Kentucky Amish Girls Singing (Video)
Here’s a video of a singing taken in the Guthrie, Kentucky Amish community (thanks to Mike).
From the video commentary, the occasion was a funeral visitation, for an Amish man hit while driving a tractor.
Beautiful singing.

That was really beautiful. Great music to hear first thing in the morning. Helps get your mind set for the day on the Lord.
Marilyn from NEw York
What a beautiful way to start my day … thank you for sharing the voices of these angels!
Amish Singing
I think this is the very best singing that I hvae heard in a long time Wish there was more of this
You judt can’t beat the Wonderful Amish People Singing or working.
How Does this Kind of Thing Happen
I am curious as to how this kind of video happens…??? I thought that with their strict aversion to being photographed, especially at such a solemn occasion as a funeral, that this would be impossible to “snap”.
Thanks for sharing! I often wondered what the “plain” singing sounded like. Lovely.
Like Mary, I am curious as to the circumstances under which this videa was made. Taking a video of folks at a funeral, Amish or no, seems a little disrespectful to me. The singing may be lovely, but I’m not sure videoing it for public consumption is appropriate.
LIve and Let Live
These people must have had a special reason to be singing here , and most likely permission from their bishop, Yes?
I am guessing a non-Amish relative took this video snap with a cell phone. That is the only way something like this is done in Amish funerals, church services or weddings.
To them asking how and how about this video – –
quote from the person themselves ‘simonspics1’ on youtube where this video is posted
“4/8/2010 at my uncle Sam Swareys funeral vistitation in Guthrie,Kentucky the amish girls and youth sang this song “brother dear never fear,we will triumgh at last” a very fitting song for the tragic occasion”
Then someone commented this to him – “If they were armish you’d never be able to pull out a camera. For they refuse to allow video or pictures taken
Where as The Mennonites so not mind. thought I’d let you know so pls don’t disrespect them by taking video when you shouldn’t be”
And he replyed – “Maybe,maybe not………..i was very discreet no flash and yes ur right they will not under any circumstance pose for pics.I was using a digital pocket camera.It also helps when ur close family.Besides I had permission!”
See it all here – or click on the title at top of video that Erik posted…
Amish viewing and funeral customs
At first I had similar thoughts as to those posted here, but after looking at this and the other videos he had it seemed that the relative who took the video had permission (as he states in the comments). There are a number of other videos from the viewing and funeral gathering (of people outside, not the actual viewing or funeral service). I don’t think he was flashing a camera around but probably being discreet, and it seems pretty clear people knew what he was doing.
This is the New Order Amish community at Guthrie, KY. I don’t know anyone in this community personally but being on the very progressive end of the spectrum it’s likely they are less particular about this sort of thing. Just as a side note, Amish here typically drive tractors on the road and permit some electricity (in other words these are not Swartzentruber Amish). You can read more about them at the link.
I’m glad this point came up because I think compared to most Americans, death is more of an “everyday thing” with Amish. With so many people in your circle, someone is always dying, not to sound crass about it. I had a couple of encounters which brought this home today here in Holmes County Ohio.
One acquaintance I visited just lost her mother. She mentioned something to the effect that she will miss her but she is glad for her.
I also drove by a viewing tonight in Holmes County. Many many people coming from all around, some by buggy and others with hired drivers.
I think we consider funerals to be sad occasions but with Amish funerals, while there is certainly sadness that is not necessarily the main focus, ie there is a place for something like joyful song. Funerals and viewings are times to pay respects to the dead but also have a social aspect for Amish, a time to see others in your community. Also, the focus is on what lies beyond, and if the person lived well you have a “living hope” that they are in a better place (and some Amish, like New Order folks, believe in assurance of salvation–so I could see people singing a joyful song if they hold that belief).
Well said! I belive the same way….. Lissa
All in the Amish Family
I think the girls knew, or at least noticed the video was being taken. It seems to me that some of them look directly at the camera as it pans back and forth. One girl, I won’t say which, looks like a doppelganger of a friend of mine, I think it’s eerie, I also think it’s the light. Similarly I can’t help but wonder how many of these girls are distantly related to each other, or are related more recently, sisters or cousins.
Also, did anyone check out the clip “Amish Weddings”? I thought it was interesting.
The singing was so beautiful! The brethren sing also so beautifully!
Can someone find the words to that song they sung? I’d like to read the whole thing.
Song, The City of Light
Hi Shom,
Here are the words to the song titled, “The City of Light.”
Author: Aldine S. Kieffer
1 There’s a city of light ’mid the stars, we are told,
Where they know not a sorrow or care;
And the gates are of pearl, and the streets are of gold,
And the building exceedingly fair.
Let us pray for each other, not faint by the way,
In this sad world of sorrow and care,
For that home is so bright, and is almost in sight,
And I trust in my heart you’ll go there.
2 Brother dear, never fear, we shall triumph at last,
If we trust in the word He has giv’n;
When our trials and toils, and our weepings are past,
We shall meet in that home up in heav’n. [Refrain]
3 Sister dear, never fear, for the Savior is near,
With His hand He will lead you along;
And the way that is dark Christ will graciously clear,
And your mourning shall turn to a song. [Refrain]
4 Let us walk in the light of the gospel divine;
Let us ever keep near to the cross;
Let us love, watch, and pray, in our pilgrimage here;
Let us count all things else but as loss. [Refrain]
A scan of the song with the notes can be viewed at:
Sometimes lyrics can be found by the first line of the song or the first line of the refrain.
Here is a link to some Beachy women singing the song “Daddy’s Hands” this past Father’s day. Go down to the one that says “In Defense of the Gospel Part 2” The link is just above that title.