish settlement was found near Kempsville, in the former Princess Anne County. This community lay near Norfolk, were the Amish did business and sold products such as sausage and produce, and was referred to by the name of that city. A train connected this community with Virginia Beach, allowing the Amish ample chances to visit the ocean.

This community grew slowly and in close proximity to a more progressive Amish-Mennonite group. Most Amish in this community were dairy farmers, and grew oats, wheat, and corn, as well as crops of clover.

The Norfolk community adopted tractors in the 1910s, and eventually electricity, with the tractor becoming a means of road transport. Since many of the settlers originated in Somerset County, PA, which had meetinghouses, they were soon built in Princess Anne County as well.

Eventually, most members of this community pushed for acceptance of the automobile. Some of the church leadership and a minority of the members in turn moved to form a community at Stuarts Draft in the Shenandoah Valley. Those remaining affiliated with the Beachy Amish. Due to urbanization from Norfolk and Virginia Beach, most traces of Amish settlement in Princess Anne County have been eradicated (Settlements that Failed, pp. 475-483)

The Stuarts Draft settlement founded by the Norfolk group lasted from 1942 until 1981, when it disbanded. Some families in this community also joined the Beachy Amish movement, with others moving to Tennessee (see GAMEO, “Virginia (USA)” ).

Other failed Virginia Amish settlements include a community at Portsmouth, lasting from 1927 to 1945 (Settlements that Failed, pp. 483-486).

The Amish in Virginia Today

Amish have made attempts to settle in Virginia dating back to the late 1800s. Recent interest in the state has rapidly expanded Virginia’s Amish population.

Virginia’s closeness to communities in states like Pennsylvania and Delaware make it an attractive destination for those seeking more space and less expensive land. Virginia’s overall Amish population still remains low however, in comparison to states like Pennsylvania or Ohio.

At the same time, given its closeness to more crowded Amish communities, and availability of affordable land, expect to see Virginia’s Amish population to continue its trend of growth in the coming years.

For more, see:

  • “Amish Population 2024” Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies, Elizabethtown College
  • Amish Population in the United States by State, County, and Settlement, 2024” – Annual population figures compiled by Edsel Burdge, Jr., Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies, Elizabethtown College, in cooperation with Joseph F. Donnermeyer, School of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, and with assistance from David Luthy, Heritage Historical Library, Aylmer, Ontario.
  • The Amish in America: Settlements that Failed, 1840-1960, David Luthy
  • The New American Almanac, Raber’s Bookstore (Baltic, Ohio), Ben J. Raber
  • GAMEO: “Virginia (USA)”
  • “The Old Order Amish Community at Stuarts Draft, Virginia”, Moses Beachy

amish cheese

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    1. Jim Lehmann


      A popular vacation place for Amish of Lancaster/Dauphin (PA) is Chincoteague, VA. I’ve hauled numerous families to this resort community. It is not unusual to see entire families on rented bikes riding across the causeway to Assateague Island for some time at the unspoiled beach. I hope more Amish find enjoyment in this ‘quieter’ eastern shore resort area. I am not aware of any permanent Amish orders here.

    2. Bill Michael

      Seeking Amish Training

      Hello! I’m a self-employed (writer) husband and father with a 60-acre family farm in North Carolina. I would like to pay Amish farmers to teach me how they manage their daily farm chores. I’d also like to purchase horses and products from the Amish. I have money…what I want is the practical wisdom of the Amish. How can I get in touch with Amish farmers willing to help me? Again, I’m looking to pay them for this help…not just visit as a tourist. I lived for one year in Lancaster County, PA before moving to NC and I have the deepest respect for the Amish way of life and principles. It’s been difficult finding a contact and, unfortunately, I’m a busy man. Thank you.

      1. Michael DePew

        Re: Seeking Amish training


        It is not from the Amish… but if you would like training in animal-powered farming you might want to check out Tillers International near Kalamazoo, Michigan. they offer classes….

