5 Amish Publications You Might Enjoy (And How To Get Them)
The printed word – that is, actual ink-on-paper printed word – is still going strong among the Amish.
As more and more of us consume media on electronic devices, Plain families across North America continue to get their news and other written information the old-fashioned way.
It’s no surprise that there are scores of Amish-produced publications–in fact, one Amish publisher counted 50-plus subscription publications among his people.
These include correspondence papers, newsletters, devotional periodicals, and other topical publications that cover everything from buggy-making to special needs education (see The Amish, p. 374-75).
Below I’ve listed five of the more popular Amish periodicals. If you’d like to learn what Amish enjoy writing and reading about, you might like these publications. With that in mind, I’ve also included subscription info for each (note: subscription costs listed below are likely to have changed, confirm with each publication).
Five Amish Publications You Might Like (w/Subscribe Info)
1. The Budget
We start with one that is not technically produced by Amish, but rather, widely-read by Amish. This Sugarcreek, Ohio-based weekly newspaper has two versions, a Local and a National edition.
The National Edition primarily consists of letters from mainly Amish and Mennonite scribes giving local news from their communities across America and beyond.
Scribes write in with news on the weather, births, accidents, church, and other events. If you visit a scribe, you might even see your name in print the following week.
There are some other features including info on showers, obits, and quite a few ads.
The Local Edition is the National Edition, plus a more traditional paper covering Sugarcreek and parts of Holmes and Tuscarawas counties.
To be honest, since there are a lot of similar reports, Budget letters are not always the most captivating reading, but they do give you a look at everyday Amish life and tell you what other Amish people are interested in knowing.
To subscribe:
There are different prices based on which edition, and if choosing the Local Edition, whether you live in Ohio or not.
National Edition:
6 months – $32
1 year – $45
2 years – $82
The Budget Newspaper
PO Box 249
134 North Factory Street
Sugarcreek Ohio 44681
From The Budget website: Subscriptions need to be prepaid. We accept Visa, Mastercard (by phone) or check or money order by mail only. We do not accept checks over the telephone. Office hours are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday.
Info on the Local Edition can be found at the paper’s website here: thebudgetnewspaper.com/subscriptioninformation.html
2. Family Life
This black-and-white monthly publication is produced by Pathway Publishing, an Amish company out of Aylmer, Ontario.
Karen Johnson-Weiner describes Pathway’s publishing activities as “actively examin[ing] Old Order beliefs.” As the editors note in discussing their mission: “We at Aylmer feel very strongly that our church is not becoming a ‘dead’ culture; therefore, we try to instruct our young people in the whys and wherefores of all practices” (see The Amish and the Media, p. 209).
Likewise, much of Family Life consists of fictional stories, or (often-anonymous) first-person pieces which teach a lesson, discuss a challenge, or emphasize particular values important to Amish and Mennonites.
There are also regular features including a health questions column, Homemaker’s Page, Letters to the Editors, Problem Corner, quizzes and poems, and a historical feature, Yesterdays and Years. These generally appear either in every issue or every other issue.
Family Life has a very plain feel which appears to have changed little over the nearly half-century since it was started in 1967. The only “ads” are occasional notices from the editors about publications that readers might be interested in (no classifieds or image ads in this one).
I appreciate Family Life for the insights it gives into Amish life. It reflects both the ideals Amish as Christians aspire to, and the problems they face as real people.
To Subscribe:
This is a very inexpensive publication, costing $11 for a year’s subscription (11 issues). You can also get it combined with two other Pathway publications, Young Companion (covering youth issues) and Blackboard Bulletin (on schooling), for $21. If in the US, you’ll need to include enough postage to get to Canada, which the editors tell us is $1.15 for 1 or 2 ounces.
Family Life
10380 Carter Road
Aylmer, Ontario N5H 2R3
3. The Diary
This is a Lancaster County-based correspondence paper which is similar to The Budget in that the bulk of the paper consists of hundreds of scribe letters from Amish correspondents across North America (a recent issue had reports from 26 states, Ontario, and Belize).
However compared to The Budget, this could be described as more distinctly Amish (there is a separate but tiny “Mennonite” section in The Diary, but the focus of the paper is Old Order Amish).
