10 views of the Adams County, Indiana Amish
We haven’t done one of these in awhile, so here are ten photos from the Adams County, Indiana Amish settlement. As you can see, it was a fairly grey day, so that didn’t help. Which do you think came out best?
If you enjoyed these, some other photos:
10 views of Lancaster County Amish
10 views of the northern Indiana (Elkhart-Lagrange) Amish
10 views of Allen County, Indiana Amish

I think the best photo, the one that really said “Amish” to me, is the one featuring the produce stand. That’s what I think of when I envision an Amish “home” business—produce grown at home (even the bag of onions? I wonder…) and “for sale” within view of the house (ever-present laundry on the line), and SELF-SERVICE, meaning they actually TRUST the people who are interested in procuring some of their produce. I couldn’t quite make out all of the wording on the sign, though—“Self service—not responsible for—“. Is the last word “accidents?” (I don’t recall ever seeing “not responsible for…” on an Amish sign before.)
Across from the library where I work is a subdivision built on what once was a small dairy farm (before the houses were built, we’d often enjoy watching the cows…good for morale!). I remember there being a small cart parked on the front lawn with a “self service” sign and a cash box. (Non-Amish, of course.)The barn, some outbuildings, and the farm house are still there and used, but I sure miss the cows and that self-service(and TRUST!)
Alice Mary
You are right Alice Mary, it says “accidents”. You also notice the orange warning cone, which is probably there for drivers backing up, as it was a fairly tight area.
There is something really nice about these self-service stands. I guess they make sense unless you are having a steady stream of customers, and most of them aren’t, it’s sporadic. Or have the kids out there manning the stand, you see that too.
My son and his wife took us to Amish country in 2018.It was a joy to see all the beautiful farms so neat an clean.I think it is great by the way they live.They take life more slowly and they put God first in their life. I enjoyed the Buggie Rides an more. My Great Grand Grandmother wore her long hair in a bun and wore long dresses. I felt a connection! And I still do!
Views of Adams County, IN
I have to agree with Alice Mary — The produce stand, house, with the laundry out to dry, shows their ways of the “simple life”, although not easy! I, like others, miss those days of “trusting” your fellow man. I also like the first one, which to me, shows the family “unit” up early, going somewhere together! The fog, to me, represents a “peace” and stillness, in their every day lives!
I’m ready for a visit! My husband has family in Indiana, near Amish country. Beautiful pictures Eric … thanks for sharing with us!
Eric, I like the one with the red barn. It would make a lovely cross-word puzzle. Thanks for all your posts; I surely do enjoy them!
Thanks Faye, I actually think I’m due for a new camera, that one and some of the others would have probably come out a little sharper. I was fortunate the rain held off for most of the day.
What nice photos. I particularly like the produce stand and the blacksmith sign and the intersection. Thanks!
The uncomfortable but thrilling cold wet embrace of the fog
I’m with Alice Mary and SharonR and like the produce stand, not because of the quality of the picture but because of the deeper issue of being able to live in a community that has trustworthy customers, and enough character to risk putting their produce out. As for the up early in the fog I see something different. I see the value of a family sharing the uncomfortable but thrilling cold wet embrace of the fog and going off bravely and determinedly into that darkened world to overcome and face it together to reach their worthwhile destination (assumedly church).
I appreciate these thoughts Robert, I should add I am not fishing for compliments at all by asking which came out best (as I have no illusions or desire to be a photographer 😉 ), however I think they are good conversation starters as we see here.
Occasionally these self-serve stands get robbed, but not often enough to prevent people from doing it.
My picks
My favorites are the 1st, 5th and last one. I am partial to the distance shots of people I guess 🙂 The first were families on the way to a local home auction, I was parked off to the side about to get out and visit the auction. The last was a Saturday afternoon, a dad doing a little work at the schoolhouse while two of his kids kept him company.
Love your photos! The first and the fifth shots were my favorites, but there really isn’t a bad one in the lot. Thanks, Erik!
Great pictures, well done!
Thanks Erik. My earlier comment was not artfully stated, I wanted to emphasize the thought behind a self serve venture, but did not mean to disparage the quality of the photo while doing so. In fact all the pictures were good shots, each with a story to tell, and the produce stand picture had a quality tone which was both clear and colorful. Thanks for posting all of them.
Definitely Robert, I didn’t take it that way at all. I know some people take photography more seriously (and the quality of their photos usually reflects that 🙂 ) but for me photos are just a fun thing to do. I enjoy trying to get half-decent ones but it’s more being out somewhere that I enjoy the most. Thanks again for the comments though.
That is a hard decision. I enjoy seeing them all.
Thanks Erik!!!
All good pictures, Erik. Keep ’em coming! As usual, I enjoy all the different places you show pictures of. I have only been to a few Amish areas and looking at your pictures, I can dream about going to others. You, and all the folks that blog here, have a great weekend.
I have two faves
I rather like the first photo, “amish-families-adams”. I like the slight hint of fog in the air, and how it, and their slight distance from the camera conceals their identities. It gives it a ghostly touch.
I also like number five “berne-amish-intersection”, it makes me think about how daily life would have been like had the car not come about yet modern street signs did. Beautiful pictures, both.
On some rare buggies that I've seen a few have air suspension!
I like all of the image’s Erik and i also like the style of the Indiana buggies being so dark in color, and looking pretty clean as well. I would like to visit this states Amish settlement one day instead of looking at pictures in a book, so maybe one day down the road for me. In Lebanon county anyway our buggies seem to be mostly “new”for some reason, so very rarely do i ever see an old sort of beat-up Amish buggy around here. I was lucky enough to get inside a buggy shop over the summer and noticed a buggy with air suspension, well it was low tech really with air bladders for shocks and no leaf springs. But the price of that design was pricey compared to the conventional leaf springs model which is mostly why I’m not seeing those around the Lancaster/Lebanon county area, but i hear the ride and even the handling are noticeably better. Richard
Richard you know my favorites are the ones that actually walk on air 🙂
The first photo is lovely. To me, the fog/mist helps exemplify the timelessness of this lifestyle- the children walking show that this lifestyle and religious belief will continue into the next generation. The man pulling the wagon behind him also signifies this. I’m guessing that the smallest child climbed out of the wagon to walk for a bit.
I liked the firts, fifth, ninth and the last photos the best. That’s what I envision when I read a book about the Amish particularly the Amish fiction books where they describe the structures and going down the roads in their buggies.
Here is a Swiss Amish couple I photographed in Berne