        If you would like to learn to drive horses (wagon) you might try the bundoran school in New Garden, VA….

        the Va Draft Horse and Mule Association also offers some training….–Mule-Equipment-for-Sale-Horse-and-Carriage-Services-Horse-and-Buggy-Services-Hayride-Services-Bride-recommended-horse-drawn-wedding-carriage-service-Draft-Horse–Mule-training-services-Draft-Horse-and-Mule-Driving-Instruction/Draft-Horse-and-Mule-Driving-Training-Instruction-Services—Virginia-Draft-Horse-and-Mule-Association-for-those-who-own-work-breed-exhibit-pull-log-drive-trade-or-simply-admire-heavy-draft-horses-mules-or-donkeys-Harness-and-Plowing-Clinics-Farm-Days-Draft-Horse-and-Mule-Show-Rides-and-Drives

      2. C Ferguson

        Milk Cows,

        Hi Im Chopper Ferguson and would like to let you know about some heifers, 2 yr old bread and ready to calve starting in August. I have personally know the owner of these cattle and tell you they are good stock. Steve and his wife are up in years and recently sold their milking stock. I milked for them on and off for many years and are good folks. If you are not interested maybe ya know someone who may be. Thanks for your time, Chopper Ferguson, Also these cattle are in N C al ready. I can probably help ya out with your wanting to learn as I haul for some Amish in Mich and Indiana with no limits as for distance. 517-607-8754

    3. Jim Courtney

      Amish Restaurant?

      My wife and I like to travel around in non tourist areas. We are thinking of going through Stuarts Draft and was wondering if there were any Amish restaurants there? Please let us know.
      Thank you.

      1. Tessa

        There aren’t any that I’ve found and I’ve lived here two years. Ther are a couple of Mennonite stores, but that’s pretty much it. Try going to Bridgwater, they have a higher Mennonite population.

    4. Kevin Crouse

      Certified Lumber Inspector

      Hello my name is Kevin Crouse. I am a gradute of the National Hardwood Lumber Association Inspection School Memphis TN.I graduated in 2002 from the 138th class. I live in Concord VA. I can inspect all species of hardwood lumber. If you are needing assistance with the inspection of your rough cut lumber at your place of business please fill free to contact me. I will give you free quote for my services. Contact #1-434-238-7442
      I live and work in central virginia. Campbell County, Charlotte County,Appomattox County, and Halifax County regions.


    5. Robin Miller

      Interesting! I have lived in the Kempsville section of Virginia Beach for over 30 years and am familiar with our Mennonite community though never knew that they had roots to an Amish settlement. The Mennonite presence is still quite notable with their several churches, schools and businesses. When we first came here, they operated two dairies though both have since gone out of business. We enjoyed home delivery from one of these businesses for quite a few years as well as taking our children out to one of the farms in Chesapeake. That dairy farm, Bergeys, has enjoyed a 2nd birth as a bakery, sandwich shop and small ice cream making business. Love going out there for lunch and their delicious baked goods. Also they sell a somewhat limited selection of products “imported” from Pennsylvania and Ohio including jams, pickles, flours, chips and candies.

      1. Rich Wagoner

        Looking for Amish or Mennonite carpenters

        I live near West Point Virginia if you know any Amish or Mennonite Carpenders I would appreciate knowing where I could find them thank you very much my phone number is 217-741-3204

        1. Jedaho


          If you are serious about finding Amish/Mennonite carpenters or other services just approach a plain person next time you see one, preferably a man. Usually anyone will know of somebody that does whatever work you are looking for to get done. Don’t hesitate to approach someone.

      2. Alice Waskey

        Amish Mennonite still in Kempsville, Virginia

        I used to live in Kempsville and received delivery from the dairy. I remember their church and school building in Kempsville. I didn’t realize they still had two churches in the area. When they close the Kempsville Church, my husband and I went down and bought two pews from them. They had a school across the street from the church, is that building still standing?

    6. Dan Burtis

      From Deleware

      I live in Kent county Delaware and four Amish families have moved from Delaware to Virginia, South Boston area sense summer 2010.

    7. Catherine F. Kennedy

      Furniture Repair

      I live in Aldie, VA and am wondering if there is an Amish Community that includes wooden furniture repair?

