Amish Scholars Sing “Our God Is For Us”
Another nice Amish song video today by P. Thomas (video at end of post). This one is from an Amish school in Indiana. The song is called “Our God Is For Us” (or possibly just “God Is For Us”). Amish children don’t have formal religious instruction in their schools (Amish feel that’s not the place for it), but they do have prayer and sing Christian songs.
“Scholars”, by the way, is the word Amish use to refer to their school-age children. I’ve always liked hearing that word in this context. I think because I associate “scholar” with the idea of someone highly learned or academically credentialed. “Scholars” gather at academic conferences to discuss serious topics. So it has a certain charm when talking about a first-grader.
Here you can see what might be the teacher, or one of them. Male teachers are not very common in Amish schools, but there are some.
Here are the words to this hymn, which seems to be a contemporary one? This site lists seven song authors: Michael Farren, James Ferguson, Tiarne Kleyn, Jesse Reeves, Jonny Robinson, James Tealy, and Rich Thompson.
God is For Us
Verse 1
We won’t fear the battle
We won’t fear the night
We will walk the valley, with You by our side
You will go before us
You will lead the way
We have found a refuge, only You can save
Sing with joy now: our God is for us
The Father’s love is a strong and mighty fortress
Raise your voice now, no love is greater
Who can stand against us if our God is for us
Verse 2
Even when I stumble
Even when I fall
Even when I turn back, still Your love is sure
You will not abandon
You will not forsake
You will cheer me onward with never ending grace
Sing with joy now: our God is for us
The Father’s love is a strong and mighty fortress
Raise your voice now, no love is greater
Who can stand against us if our God is for us
Neither height nor depth can separate us
Hell and death will not defeat us
He who gave His Son to free us
Holds me in His love
Neither height nor depth can separate us
Hell and death will not defeat us
He who gave His Son to free us
Holds me in His love
Sing with joy now: our God is for us
The Father’s love is a strong and mighty fortress
Raise your voice now, no love is greater
Who can stand against us if our God is for us
Sing with joy now: our God is for us
The Father’s love is a strong and mighty fortress
Raise your voice now, no love is greater
Who can stand against us if our God is for us
What a nicely-sung song by the children, and nice footage from the front of the room vantage point. How did you like the singing?

It’s likely a word formerly used that has now been mostly replaced by ‘student.’ A friend who was raised Mennonite in PA referred to me as ‘scholar’ rather than a student when I was taking a class. I’d not heard anyone use the word in that way before.
Amish Scholors Sing
Wonderful song of assurance of victory in Jesus our Saviour.
Tanti Auguri
Molta ammirazione per il popolo Amish Che tra l’altro ha le sue origini proprio dalla nostra nazione qui in Europa da dove scrivo nel cuore delle Alpi svizzere. Una fortuna ivan . /Lugano Switzerland Europe
I really enjoyed this so much! I kept looking at the little boys seated by the windows. Kids are kids no matter where they live or what their background is. Daydreaming out the window is universal. A couple of the boys barely, if at all, sang and just kept gazing out the window. As a former “scholar” I can relate to this!
Agree – I probably fit all those roles at various stages of schooling! 🙂
Chewing gum
While I noticed many of the children singing and some not, there seemed to be a couple of them chewing gum. I truly am an “old school” teacher who never allowed gum in the classroom. I wonder what the general rule among Amish classrooms is regarding chewing gum.
Gum in Amish Schools
In the schools I was personally familiar with it was not allowed. I did notice it was much more common in other communities. We were not allowed to chew gum in church but friends in Indiana did.
I didn’t notice that. Not something I’ve seen before. Hmm.
Where's Erik?
Hello . . .
Does anyone know where Erik is? Vacation? Sick?
Haven’t had anything from this site in my email
account in 4-5 days. Most unusual. Any info. is
greatly appreciated.
Awesome! So thankful to hear children sing of God’s mercies, provision, power and grace! Keep it coming. Amish families do well to encourage their children to express faith in God as Father and in Christ as Savior. While I realize that not all Amish families are confessing followers of Christ, all Christian Bishops of an order can encourage and support and recitation and singing of faith’s foundation, the Word of God.