This is also seen reflected in reports on church districts divisions, minister ordinations, and migrations. The Diary also contains listings of births, marriages, and accidents (recent accidents include “Scalded in Hot Water”, “Buggy Hit by Semi”, and “Man Hurt While Butchering Pigs”) as well as shower requests for the ill, injured, and others who have encountered hardship.
Compared to The Budget, The Diary has a less commercial feel, with few advertisements, and an overall “plainer”appearance reflecting its Old Order Amish management and orientation. The cover describes The Diary as “A contribution of the church for the church by the church in the interest of collecting and preserving its historical virtues.”
Unlike the weekly Budget, this is a monthly publication, and costs $25/year.
The Diary
P.O. Box 88
Kirkwood, PA 17536
4. Plain Communities Business Exchange
This informational and advertising monthly is for those interested in business issues or looking for Plain businesses and products.
A recent issue included 19 articles, among them “Industry Insider” features (interviews and profiles of businesses such as Pioneer Equipment, a horse-drawn equipment maker), and advice articles covering topics such as financial issues and other business-related questions.
Plain Communities Business Exchange is also a popular advertising venue, and if you enjoy ads for Amish and other Plain businesses, you’ll probably like the many ads in the publication.
I generally quite like the advertisements in these publications as they give a back-door look at the needs and interests of Amish, in this case business owners. For example, ads in the April 2015 issue cover everything from battery typewriters to tubular skylights to “computerless email” to something called the EZ-Gluer.
We’ll have more on Plain Communities Business Exchange next week in a special interview with the publication.
To subscribe:
1 Year – $15
2 Years – $28
3 Years – $49
P.O. Box 520
Millersburg, PA 17061
(717) 362-1118
New subscriptions may take up to 6 weeks for first delivery.
5. The Connection
This is a fun publication out of Topeka, Indiana which we’ve featured here before. It consists of regular columnists sharing stories about their lives and other topics.
Compared to the letters in The Budget or The Diary, which are often a repetition of facts and occurrences, these contributions are more personal, interesting and thoughtful, and there is a wider variety of topics covered.
An entire page is devoted to each column, though there are considerably fewer contributors compared to the number of scribes for the correspondence newspapers.
Here’s a sample from Jr. Kaufman’s column “Reaching for the Heights”, in which he discusses preparing for church:
Having church in our homes is in keeping with the simple lifestyle that we profess to live. It also spreads out the work load to all that are able to take part.
While I am writing this I am aware that there are Amish churches that have churchhouses to meet in. I respect that and do not wish to knock them in any way.
Sometimes it is good to look at all the work and activities with a bit of humor. A few years ago the weather was extra warm, and as we were in the weeks of preparation, some good friends and neighbors sent a “Care Box” to help us through those warm times with the extra work and heat. In it were found; a container of delicious rhubarb punch to cool us off, a good meal to strengthen our weary bodies, and a bottle of Rolaids to take care of the heartburn that is brought on by stress.
It felt good to see the “lighter side” of the work associated with church preparation. I believe humor helps us to keep things in their proper perspective. I believe our bishop stated it well when he said, “A merry heart doth good like a medicine. We take it by the teaspoon or by the tablespoon, not by the gallon.”
Other features include book reviews, a monthly profile of a different Amish school, Featured Craftsman profiling a business, a few recipes, a health column, and a kids section. Of all these publications, The Connection comes closest to a magazine feel, with a lot of color throughout.
To subscribe:
The Connection costs $45 for 1 year (12 issues).
The Connection
P.O. Box 603
Topeka, IN 46571
(260) 593-3999
Toll Free: (888) 333-2119
I hope this will be helpful for anyone interested in receiving one of these periodicals. What other Amish publications could you add to the list?
Budget newspaper image: homestead.org
Don’t forget:
“Die Botschaft”
420 Weaver Road
Millersburg, PA 17061
I’ve received the Connection for a few years now and I really enjoy the articles and like Erik said some are personal and reflective. That is probably what draws me more.
I want to order a publication of Die Botshaft for an old order Amish friend. How often is it sent, what is the cost per year and what is the address to purchase this. J. Kussman
Here is their address:
Die Botschaft
420 Weaver Road
Miller’s burg, PA 17061
Hope that helps. There wasn’t a phone number.
Cost of the paper Die Botshaft
I want to send this to my Amish friend , old order but need cost and address to buy
Another Amish Publication
To your list I would add Raber’s Almanac. Some of it is printed in German, but the bulk of its contents is in English. The Almanac’s main value to us English is its Minister’s List, which provides the names and addresses of bishops, deacons, and preachers in every church district in the U.S. and Ontario.