      1. Linda

        lists Mattingly’s‎ in Aldie, VA, if you are still looking for help with furniture repair. Maybe they would know of someone.

    8. Lisa Swope

      Need furniture refinished

      I am looking for someone to refinish a chest that belonged to my grandfather. It is about sixty years old and is a bedroom chest of drawers (solid oak). Please email me at or mail me at my home address. I need someone who will do a quality job, such as an Amish craftsman, because this chest belonged to my grandfather and I want to keep it for the rest of my life. Thank you.

    9. thanks

      Erik, thanks for linking me to the post here about Amish in VA….I know that in Stuarts Draft, every time we drive through, there is one family with a horse and buggy clip-clopping along home late at night.

    10. Pamela

      Seeking Non-Touristy Info on Virginia Amish/Mennonites

      My husband and I are looking at purchasing a second property in Virginia (40-50 acres with or without a residence on it). We are looking in the North (Giles County), South Central (Lunenburg and Mecklenburg Counties), and South (Halifax County).

      Interestingly, the properties that have been submitted to us by brokers include many Amish farms for sale, particularly in Giles County.

      We are wondering if you or any of your readers have any information on the following:

      Giles County:

      Q: Is there a mass exodus out of Giles County? If so, why are people leaving and where are they going? We would be concerned that there is something wrong with the area, wrong with the land, or something else that would result in an “unstable” area.

      Lunenburg/Mecklenburg Counties:

      This area has apparently had a large influx of “Mennonites”. According to officials of Lunenburg County these people “split off” from the Mennonites in nearby Amelia County due to encroaching development. They do not have any hard numbers as to how many families are there but they know there are more than 17 of them.

      In fact the property we would most be interested in is literally surrounded by Mennonites and the only sign of “civilization” in the area is their small church building around the corner.

      We have also been told that there has “recently” arrived in the area of this property “2 or 3 Amish families”.

      The locals have gone to great lengths to assure us that we should be comfortable with these folks around us and they have become very active in the community.

      Q: Does anyone know what kind of Mennonites these are? I finally tracked a Mennonite woman from Amelia County and while she had difficulty explaining the Mennonites in Lunenburg she described them as not being “quite Beachy Amish” and they have cars and electricity but dress “modestly and plainly.”

      Q: Does anyone have any knowledge of the Amish moving into Lunenburg County?

      Has anyone lived around either or both of these cultures? If so, has it been okay for you. In doing research it seems as though there is a mixed-bag of feelings about living in close proximity to these people.

      I would appreciate and welcome any answers to these questions and people’s opinions (positive or negative) about living around them. It’s a big investment (especially if you buy one of their homes and need to add electric and heat, etc.) and I’m trying to do as much research as possible.

      1. Lisa Swope

        Giles County

        No, there is nothing wrong with Giles County. Many Amish moved to southern Giles a couple of decades ago and lots are selling off land and moving elsewhere due to their own reasons. Drive on down and look at the area–friendly people, a slow pace, beautiful land. You are within a half hour to an hour of Interstate 81 and only a half hour from Virginia Tech. It is a lovely, laid-back area. Most of the county is National Forest.

      2. Linda

        Pamela, it would be helpful to know the name of the town. The Nationwide Fellowship Churches have a congregation in Kenbridge, Virginia. Or would you mean Farmville or South Boston? A Beachy Amish family from Dinwiddie makes doughnuts for a Saturday farmer’s market in Richmond.

        1. Pamela

          Thank you for replies

          Actually, we are looking at properties in all three of these towns. The one we are most interested in is in Kenbridge. Close runners up are in South Boston and Farmville. I will look up the nationwide fellowship. Any info on the Farmville and South Boston Mennonites or Amish would be helpful. Do you by any chance live near them? If so, would appreciate it.

          1. Linda

            South Boston, Virginia has two Mennonite churches. Ebenezer Mennonite Church is part of the Southeastern Mennonite Conference. Faith Mennonite Church is smaller and part of the Mountain Valley Mennonite Churches. (per

            Sorry, Pamela, I don’t live near your towns.

            Farmville, Virginia is home to a Beachy Amish church, plus several Mennonite churches.

          2. MaryEllen Decker-Bonker

            South Boston Va Amish.

            My husband and I live in what is now fondly called Amish Country here in Halifax County Virginia.
            They are wonderful people and the very best Neighbors I have ever had.

            Honest, hardworking quiet people who raise polite and well-mannered children.

            When they came here 12 years ago it was just a few families now there are 50+. They have 4 schools and several businesses. From a bulk food store, gift shop, harness and feed store, storage buildings and sundry store.a cabinet shop, roofers, framers, masons and now an animal auction. Greenhouses.. Very self-sufficient people. Now 4 farms have chicken houses to raise and sell free range eggs.
            2 sawmills and many other occupations.
            The boys and girls hunt and fish. Children play outside. Ladies hang their laundry in the sun and grow wonderful vegetable and flower gardens. Their homes are well tended and their children are always tidy..
            Like I said they are friendly and pleasant neighbors. They are old order Amish so no cars, no electricity, etc. They hold church in different member’s homes every Sunday. They use horse and buggy or a scooter to get around. If they must travel they hire a car and driver.

            I am very happy to live were I do and to have them here.

      3. Cheryl

        Regular of Amish and Mennonite businesses

        I am in Prince Edward County, VA and regularly frequent several businesses owned by Amish and Mennonite owners. I have always found them to be polite and helpful, and a few of the ladies I know are downright friendly! I have a friend who lives near Amish in Charlotte County and has an Amish babysitter. She adores them. To fear living next door to Amish or Mennonite families is definitely wasted energy.

      4. Mike Smith

        New Amish Store

        I am told they are Amish who are building a large and nearly complete store, at the corner of Airport Road and Plank Road—near Farmville Airport in Cumberland County (a few miles north of Farmville.) They already operate a nearby farm. There are other Amish nearby in Buckingham County. You see their horse and buggy’s all of the time. Just the other day I entered Main Street in Farmville at about dusk and their was a buggy with bright flashing red strobe lights on it, traffic backed up behind. I smiled. I don’t know what group they belong to, but I understand they are friendly and willing to do business.

        1. Timothy J Scovill

          Amish in Buckingham County, Virginia

          I was delighted this summer to have sold my old farm place to an Amish Family. It was an 1850’s balloon frame structure built almost entirely of native heart pine and a slate roof. Everything about it was as level and plum as when it was built and the house will be there for at least another century or two. I bought it in 1976 when I was 26 years old and looking for a historic ‘place in the country’ to rehabilitate. I put my heart and soul in that place and lived there on and off for the next 40+ years For about 10 years we held a large family and friends pig roast on the Saturday before Easter. In 2010, I suffered a stroke on the day following our event. Since that time I was somewhat limited in my ability to provide the care the place needed and more importantly deserved. My wife and I were also constrained by time as we gained four grandchildren all living near us at another residence we maintained about an hour away from the ‘Farm’ . This year for the first time in many years we will celebrate Christmas with our extended family at a location other than the farm. I could not have been more pleased to be fortunate enough to have an Amish family purchase the place. It gives me an important peace of mind to know that they will have a a similar reverence for the structures and land as I had. I never really considered the place as ‘mine’ but instead accepted that I was a mere steward or shepherd of the place while I was there. The architecture, history and spirit of the place was very meaningful to me for over 4 decades. I wish the new owners as much pleasure that i and others had there over all those years. I was truly a magnificent place. I miss it but I don’t miss the guilt of not giving the place my best efforts in recent years.. I don’t miss having to be sure to get there every couple of weeks to mow the grass and my wife and I are able to spend more time with friends, family and most important the grandchildren.

          1. Jo Seay

            Amish home search

            We are preparing to sell a large farm in northern Buckingham County, Virginia. It consists of a fully restored 17th century home, large fields, a pond, and beautiful hardwood forests. My question is, do the Amish go through local realtors; if not, how could we find out if there are any Amish interested in buying in this area?