The Almanac can be purchased in some Amish stores and I’m sure by mail from Aden B. Raber, 2467 CR 600, Baltic OH 43804. The 2015 edition cost me about $2.00 or $2.50.
Below is the website and they have a link where you can view a sample copy.
For only $15.00 for a year I think this is a very educational publication. With a lot of business to business articles. They have the option to subscribe on their website now.
The Budget
I pick up a copy of this every time we shop in Walnut Creek, or at one of the local “Amish marts” in our area of Freeport, Ohio.
Thanks for the list, and all the additions from readers, 4 of these I never knew of and am going to look at!
You know, one of my sisters and I recently discussed how when one interacts with the Amish (and now, I see, when one reads publications written and read by them), one does not get the impression of someone with “only an eighth grade education.” I find it easy to forget that I am speaking to someone who concluded formal education at a point when I was less than halfway through mine.
I think, of course, some of the reason is that there are other factors involved when an “English” person in our country drops out of school in eighth grade, so what we think of as an eighth-grade dropout is not an intelligent person with a healthy mental attitude who is competent to function as a productive member of mainstream society. The difference is about more than whether the person has, say, studied trigonometry or taken the SAT. And some of the difference is doubtless that the Amish education system is designed to ensure that eighth grade graduates have all the basics needed for life in their community and even for interaction with ours.
But I wonder if some of it is also that Amish life is a more literate one, on average, than ours has come to be. How many English households no longer subscribe to a newspaper or magazine? How many English children never see their parents read a book? How many English teens are never invited into a discussion about complex issues of moral decision-making? And of course, how many of our eighth-grade dropouts are fluently bilingual and to some extent bicultural? There is a lot of mental stimulation in the mainstream of Amish life. I think it is easier in our society to be a “dropout” from intellectual discourse, no matter what one’s level of education.
You are comparing an Amish 8th grade education to an American 8th grade Common Core education. There is no comparison. Additionally the Amish start working at approx aged 14, then start paying rent & food to their parents.
A lot of Amish attend public schools
5 Amish publications you might enjoy
Not true, Amish kids start working after 8th grade but DO NOT pay rent.
no they don’t pay rent but the parents get too keep the money till they are twenty one
8th grade education
Your take on the Amish eighth grade education is correct I think. This from a former farmboy who has one. At the age of 20 I took a GED exam and without much preparation passed it in a relatively high percentile. Later in life I received both Bachelor’s and Masters Degrees and now I am approaching retirement after a 25 year career with the Federal Government. And reflecting on where I started from, sometimes I wonder lf it really is real…
The Many Benefits of an Amish or Mennonite Education
As a retired teacher (public, parochial, private schools) and fairly new to the Conservative Mennonite Church (just a little over three years), I wondered how students from our Christian schools compared to those in schools with a 12-year educational system. My family and friends have also asked me, rather dubiously, how graduates with 8 or 10 years of schooling compare.
I tell them, “I would rather work with or hire a graduate of our Mennonite (or Amish) schools. These young people have been accustomed to working hard alongside their parents, for taking responsibility around their homes and communities since they were very young, and have the most outstanding work ethic I have ever seen.”
In the Anabaptist homes I am familiar with, every family member – child or adult – is a valued, instrumental, cherished member of the family “team”. I know of no other young girls who so easily whip up a batch of bread or put together a family meal – and take such joy in doing so! I know of no young men outside of our communities who work alongside their fathers and grandfathers learning essential skills and trades. (By the way, “trades” are receiving their well-earned respect these days, thanks to programs begun by Mike Rowe and the production team of “This Old House”. And with Covid-19 leaving new college graduates jobless, I wouldn’t be surprised if more than a few of them also sought training in carpentry, etc.)
I was a bit of an oddity before joining the Mennonite Church. My husband had left when our youngest was only 9 months old, so our young family had a motto – we all helped with the work so we could all have some fun together. It worked very well for us. While my three children were helping with landscaping or painting a room, folding laundry or preparing a meal, their friends might be doing something similar – or watching TV, playing video games, going to the pool, or enjoying a vacation. I thought then that such things kept a child from maturing naturally – sort of en “enforced, extended childhood”.