            1. Timothy J Scovill

              Central Virginia- Real Estate-Amish

              My place was on the market for a couple of years using a competent listing realtor. In unrelated conversations with people in and around Buckingham, I twice heard the suggestion of a local (Farmville) Realtor named Jason Meeks. Trust me , he knows the Amish and knows how to handle all aspects of the transaction. He has researched, made numerous visits to contacts in the Lancaster area and He appears to be known and trusted by Amish buyers. If you need or want additional information and a more ‘private’ exchange you can find me on Facebook. I tried to find you but I wasn’t sure enough to contact you.

              1. Jo Seay

                Central Virginia- Real Estate- Amish

                We actually heard about Meeks Realty and his Amish connections and have contacted him. Wish us luck!

                1. Timothy J Scovill

                  Central Virginia- Real Estate-Amish

                  Good, I’m glad you contacted Mr Meeks and I certainly wish you luck. I don’t think there is anyone his equal when it comes to working with the Amish. I look forward to hearing back from you and learning more about your farm and the sales experience

        2. Laurel

          Most likely they are from the groups that have moved into Buckingham and Cumberland counties recently from Lancaster, PA.

        3. Anna B

          New community

          There is a new community in the Cumberland/Buckingham area that began 3 years ago. They are mainly Lancaster families, but also a few from NY and the PA Valley.
          Currently there are approx. 40 families that have moved down. It’s been a pleasure having them as part of the area.

    11. Crystal K

      Giles County Horse Training

      I know that there are Amish in Giles County Virginia that trains your Horses for a small fee which I thinks it’s small I got two Arabians one 4 the other 5 they have had very little work at all due to were I got them from basicly there (green) I have heard from a grapevine that they are awesome but no one knows any more infomation could you please give me some contact information Please! Thank you, Crystal

    12. I need help.

      I am asking for an Amish consaltant on becomming Amish.
      I prefer to communicate by my email so that everything will not be on public display.
      I would love to be able to live this live for my lord Jesus Christ.

      1. Jedaho

        Help for Amish life style

        I realize your post is 2 years old, but if you read this and are still looking for info about life style/beliefs, contact me and I’ll be glad to help. God bless you

    13. Charles Wakefield


      Please let me know the phone number for the Halifax County Va group that builds sheds, etc.

    14. Susan Riddick

      Free rooster needs home

      I have a 5-6 old rooster who is very mild mannered and who needs a good home. I bought him at a chicken swap in Maryland in September being told he was a pullet and cross between a cochin and a brahma. He is part of my little flock of 7 hens (I thought he was a hen till he started growing the pointed saddle feathers and neck feathers and wasn’t at all interested in laying eggs.)
      If anything, he is timid and NOT AT ALL AGRESSIVE. and I just don’t need a non-laying chicken. he’s quite large and beautifully feathered. I would be glad to bring him to your house free of charge.
      Please help me re-home this nice fellow!

    15. Patti


      Thank you Erik, I was so hoping there would be an Amish community some where near me. I don’t drive but my daughter would possibly take me she likes Amish things too. We are near Yorktown, VA

    16. Patti

      Are there any Mennonite Food stores in or near Newport News, VA?

      1. Robin

        Patti, I’m not sure about Newport News, but on the other side of the tunnels we have Heritage Bake Shoppe by the Farmer’s Market in Virginia Beach, open Wednesday through Saturday. Besides the best yeast rolls and pies on earth, they also stock a healthy supply of goods from PA and OH including Cope’s dried corn, Mrs. Miller’s products, birch beer (both regular and diet), bulk goods, chips, jams and pickles, etc. Also, we have Bergey’s Breadbasket in Chesapeake on Mt. Pleasant Road. They serve delicious sandwiches, soups, ice cream made in the store, dairy products, baked goods and a few PA items as well. Bergey’s used to be a full-up dairy farm until a few years ago, offering home delivered milk in glass bottles. We also had Yoder’s Dairy in Virginia Beach which did the same but shut down several years ago as well.

        1. Patti

          Thanks Robin, sure wish I could drive. Would you email me what you put above? Hopefully I can find someone who knows their way around over to take me. Thank you again and God bless, Patti

          1. Robin

            Comment on Virginia Amish

            Sure thing Patti. It would make a fun day trip for you and your fortunate driver. Bergey’s is open every day except Sunday and would be a nice lunch stop for you. Try to come Wednesday through Saturday though so that you can stop at Heritage Bake Shoppe as well. It’s my sanity break when I go to these places. We love Lancaster Co., PA and will be retiring there in a few more years.

        2. Rob

          Newport News once had a thriving Mennonite colony. Their farland was located where the Patrick Henry Mall, Target, Costco, Best Buy, Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, Kohls, Bed Bath and Beyond, etc. now stand. The Yoder dairy barn built in 1935 and moved to the intersection of Oyster Pt. Road and Jefferson avenue circa 1995 (so Target could be built on its site) is about all that remains of it now. The Yoder barn now belongs to Christopher Newport University and its large haymow has been re-purposed as a theater.

          The Mennonite community thrived until Warwick County was consolidated with Newport News and Interstate 64 was built through the middle of their community making the farmland prime commercial development property. The city then taxed the Mennonite farmers off their land which is really sad because the area was much nicer when it was cow pastures and cornfields, instead of the hotels, shopping centers, fast food joints, and Big Box retail that stnd there now.

          I think some descendants of these Mennonites still live in the area but they no longer farm. The last of the Yoder farm fields that was still being farmed in the early 21st century (where Kohls now stands) sold for $12 million dollars.

    17. Leaann Holloway


      I want to become amish and serve my lord! Can anyone help? Please email at or write( po box 258 elkton va 22827 ) thanks

    18. Forest

      Fall Festival & Benefit Auction Oct.26

      While it is not a “Amish” event, strictly speaking, I will note for those of you who may be interested that the annual Fall Festival and Benefit Auction will be held at the Bethel Menonite Church in Gladys Va., on Saturday Oct. 26, 2013 from about 7 AM on. The yard sale starts at 7 AM, auction starts at 10 AM. Church is on Rt. 501 2 miles north of Gladys Va. It will be hard to miss with the signs and cars. Proceeds go to support the Bethel Mennonite school.

      If you do a Google search for “Bethel Mennonite Fall Festval”, you can get further info. I’ve been up there a couiple times, and it’s a nice way to spend a couple hours. Plenty of good food, apple butter, crafts, baked goods, and some nice quilts and other stuff to auction. Thequilts are USUALLY the last to be auctioned off, usually around 1-130 PM the times I’ve been there, but it all depends…. I wouldn’t drive from Ohio to go there, but if your’re in the area it’s enjoyable. Usually abunch of the Amish from Nathalie come up.

      Call Galen Yoder (434-332-5748) or Randy Martin (434-610-1926) for more info.

    19. Shed to be built and other repairs in hampton, va

      Please contact me regarding building 2 sheds and other house repairs.

    20. Forest

      Nathalie Amish Auction


      SATURDAY, MAY 17, 2014 9:00 A.M.

      3090 HUNTING CREEK RD. NATHALIE, VA. 24577

      I just found out the details on this today, for anyone interested. I have never been, but am planning on going tomorrow.

      1. I’m glad you’re going Forest. I would be as well but I happen to be out of Raleigh this weekend. I called the Coblentz farm where it will be held a couple of weeks ago for info for our May auction list. If you have a chance, let us know how it went.

    21. Forest

      Well, the weather was beautiful in Nathalie today, almost a little chilly when I first got there this morning. This auction raises money for the Amish School, which is just down the road a bit from where the auction was. Not a huge crowd, but a good one, with three auctioneers all going at once. There was everything from chickens to begonias to Amish barns, plus a lot of donated “Stuff”; furniture, tools, long guns, buggies and the like. There were maybe a dozen or so quilts, but I left about 1130 and they hadn’t gotten to them yet, so I can’t say how high they went. Lots of baked goods for sale, BBQ chicken plates, and soft serve ice cream. The farm were it is held is a nice, rural setting, and if you are in the area it’s a nice day trip. Sorry, no photos, but it was a gorgeous day…

      1. S. Virginia Amish auction

        Forest, kind of you to let us know how it went. I imagined it wouldn’t be a huge crowd given this community being smaller and maybe not so well-known, but sounds like there was enough happening with 3 auctioneers on duty.