And when I attended a large, Midwestern university, I was only too glad to graduate in 3 years instead of 4 – it seemed to me that once a lot of those high school graduates “escaped” from home, they became very immature. Getting drunk, skipping class, smoking marijuana, and worse seemed, to me, to be older versions of immaturity. I attended grad school, too, and was appalled at the lack of effort my fellow students gave to their classes or research. This really surprised me – how does a grad student think it appropriate to turn in a paragraph of “research” for a final exam? How did that student get accepted into grad school in the first place?
So, please don’t ever think that an 8 or 10-year formal education is somehow not as good as a 12-year education or even college. It is what the student puts into the work that counts. I know that some schools and homeschoolers use prepared curriculum, and I have no problem with that. I would like to caution parents – and students – to have learning the coursework as your goals, not simply getting the workbooks completed. And feel free to add in your own interests! I speak from experience – in eighth grade, I had to write a research paper in my French class. While my classmates were writing about the French Revolution or Marie Antionette or the French judicial system, I happily researched the Percheron draft horse which originated in France. I loved doing it and even received an A+ on the paper. Years later, I took my first riding lesson at age 39 – on a Percheron!
God has blessed our communities with so many truths – the Bible, of course, which guides our marriages and families, businesses, etc. God has blessed our communities with fine schools, too. It is those who have no experience of our schools that sometimes think there is something missing in them. We know better!
I just sent off for a subscription to Family Life!!
I take the Budget. They actually have a waiting list now for new community scribes.
I have read and subscribed to The Budget for many years. It is a large newspaper, both in size of the pages, and number of pages (usually at least 40 pages every week). I have found that I can “skim over” quite a bit of the news that tells where church was held last Sunday, what ministers and visitors attended church, etc. Yet there is a lot of interesting news about things like where new Amish settlements are developing, when an Amish community is undergoing changes, etc. There are about 12 scribe’s letters I always read because each has such an interesting style of
writing. The Budget will celebrate its 125th Anniversary this summer with a celebration and program in Sugarcreek, Ohio.
I have read several issues of The Connection. Most of the articles are very interesting, but I am often surprised to see an article or picture that does not seem Amish. I’ve also read several issues of Family Life and think your description of it gives a good picture of what it is like. I think the publishers should be commended for only charging $11 a year.
Another publication I regularly read is Truck Patch Connection, a monthly several page newsletter with articles by Amish and Old
Order Mennonite produce farmers in several states. Christy Otto,
Amish artist from Topeka, Indiana, always has a picture in every issue and I think the pictures themselves are worth the price of
the publication, which is very reasonable.
5 Amish Publications You Might Enjoy (And How To Get Them)
Hey Erik, nice of you to include us, interesting to read the comments. You are dealng with ppl who want to read about strict old order..so I am ready to see what they say. There are also ppl who like to see the gory-est accident scenes, right? lol
Funny analogy Mary! I think we have a good number of people here familiar with The Connection and I know there are some fans 🙂
Farming Magazine
If you are interested in a quarterly magazine that focuses on small-scale farming, Amish Bishop David Kline is the editor of Farming Magazine.
Farming Magazine
P.O. Box 85, Mt. Hope, OH 44660
You can view a sample copy of the magazine.
There are 4 issues per year.
Print Subscriptions as of May 2015:
$18 for one year, $32 for two years, United States.
Canadian and Foreign Order prices available.
They also have an Electronic Version of Farming Magazine for $10 a year.
How about KEEPER”S AT HOME ? It is a great encouraging magazine for Christian women. It is published by Carlisle Printing. It comes out 4 times a year. Many inspiring articles and helpful hints.You can even find back issues on Amazon and E-bay.phone number for Carlisle :1-800-852-4482.
Did you ever cover the monthly newspaper “Plain Interests”? I would include an address & subscription fee if I had it, but we are not getting it anymore.
I haven’t Mark, though I’ve read the paper before, and I know the guy who gave it its name (he lives in Holmes) 🙂
It would be a good one to cover. I don’t know if they have an email address though since I think, as the name suggests, it’s a bit plainer.
I read Plain Interests, but get my copies from a friend after he has read them, so the latest copy I have is the Dec. 2014 issue.
Here is the mailing address, cost, etc. as listed in the Dec. 2014 issue. I didn’t find any email address in the publication.
Plain Interests
420 Weaver Road
Millersburg, Pa. 17061
One year or one subscription: $16 in the U.S, $25 in Canada
Two years or two subscriptions: $15 each in U.S., $24 each in Can.
Plain Interests is gone?
I use to get this, but after 4 issues I never seen another one…..I don’t mind losing the $$, since it is going to support a plain lifestyle, but I would like to know what happened to it.
Out of all of them mentioned this one was the most down to earth in writing style, like sitting across form a friend shooting the breeze…
Plain Interests is Gone
John, please don’t just do without, there is a reason, and they need to know. we have a magazine an the last thing we want ppl to do is just stay quiet about it, ya can’t fix it without knowing… Okay?>
I agree with Mary, just let them know about it John, there had to be an oversight or mistake to explain why you’re not receiving as many as you expected.
Amish wholesale
I would like to see if there are listed of amish wholesale folk for my new country store
Erik: Do you happen to know if the subscription rate for Family Life has changed from the 2015 rate? I would like to subscribe, but want to send the correct amount.
Thanks and take care.
Just Plain Values - Amish Magazine
Hi Erik,
I think you missed one Amish Magazine – Just Plain Values. Our magazine reaches 280,000 Amish people every month and is written just for the Amish. You can learn more about our magazine and social media content by going to our website – http://www.plaintargetmarketing.com
Love the website! Keep up the good work!
Thanks Joe, and thanks for adding JPV to the list. I enjoyed my visit to the office last month and meeting the team. Great job on the magazine!
Die Botschaft
I used to subscribe but I have lost the information. How can I resubscribe to Die Botschaft?
Thank you.
A House with Holes, Redemption Press Fall 2019
I would like to offer a scribe a free book coming out in the fall, and have them write about it for me in The Diary and The Budget. I was born in Dover, DE Amish community. I want to reach my family with the book.
A House with Holes: a marriage struggles through a Charleston renovation
My husband and I have been working on an older house in Charleston, SC for over 5 years. He is Amish decent and does quality construction passed down from his father.
Thank you for considering.
5 Amish publications you might enjoy
Susan, you wonder if you can buy more Amish publications. I am with The Connection. There are church newsletter type mailings, but they don’t have stories.
Some I know:
Plain and Simple from IN
Ladies Journal from PA
Outdoor News (maybe outdoor Country) from CO
Farming Magazine P.O. Box 85, Mt. Hope, OH 44660 800-915-0042
Plain Interests ???
Plain Values from OH
I’m sure there’s more.
MaryAlice Yoder 5 Amish Publications
Thank you so much MaryAlice. I will look into them!Susan
5 Amish publications you might enjoy
A house with Holes book. Have you had a scribe agree to read your book? I would be very willing. I edit and proof for a living so I can be a good critic. Thanks, Mary
Would any of these magazines/newspapers help me find an Amish PenPal?
5 Amish Publications
I receive all the above publications. I n the beginning o f the post
you mention a list of over 50 Amish publications? Is there anyplace I
can get that list?? Below it says see Amish and says a page and I don’t know if that is were the list can be found?? Hate to bother you on a old post, but you said you look at these first!! I am home bound and more
Amish magazines or anything Amish would be wonderful!! Thank you. Looking forward to hearing from you!
5 Amish Publications
I receive all the above publications. I n the beginning o f the post
you mention a list of over 50 Amish publications? Is there anyplace I
can get that list?? Below it says see Amish and says a page and I don’t know if that is were the list can be found?? Hate to bother you on a old post, but you said you look at these first!! I am home bound and more
Amish magazines or anything Amish would be wonderful!! Thank you. Looking forward to hearing from you!
5 Amish publications you might enjoy
The Connection LLC
Po BOX 603
Topeka IN 46571
Monthly magazine with lots of real life happenings and articles written mostly by Amish. $45/00 for 12 issues mailed to your postal box.
17 periodicals
Hello, on the Website “Amish America it has 17 listed….I would like to find the list for the 50 also. I tried googling it and that is how I found the 17.
Amish pen pal wanted
Hello I am trying to get connected with a female amish woman. I am 35 year old female. I currently live in Nampa, ID I have been attending a conservative mennonite church I love it. I have had a very high interest in the amish, how they live, their beliefs and so on. I have been trying for so long to get in touch with someone I can have good conversation with and feel comfortable asking all my questions to. I am serious about possibly becoming amish. Please get back to me with any resources that will help me continue my journey to amish country. I can be reached anytime by email or text at jcroxen468@gmail.com or 208-519-0263 thanks and I look forward to hearing back.