        The way you describe the “stuff” jibes with the description of “whatnot” given me by the kid I spoke with on the phone 🙂 Anyway, I regret missing this, but at least it’s on the radar for next year.

    22. hand quilts

      i am seeking someone to take the pieces my mother hand stitched and make them into a hand stitched quilt. Please contact mt 252-617-0775. Many thanks. Gail good

    23. Forest in North Carolina

      New Virginia Amish Store

      Heritage Hill Country Market
      5584 Callands Rd. (Va. 57)
      Chatham, Va.

      My daughter and I drove up here today, as I had heard about it and wanted to visit. It opened in the fall of 2014, and is a bright, cheery, bulk food store with a small deli for sandwiches and cold drinks. It also has a small collection of handicrafts, and hard to find Amish made jam, jellies, relishes, etc. we bought some fresh raisin bread and pound cake that proved to be quite good. There are 13 New Order families in this community, from Union Grove, NC and Ohio. The drive out from Chatham is beautiful in the spring. Watch for the sign; it’s not exactly huge. I’m sure the family funning the store would appreciate the support if you are in the area.

    24. Leigh Morton

      I just moved to Waynesboro VA, about 6 miles from Stuarts Draft. My husband and I found a community north of here in Dayton and Montezuma, VA, very near Harrisonburg. There seems to be actual Amish or Old Order Mennonnites there, as they drive the black buggies and there is a buggy repair place. Lots of farms dot the hilly landscape and we actually passed a buggy with an elderly couple inside who waved at us. We did see both cars and buggies parked at some of these farms and they seem to use tractors and other modern farm implements.

      We also visited Stuarts Draft and shopped at The Cheese Shop, which carried all Amish-made and bulk foods, with Mennonites serving customers.

      I suppose it’s largely Mennonites around here but I’m happy to be so near the PA Dutch culture!

      1. Forest in NC

        The folks at Dayton are not Amish, but OO Mennonites. There is an Amish settlement near Chatham, Va., which is, I believe, New Order, as well as one near Nathalie, Va. You might also visit Milmont Greenhouses, also run by Anabaptist folks in Wayneboro

        1. Leigh

          Yes, they are Old Order Mennonite and I am looking forward to visiting Milmont…I live in Waynesboro so I’m right here.

    25. Al in Ky

      In the June 24 issue of The Budget, one of the scribes writes of recently attending a reunion of the Hilltop School at Stuarts Draft, Va. The writer states, “When the Va. state law was enforced of children having to go to school until 16, the Amish church there decided to begin having their own high school…. Sept. 1950 was their first term. This continued until 1966… At the reunion it was concluded that this was the first Amish high school ever in Va., in the United States and of the world!”

      I’d be interested to read if anyone else knows about this Amish high school, or any other Amish high schools that ever were in operation.

    26. Holly Green

      Virginia Amish

      I am trying to stay in a amish community for vacation and really want to stay as they live while there. Is there anyway to find out where I could stay without the all the modern things? I have always wanted to live a simple life

    27. Jedaho


      I’m sorry, I highly doubt you’ll be able to spend a vacation in an Amish or Mennonite family. The simple way of living is based on biblical principles which are applied to daily living. It’s not about living like back in the pilgrim days. Unless a person seeks to join the church they would probably not let anybody live there.

    28. Eric Beguelin

      Barn builder

      I am looking to build a barn about 15 miles south of Clarksville Va and wanted to inquire about Amish builders to complete the project.

    29. Roger

      Amish in Halifax County, VA

      A total of 60 Old Order Amish families live in the Nathalie, VA area as of June, 2016. Two Church districts have been formed; Three one-room schools (grades 1-8) have been built & are packed with children. Approximately 500 Amish people (including children)live in the Halifax community. Most of the families moved from Dover, Delaware.