The Budget - hard to receive
Hi everyone, I just ran across this post, lol. I subscribed to The Budget and then after 3 issues I kept getting it later and later until it didn’t come for a couple of weeks, then 3 issues came at once. It depends on the post offices it has to travel through. I fought around and around with the post office and finally gave up and asked for a refund. The post office said I should re-subscribe and that would allow them to try to find the problem. I did, now I need to see whether they cashed my check and wait to see if it comes again.
I am a female age 60 very interested in the Amish community
I would like to find a female pen pal. I am a mother of two grown daughters and one grandson and I have been a widow for quit sometime. Would like to be a pen pal with another woman middle aged from a Amish commuinity . Please email me back.
Horse Chiropractic Seminar
I’ll be holding a hands-on horse chiropractic technique seminar Aprill 18th and 19th near South Bend, Indiana. 708-744-6325
Do you have a publication where I can place an ad for this?
Thank you,
Daniel Kamen, D.C.
author of The Well Adjusted Horse
Address for The Ladies Journal?
Does anyone know the address for contacting The Ladies Journal? I’d really like to subscribe.
Phone: 717-789-3288 Be sure to mention you heard about their magazine from Melt the Heart!
1 year is $34, a 2-year subscription offers a savings
Contact Ladies’ Journal to subscribe:
PO Box 138
Loysville, PA 17047
Which newspaper
I live in a small town in Illinois and have come across reading books about the Amish. The slow down life appeals to me so much! I would like to subscribe to a newspaper to read about the Amish life and the things that are going on.
I would like to know which one you would recommend?
Single Girls Newsletter--need contact info, please!
Good morning,
I recently sent a request for how to subscribe plus subscription prices to the only address I could find for Single Girls Newsletter. The address I sent my request to is: 7522 Fords Ferry Road, Marion, KY, 42064. Unfortunately, this letter was sent back to me, with a sticker on it that says, *Return to Sender. Not Deliverable As Addressed. Unable to Forward.* ??? I wrote everything very clearly, and put on the right amount of postage. Does anyone know the correct address, and/or any other subscription info.? If so, please let me know. Thank you for reading this.
Selling my walnuts
I live close to Marion ky and would like to sell my walnuts if anyone is interested
Thank you
Dixie Foster
Pen Pals
Since several commenters have expressed a desire to match with a pen pal, I thought I should share a resource. Although it is not specific to Amish writers, I’ve found the best publication for matching with pen pals to be The Letter Exchange: https://www.letter-exchange.com/ You might either find a non-Amish pen pal to write, or you could run your own ad requesting an Amish writer and see what you get. I don’t know whether the publication is particularly well known in the plain community, but it’s possible.
I want to purchase the news paper Die Botschaft
but cannot find out where or how please advise thank you vic
Farmland Available For Settlement
Good Morning,
I have an abandoned farm of 250 acres in Nova Scotia, slightly rolling land with a river running through it, meadows, and hardwood forests. Beavers have created some marshy areas, but I think that could be taken care of by removing their dams. Mild winters (lowest temps around 32 degrees F.), adequate rainfall, surrounding area is mostly forested, quiet roads suited for buggies, about five miles to small town situated on a large harbour, with supermarket, hardware stores, and a small yacht club. Good demand for organic produce 100 miles northeast in Halifax. Not much tourism, well-suited to rural families. I am seeking to become part of an Amish community, and I would like to make this land available to New Order or Old Order Amish families.
Would you please tell me what is the best publication to place this message, in order to reach Amish seeking new farmland to settle?
Die Botschaft Subscripition
I really would like to know what the price is to subscribe to the die Botschaft newspaper if you could please email me the price I would greatly appreciate it
I was just wondering if the amish have penpals. I would like one.
Thank you
God Bless
Carol Ann Mason
731 Clara St
Otsego, MI 49078-1513
Die Botschaft Newspaper
Pricing for the Die Botschaft newspaper can be found at the following link (as of 2021):
I would like to offer my home in Texas to several youth for Rumspringa. Where would be the best place to advertise my offer?
Where can I buy a subscription for this newspaper?Thanks
Allen County
2025 calender
How do I go about getting a 2025 truck patch news calendar?