      1. Thanks for the update, Roger. It’s been 5 years since I visited, and sounds like it has grown.

    30. Brandy Beaudin


      I would like to do an immersion period in a fairly large Amish community, where I would live by their rules and laws for a year and in return to doing all choirs I would like to photograph and write my college thesis paper on the lives of the Amish in the 21st century. I could earn my place by sewing, keeping up with children and cleaning…and learning to cook…does anyone know a community I could do this with? I am older college student 31yrs old to be exact!

    31. Laurel

      More Amish in VA

      Recently, meaning within the last two years, quite a number of Amish families have moved into the Buckingham and Cumberland Counties, which are reasonably close to Charlotte County. I understand that most are from the Lancaster County, PA area.

    32. trevor

      Is is possible to join the Amish?

      I am 46 and just completely disenchanted with life in the 21st century. Tired of feminism, sexual immorality, churches embracing homosexuality, not to mention smart TVs, smart phones, social media, these modern cars with touch screen controls and “infotainment” systems I don’t need, and don’t want, etc. I’d rather drive a horse and buggy than ride in a self driving car!

    33. Conor

      Amish woodworker

      I have to replace a 29 inch wide outer door and want a replacement that has glass on the top and a dog door on the bottom part. Are there Amish craftsmen who would create such a piece for me to purchase. I am in the Richmond, Virginia area.

    34. Anne

      Where to stay?

      I’m looking for an Amish or Mennonite place to stay for a week near Purcellville. Does anyone know if such a thing exists? Thank you.

    35. KD

      Amish in Northern Neck of Virginia

      Do you know of any Amish farms where people can visit in the Northern Neck? To see how they live and work.

    36. Janette Miller

      Amish In My Town

      I live in Chilhowie Virginia and an Amish family bought a few hundred acres off a family friend in 2018. We’ve got horse and buggy signs up. The buyer stated that they were sent to start a settlement. We also have a Conservative Mennonite congregation here, of which I am a part of.

    37. G. O. Cardwell

      Appomattox Barn-apartment

      Hi All,
      Much respect and thanks for the kindness many have shown me over the years … but now find myself in a difficult situation.

      I need to “quickly” build a structure, which my county states can be a “barn with living quarters in one structure”. We started this journey with modular and double-singlewide companies, and yesterday, after having second thoughts and praying for the Lord’s direct guidance, asking for signs and a clear path, the sales manager and owner, in turn, broke my trust with unethical and unprofessional statements.

      My thought was first to call on this community to help, but I didn’t know how to proceed, so we found ourselves at the ‘trailer place’ in Rustburg.

      If anyone knows of, or can refer me to someone that can help me get this put together, I would be indebted. Thanking you in advance,

      Tom & Gracie

    38. Tom & Gracie

      Barn apartment builder

      Needed help to build a barn/structure with finished apartment for 2 adults, 3 children. Have land, well, septic, road. Appomattox.

      If anyone knows of, or can refer me to someone that can help me get this put together, I would be indebted. Thanking you in advance,

      Tom & Gracie

    39. New Settlement of Belleville,Pa.

      Small group starting at Collins ,Va. In a mountiness region,Families moving there in Dec. 2025

    40. Shifra

      Farmville area Amish

      I recently moved to Richmond and have visited the Farmville Amish a couple of times. In Dillwyn there’s a relatively new shopping “strip mall” of sorts with Amish-owned businesses on U.S. route 60, including Towns Edge Hardware (18340 E. James Anderson Hwy., Dillywn,VA 23936, 434-390-2258), Cottontown Variety Store (18362 E. James Anderson Hwy., Dillwyn, VA 23936, 434-414-1995), Spring Hollow Farm Market (18364 E. James Anderson Hwy., Dillwyn, VA 23936, 434-906-4941), and Central Virginia Produce Auction (18440 E. James Anderson Hwy., Dillwyn, VA 23936, open Tuesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to noon).

    41. Tina Newberry

      concrete work

      Trying to find someone that does concrete for for a building in Pounding Mill, Virginia 24637